Ï Opening ceremony of the central mosque of Lebap is held with participation of the President of Turkmenistan

Opening ceremony of the central mosque of Lebap is held with participation of the President of Turkmenistan

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Opening ceremony of the central mosque of Lebap is held with participation of the President of Turkmenistan
Opening ceremony of the central mosque of Lebap is held with participation of the President of Turkmenistan
Opening ceremony of the central mosque of Lebap is held with participation of the President of Turkmenistan
Opening ceremony of the central mosque of Lebap is held with participation of the President of Turkmenistan
Opening ceremony of the central mosque of Lebap is held with participation of the President of Turkmenistan
Opening ceremony of the central mosque of Lebap is held with participation of the President of Turkmenistan
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a working trip to Lebap velayat where took part in the opening ceremony of the central mosque of the region.

Having flew to Turkmenabat, the aircraft of the President landed in International Airport of administrative centre of the region where the Head of the State was met by the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and Hyakim of Lebap Velayat.

The President of Turkmenistan noted necessity of measures for successful solution of objectives of social and economic development of the regions in the conversation with the members of the Government. Special importance is given to construction of social and production facilities in Lebap Velayat as well as all over the country.

Having focused on importance of works under National rural programme, the Head of the State highlighted that at the same time, it is necessary to hold all issues related with improvement of social and living conditions under control.

From the airport, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to new mosque, which has been built in one of the most beautiful places of the southeast part of the city along its Central street Bitarap Turkmenistan.

As is known, our country, which is located on strategic intersection of transport and communication routes, historically was a centre of the Silk Road, which is restored in new format these days. One of the parts of legendary caravan routes was crossing Lebap Velayat.

There is more than 20 ancient monuments in the Amudarya Valley including Astana Baba Mausoleum, Idris Baba Madrasa where great poet and thinker Magtumguly Fragi used to study, the Amul Fortress, Dayahatyn Caravansary and many other.

Today, the best traditions of national architecture are continued in new buildings and facilities, which change the image of cities and towns of the country including in its eastern region.

The central mosque of Lebap Velayat, which ground breaking ceremony took place in June 2015 with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has become an adornment of administrative centre of the region where number of excellent facilities meeting international quality standards have been built in the last years.

Upon arrival to the mosque, which is represented by modern complex of facilities harmonically merged in architectural ensemble of Turkmenabat, the President talked to the elders, having expressed gratitude to them for active participation in remarkable events, which are important in life of the state and society.

Having expressed gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for permanent care of prosperity of the nation, protection of its richest cultural and spiritual heritage, the elders wished strong health, longevity and new outstanding success inactivity for the progress of the country to the Head of the State.

After the conversation, Turkmen leader went to the mosque looking around new spiritual temple on his way, which can be called by right as a pearl of architecture, which embodied traditions of national architectures and latest achievements in this sphere. Facilities of the mosque, which are located on the territory of 5 hectares, have been built using modern construction and decorating materials.

Central dome of the mosque is crowned with golden crescent. Architectural complex also includes four tall minarets decorated with original elements. Two-storey building of the mosque has prayer hall for 3,000 people.

The area of the first floor is 3,444 square meters, the second, which is designated for women, is 1,609 square meters. The most modern construction and composition materials and lighting systems were used in decoration and provision of the main building.

The complex of the mosque has special building for sadaka (food donation ceremony). It also has a hotel, which rooms have comfortable conditions for tenants, and other relative facilities. It also has car parking for 390 vehicles. All facilities of the complex are equipped with necessary systems of life support like air conditioning, heating, water and electricity supply.

Magnificent mosque pleases the eye not only with its architectural appearance, exterior and interior design but also with developed surrounding territory. It looks very picturesque at night, which is enhanced by original lighting of the building.

The Head of the State has entered the mosque and took special place. The Mufti of Turkmenistan has said prayer to the Almighty for the prosperity of the country, unity and solidarity of the nation.

After the prayer, Turkmen leader presented the relic to new mosque – the canvas with inscription of Kaaba, which was given as a memorable gift to the Head of the State from Makkah – the sacred city of the Muslim world.

The sacred ‘teperrik’ is also demonstrated in the mosque. As is known, honoured blessing gift was presented to President of Turkmenistan as a sign of deep respect during pilgrimage to the Sacred Kaaba made under official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

According to the decision of the Head of the State made during discussion with representatives of clergy and elders, the ‘teperrik’ is displayed in the mosques of the country in order the residents of all regions would be able to bow down before the sanctuary. Now, this opportunity is given to the believers of Lebap Velayat.

After, the Mufti of the country and imam of Lebap Velayat demonstrated the mosque, special features of architectural design and decoration, which fully meets the requirements for such facilities, and conditions to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as explain the meaning of sacred signs decorating the walls of the mosque.

As is known from the history, the mosques used to be centres of science and education in the Muslim world, heart of spiritual life of the society. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that we build our day and future as per humanistic laws and high moral targets, which has been left to us as a legacy by the ancestors.

Turkmen state guarantees strict compliance with constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens including freedom of religion, supports the believers who make annual haj, which is sacred for every Muslim. Today, religious facilities are to serve to the strengthening of civic harmony in the society, succession of ancient traditions and customs of the nation.

Having left the mosque, Turkmen leader went to the building designated for ritual food ceremonies. On occasion of remarkable event, the Head of the State gave sadaka at the expenses of the royalties received for his books.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants and all fellow citizens with greeting words. The Head of the State congratulated everyone on the opening of new mosque in Lebap Velayat, which was built according to ancient architectural traditions and modern architectural tendencies.

It was mentioned that total area of the mosque is five hectares and its two-storey building is able to accommodate 3,000 prayers at the same time. The height of each minaret is 63 meters and the height of the dome is 40 meters. It has a premise for sadaka, hotel for 50 residents and car parking.

The President highlighted that Turkmen people was able to carry and preserve its national traditions, customs and cultural values through ages. Islam is an integral part of its heritage.

Provision of free and happy life of Turkmenistan citizens is one of the main directions of the state policy. Opening of new mosque in Lebap Velayat is another evidence of continuation and development of primordial national traditions and customs. Islam is very important in education of people in the spirit of honesty, humanity and kindness, in revealing of the best human features. Therefore, the state makes all conditions for provision of freedom of belief, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Having highlighted that similar magnificent mosques are built in all velayats of the country, the Head of the State has brought number of recently opened mosques as example.it includes the central mosques of Mary and Dashoguz Velayats, the mosque in the capital’s residential estate Mir 7, which opening took place in 2009, 2015 and 2018 respectively as well as other similar religious facilities in cities and towns.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that construction of the central mosque of Balkan Velayat is carried out in Balkanabat. The government also provides comprehensive support to all who wish to perform his duty and to make a haj. Hundreds of our fellow citizens visit sanctuary places every year. People are fasting in the month of Ramadan, give sadaka and say prayers.

Eid Al Adha and Eid Al Fitr are celebrated on the government level. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that these days announced as non-working days by the Special Order.

The Mufti Department of Turkmenistan publish numerous books for our people would be able study right religious sciences, ethical standards and rites. All of these is an evidence of respect of our religion and believers, the Head of the State said.

Having congratulated again the participants and Turkmen nation on the opening of new beautiful mosque, the President of the country highlighted that all efforts would be taken for Turkmenistan citizens would be able to profess any religion, to live in peace and harmony and their life level would be improved.

After, the Head of Turkmenistan gave floor to the Mufti of the country, who read ‘tebyarek’ prayer, after which ritual food ceremony took place. Upon the completion, ‘ayat-tovir’ prayer has been said.

After the prayer, the Head of the State said warm goodbye to the participants and left the place of event.

It is remarkable that according to the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, construction of the central mosque of Lebap Velayat was given to Altyn gül Private Company – the member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country.

Such private companies as «Altyn bürgüt», «Döwletli öý», «Demir gap» have also made their contribution to construction of the mosque as subcontractors. The project of the mosque was developed by specialists of «Binýat taslama» Private Company.

In this regard, it is worth to mention that Turkmen private profile companies implement important projects in Lebap and other velayats of the country. all of these is an evidence of effectiveness of the government policy for comprehensive support of entrepreneurship.

On the same day, the President of Turkmenistan came back to Ashgabat. Upon arrival in International Airport of the capital where the head of the State has been met by officials, Turkmen leader noted that good thing has been made. Having highlighted that such events are very important in strengthening of solidarity of the nation and have to be continued, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.