Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds session on youth affairs

The President of Turkmenistan holds session on youth affairs

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held session on share of opinions on the key issues of implementation of the state youth policy.

The Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, who supervises cultural and mass media spheres, the Minister of Education, Chairperson of the National Trade Union Centre and Central Council of the Women Union, Chairman of the Central Council of Magtumguly Youth Organization took part in the meeting.

Opening the meeting, the Head of the State noted that objectives related to working activity, life, study and rest of the youth would be discussed at the session.

Head of National Parliament G. Mammedova informed the Head of the State about activity of the Mejlis deputies for legal provision of objectives in the sphere of social and economic development of the state, improvement of social and living conditions of the population and active implementation of youth policy.

It was mentioned that education of youth in spirit of patriotism is the main vector of the state policy of the President of Turkmenistan. At the same time, it was highlighted that today, our young fellow citizens are surrounded with special care.

National legislation system, which guarantees social provision of women, especially the youth, has been formed up by initiative of the Head of the State. In this regard, all necessary conditions have been made for support of young families, improvement of educational level of the youth including women and for their recreation.

Objectives outlined in the programme speech of the President of Turkmenistan during the meeting with Mejlis deputies are provided by that attention, which is paid to protection of rights, freedoms and legal interest of the citizens, support of unity and solidarity of the society, making of conditions for improvement of level of prosperity of the population in the country.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted big role of the Mejlis deputies in legal provision of works in the country, in particular, the youth policy, which is very important at present. Together with further improvement of legal bases of our democratic state, activity of deputies among youth has to be effective, the Head of the State continued.

In this context, it is necessary to take programme measures for bringing up healthy, highly moral, educated and patriotic young generation by protection, revival, study and improvement of rich cultural heritage of the nation, popularization of national values, traditions and customs and family traditions.

Improvement of legal base, which regulates legal status of youth entrepreneurship and its effective work according to the Law on Youth Policy in Turkmenistan is among the utmost objectives. It is important to develop the system of stimulation and enforce parliamentary control of implementation of these measures for wide attraction of young Turkmenistan citizens to this activity, the President said.

After, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva.

Having highlighted that all capabilities have been made in the country these days for cultural and professional growth of cultural and mass media personnel, the Vice-premier reported on improvement of work in this direction.

It was mentioned that big volume of works including for renewal and increment of number of TV shows, expansion of repertoires of theatres, supplementation of museums expositions as well as organization of various exhibitions is planned for provision of high level of cultural and public events planned in the year “Turkmenistan – Home of neutrality”. Educational part is an important component of new works, literary and music compositions.

The Vice-premier assured that personnel of cultural and mass media sphere set to them for organization of remarkable dates and celebrations, having prepared interesting and substantive TV and radio programmes, new theatre plays, will write new melodies and songs and will continue work for finding of new talents.

In this regard, the Vice-premier noted that programme measures for promoting of ecological culture to the youth, protection of national heritage, improvement of interest of young generation in study of history and culture of native people as well as for teaching of careful treatment of environment and nature. All of these is the main condition for the formation of developed and advanced individuality.

Having highlighted current objectives of cultural facilities, the Head of Turkmenistan pointed out importance of wide popularization of the principles of neutrality and independence of Turkmenistan, success in politics, economy, culture, provision of happy life of consolidated nation as well as in reveal of the meaning of initiatives in the sphere of sustainable development important for entire humankind, which have been achieved for the years of sovereignty.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted cultural, art and mass media personnel have to be inspirers in achievement of new success in society, the main power in education of younger generation based on national values. In this context, it was noted that mass media has to enforce work for explanation of meaning and main goals of fundamental reforms and integrate programmes of development to the population, especially among the youth.

It is necessary to activate work for promoting of healthy life style among the youth, popularization of high moral values, education of younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, development of national culture, the Head of the State said.

It is necessary to enforce work for popularization of the heritage of the nation, traditions and customs of Turkmen people, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, having focused on importance of active attraction of youth to visiting of museums, libraries, theatres, cinemas, exhibitions and various public events. It is also necessary to prepare material about importance of physical training and sports in mass media.

Minister of Education of the country M. Geldiniyazov informed that big work is carried out in educational institutes at present time according to the objectives set out in the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2020 – 2025. At the same time, in addition to such aspects as provision of high level of education and professional qualification of younger generation, the importance is attached to their respect of national values and traditions of our people.

Equipment and facility base of national education system is modernized and educational programmes are improved. At the same time, great attention is paid to implementation of new technologies and digital system.

Having noted that at present time, new stage starts in development of science and education sphere, the President of Turkmenistan said that education of youth, which is able to operate modern equipment and familiar with modern technologies, is the main objective.

New universities and other educational facilities, which are provided with multimedia equipment and digital system, are built in the country. At the same time, provision of youth integration to the world science, its education based on adherence to national traditions is an important aspect these days.

It is necessary to introduce relative amendments and addendums to the Law on Education for solution of objectives for orientation of youth to precise sciences, bringing of secondary and high educational institutes to international level by implementation of advanced international practice, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

The Head of the State has ordered to enforce the requirements for professional level of teachers during education of growing generation. Teachers have to examples for youth, the Head of the State said.

Further, Chairperson of National Trade Union Centre and the Central Council of the Women Union G. Atayeva noted that growth of activity of women in life of the state and society, protection of rights of family, mother and child, creation of necessary conditions for health, work and rest of women are priority directions of the policy. Great attention is paid to the increment of role of youth, especially women, in all spheres of the state and society life.

Having noted that spiritual heritage make positive effect on all spheres of life of society, supports spiritual and moral education of younger generation, G. Atayeva highlighted that results of work carried out public organizations are closely connected to this aspect.

The Head of Turkmenistan has focused on significant input of these organizations in development of noble principles of education of younger generation in the country. At the same time, all capabilities would be given for women and youth to receive modern education, for their active participation in all spheres of life of the state.

The President of Turkmenistan outlined wide attraction of youth to the changes in social and political life of the country among the main directions of work.

Having noted that public organizations of the country have an important place in popularization of family values, national traditions and customs, education of youth according to time requirements, Turkmen leader gave specific assignments for systematic continuation of activity in this direction.

During the session, Chairman of the Central Council of Magtumguly Youth Organization Ya. Ovezberdiyev reported on measures for improvement of work with youth, provision of their active participation in important events of social life.

Speaking that work in this direction has to meet time requirements, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that work of youth, education and other subjects of their comprehensive development have to be under close attention. Therefore, the Head of the State highlighted, special attention has to be paid to wide popularization of national traditions and customs among the youth.

It is necessary to promote a feeling of pride for the country, brave people and glorious past, a desire to study and receive modern education, the President of Turkmenistan continued.

It is necessary to organize meetings of youth with work veterans, best personnel of industries, conducting talks on importance of honest work, which is a source of happy and prosperous life. It is necessary to use mass media in this work efficiently, the Head of the State highlighted.

Education of growing generation on national traditions, in the spirit of adherence to examples of talented art and spot masters has been named among the main objectives.

After, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the participants of the session, having requested to hold strengthening of the principles of healthy life style, improvement of legal status of family as well as education of youth in the spirit of respect on national values under attention.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that it is necessary to find young people who are interested in science and high technologies, willing to receive modern education and to create all conditions for revealing of their abilities.

In this context, necessity of active attraction of youth to work for transit to digital system, efficient use of scientific and educational potential of the country has been noted.

Special attention is paid to training of qualified specialists in information, communication and digital technologies. At the same time, special role is given to the youth, the President continued.

The Women Union and the Youth Organization were requested to increase efficiency of sport and public events.

It is necessary to carry out comprehensive work related to organization of professional contests among the youth including handcraft contests among the girls, the Head of the State highlighted.

Active participation of deputies, representatives of local trade union organizations, the Women Union, Youth Organization, educational and cultural institutes is important in work related to harmonic development of youth and their education. It would provide the compliance of events with time requirements, the President of the country said.

In the end, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in solution of set objectives to the participants.