Ï Session of the Government: preparation to holidays, digitization, social issues technological modernization

Session of the Government: preparation to holidays, digitization, social issues technological modernization

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where important subjects of the state life and some draft documents have been reviewed.

First, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov made a report on the situation in the structures under his supervision. Reporting on fulfilment of assignments, the Vice-premier presented Draft Order on award of women with monetary prizes on occasion of International Women Day on behalf of the President of the Turkmenistan to the Head of the State fro review.

Having signed the document and sent it by electronic document management system, the President noted the necessity to organize planed events on occasion of the holiday on proper level. Monetary prizes have to be presented to women working in different organizations regardless of the ownership, women studying in different educational institutes, as well as those who are on the pensions and government allowances, schools students and kindergarten fosters, the Leader of the nation said, having addressed the Vice-premier to hold fulfilment of the Order under strict control.

Further, the Vice-premier reported on outcomes of work carried out for improvement of insurance activity. In this context, Draft Resolution on the State Insurance Organization of Turkmenistan has been presented to the Head of the State for review. According to the document, which has been developed taking into account the provisions of relative law, objectives of this this organization have been specified and number of changes has been introduced into its structure.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that recently, improvement of methods of stimulation of development of insurance receives special importance. In this regard, the emphasis has been laid on the necessity of taking of practical measures for for formation of interest of potential users of services provided in this sphere, establishment of effective system of the state control of activity of the organization, arrangement and protection of honest competition in insurance market.

The Head of the State named establishment of infrastructure of insurance market and creation of favourable conditions for investment of their reserves and other funds by insurers, training of personnel in this field as well as conduct of taxation policy supporting the formation of civilized market of insurance services among the utmost objectives.

Having singed the Resolution related to the activity of the State Insurance Organization and sent it by electronic document management system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers was also requested to make analysis of social and economic development of the country by the outcomes of two months of this year and to present report at the next session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Next, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who reported on the situation in structural divisions of fuel and energy complex and realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030.

The Vice-premier reported on construction of new building of secondary professional schools of the State Concern Türkmengaz in Mary Velayat.

This secondary professional school is designated for training of 1,900 specialists. Just for teaching of profile directions and digital technologies, the school admits 700 young people per year.

Building of the school is included in the list of social and production facilities planned to be opened on occasion of the 25th anniversary of the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan and is ready for commissioning at present.

Draft documents, according to which it is planned to strengthen equipment and facility base of national oil and gas complex have been presented to the President of the country for review.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that oil and gas industry takes leading place in the economy of Turkmenistan, which has huge reserves of hydrocarbon resources. In this sphere, our country implements the strategy for comprehensive modernization and diversification of the industry, formation of multi-optional system of export of Turkmen energy carriers, increment of production volumes of oil and gas by rapid industrial development of new deposits.

At the same time, the utmost attention is paid to penign of modern production facilities specialized in processing of hydrocarbon material and making quality competitive production, which meets international standards and is on demand in local and foreign markets. Speaking of this, the President brought the plant in Ahal Velayat, where production of eco-friendly synthetic gasoline from natural gas has been established for the first time in the world, as an example.

Active implementation of latest achievements of scientific and technical progress, advanced technologies and equipment provides innovative development of the branch, strengthens positions of our state as the world energy power, the Head of the State highlighted.

In general, it opens big perspectives for beneficial cooperation in energy sphere with leading world oil and gas companies. Favourable investment climate in the country as well as legislation in compliance with international standards are the base of fruitful cooperation of Turkmenistan with foreign partners.

The Head of the State emphasized importance of training of qualified specialists for oil and gas industry, which is directly related to practical implementation of advanced world practice, active development of high technologies and latest scientific and technical developments.

Relative orders have been given regarding to the opening of new building of secondary professional school of the State Concern Türkmengaz, organization of educational process in this education facility in Mary Velayat.

Having signed the documents, which are aimed at strengthening of equipment and facility base of fuel and energy complex and sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, the President of Turkmenistan gave number of specific assignments for fulfilment of objectives followed from the documents.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the velayats.

Care of winter crops, mineral fertilization and vegetation irrigation are carried out these days as per agricultural and technical standards.

Meanwhile, preparation to spring sowing campaign is ongoing. Works for making rows and washing irrigation are carried out, seeding material, agricultural equipment and machinery are prepared.

Draft document on financing of expenses of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection for compensation of the benefits given to producers by targeted charges to accounts has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to pay special attention to improvement of farming as to important aspect of integrated reform of agricultural complex in Turkmenistan. It was highlighted that strategic objectives of all reforms is to bring agricultural industry to new level meeting modern requirements.

Certain assignments have been given to the Vice-premier regarding car of wheat and preparation to coming spring field works including to sowing of cotton and other agricultural crops as well as to mass tree planting campaign.

Having signed the presented document, the President sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, having given relative assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev reported on work in the ministries and departments under his supervision.

It was mentioned that activity for implementation of the state programmes, opening of new and modernization of existing facilities is carried out according to the instructions of the Head of the State, practical measures are taken for industrialization of the country and digitization of the economy.

Measures for improvement of effectiveness of management of urban infrastructure and its modernization have been outlined mang set objectives. Big attention is paid to construction of roads and bridges, provision of coordinated activity of construction and energy structures and municipal services. Works for tree plantation and development are under strict control.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused attention of the Vice-premier on importance to hold realization of large-scale construction campaign in Turkmenistan. Construction of numerous industrial, social and cultural facilities in cities and villages of the country as well as measures for stimulation of investment activity in this sphere under permanent control.

Analysing activity of national construction industry, Turkmen leader stated that financial resources are invested in the industry in necessary volume, the variety is expanded and quality of produced construction materials is improved, own production of construction materials, which have been exported previously, is increased and list of exported material is growing.

The Head of the State pointed out importance to continue work for industrialization of the country, to increase production of import substitutive goods including industrial production.

The President of Turkmenistan has also addressed the Vice-premier with number of instructions for development of power energy industry and transit to digital system, increment of volumes of electricity exported to neighbouring countries.

The Head of the State noted that major programme of construction and opening of different facilities is planned for this year and requested the Vice-premier to provide quality and timely completion of construction by the 25th anniversary of neutrality.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported on work for development and introduction of electronic document management system and internet sites in the country.

According to the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, programme work is carried out according to modern requirements for digitization and introduction of scientific development to production.

The Vice-premier noted that establishment of the Single Window System, which is used in international practice for documentation and provision of information on participants of foreign economic activity, informational provision of their accessibility in one place is determined under the Programme of development of foreign economic activity of Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025.

In this aspect, launch of the website of government services e.gov.tm of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency has become an important achievement. This portal presents automated information system of Single Window for government services to citizens and business structures in electronic format.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that mid-term Concept of development of digital economy is implemented in the country since 2019 for modernization of national economy by its diversification, growth of electronic industry.

The President stated that Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency carries out important work for promotion of digitization and provides operation of intellectual networks inclduign elaboration of legal support for expansion of national network space and range of internet services. It is necessary to study and develop advanced practice and progressive experience.

The Head of Turkmenistan has focused on further strengthening of equipment and facility base of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency and training of specialists in this direction and improvement of their qualification.

Having signed the presented document, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, having given relative instructions on its fulfilment.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on activity of the structures under his supervision in trade and foreign economic relations spheres, realization of measures for state support of small and medium enterprises in the country including agricultural producers.

Proposals for regulation of export and import of certain commodities have been developed for these purposes. Presenting it for review to the Head of the State, the Vice-premier informed about growing volumes of supply of agricultural and industrial production to foreign countries. These proposals are aimed at stimulation of production in the country, creation of conditions for full satisfaction of demands of local consumers by local production and its promotion in foreign markets.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that entrepreneurship has leading role in expansion of import substitution and increment of export potential of the country, development of competitive production. The state provides all necessary conditions and opportunities for this.

Having approved the proposal, the President requested to elaborate it and to register in set order, having pointed out importance of permanent analysis of the condition of local market and foreign market situation, formation of flexible marketing strategies adequate to time requirements and demands of local and foreign consumers.

Further, Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on work of facilities of the sphere under her supervision and preparation to the holidays.

The work for improvement of activity of cultural sphere organizations is ongoing according to time requirements, equipment and facility base is strengthened and new technologies are steadily implemented.

In addition, all news in cultural sphere are put on the webpage of the Ministry of Culture.

Having listened to the report and highlighted importance of further development of cultural and mass media spheres taking into account world achievements in this spheres, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific instructions.

The Head of the State has also addressed the Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers with relative assignments for provision of high organizational level of all planned cultural events.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on work in the spheres under his supervision and on the projects of National programme of health nutrition of the population of Turkmenistan in 2020 – 20025 and Plan of activities for its realization, which were developed based on proposals of relative ministries and departments.

The main goal of National programme is to improve health of the population, to prevent diseases, increase longevity of the citizens and to assert principles of healthy life style.

Active organization of explanatory and educational event on importance of healthy nutrition, control of bad habits were outlined as the main objectives of the programme. In this context, systematic control of food sphere, proper scientific analysis, training of qualified profile specialists are planned.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that comprehensive care of wealth of the nation is priority of the government policy. It was mentioned that integrated approach including efficient measures for protection and improvement of health of people and every individual is required for solution of set objectives in this direction. Propaganda and strengthening of the principles of active and healthy life style in society, rational and balanced food are very important in this aspect.

Having signed the Resolution on approval of the Programme, which is also to support stimulation of scientific studies in the sphere of optimization of methods and forms f healthy nutrition, the head of the State sent it to the Vice-premier via electronic document management system, having given specific assignments on this account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers , Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on work in the context of implementation of foreign strategy of Turkmenistan.

Improvement of the dialog with the Arab world countries is one of important vectors of foreign policy of Turkmenistan. In this regard, the Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Ministry reported on preparation of coming trip Doha, the capital of the State of Qatar, during which subjects of further development of bilateral cooperation in political, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres would be discussed.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted commitment of neutral Turkmenistan to initiative position in activation of multidimensional cooperation. It was noted that constructive foreign course of the country brings visual results, which is indicated by beneficial relations with foreign partners, which become stronger every year.

Speaking of Turkmen – Qatari relations, the President stated with delight their traditionally friendly and steadfast character. At the same time. At the same time, presence of significant potential for expansion of productive interstate cooperation on long-term base, specification of priority directions of cooperation have been noted.

Having requested to provide high organizational level of preparation to coming trip to the State of Qatar, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed relative Order. having sent it to the Vice-premier, the Foreign Ministers by electronic document management system, the Head of the State conveyed invitation to the Emir of Qatar to take part in celebration events on occasion of the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan neutrality, which is observed on international level.

Summing up the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State focused on the utmost objectives of the members of the Government.

The President of Turkmenistan has also focused on organization of events dedicated to coming international and national holidays, having ordered relative officials to conduct them on high level.

Speaking of expansion on international relations, the Head of the State ordered to organize all events planned according to the Concept of foreign course of Turkmenistan in 2017 – 2023 on high level.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted importance to hold under control provision of healthy environment and to prepare comprehensively to green campaign.

Activation of the process of digitization of all branches of economic complex was outlined among the main vectors of coming work.

Having highlighted importance of successful realization of Nationa Programme of healthy nutrition of population in 2020 – 2025, the Head of the State pointed out importance of wide explanatory work in this direction.

Further improvement of scientific and educational sphere is among the utmost objectives, the President said.

Modernization of construction industry was outlined among the key directions for near-term perspective. In this regard, the Head of the State ordered to hold under control acceleration of rates of construction works and increment of production volumes of construction materials using advanced technologies and innovations.

Finishing video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished big success in work to all participants.