Ï Working trip of the President of Turkmenistan to Mary: ‘sadaka’ in mosque and session of the Government

Working trip of the President of Turkmenistan to Mary: ‘sadaka’ in mosque and session of the Government

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Working trip of the President of Turkmenistan to Mary: ‘sadaka’ in mosque and session of the Government
Working trip of the President of Turkmenistan to Mary: ‘sadaka’ in mosque and session of the Government
Working trip of the President of Turkmenistan to Mary: ‘sadaka’ in mosque and session of the Government
Working trip of the President of Turkmenistan to Mary: ‘sadaka’ in mosque and session of the Government
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip to Mary velayat where took part in ‘sadaka’ given in the main mosque of the region “Gurbanguly haji”.

Early in the morning, the aircraft of the President left International Airport of the capital for Mary.

At the airport of administrative centre of the region, the Head of the State was met of the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and Hyakim of Balkan Velayat.

From International Airport, Turkmen leader went to the mosque, which is located in the central part of the city.

The main mosque of the region has been built in 2009 with support of the Head of the State who responded to the requests of the residents of the velayat and allocated funds from charity fund of the President of Turkmenistan. As per wishes of believers, the mosque was named “Gurbanguly haji”.

White-marble mosque with golden domes and four tall minarets is one of attractions of the city. The mosque was built in the best traditions of national architecture. The diameter of the main dome with mosaic ornament and crowned with golden crescent is 24 meters. The height of each minaret is 63 meters. Prayer hall is designated for prayer of 2,500 people at the same time. The top level is designated for women. Weight column support the dome with the span of 24 meters.

The interior is decorated with noble materials like marble, granite and fine wood. Relief epigraphy containing the Suras of the Quran and traditional Arabic caligrams. They also decorates its white-marble façade.

High domes are tiled with majolica and crowned with gilt crescents. In the evenings, the mosque look especially beautiful, which is enhanced by original lighting of the building.

The complex includes special premises for sadaka, rituals, hotel and other necessary facilities. Cascades of the fountains decorate central stairway of the mosque.

After renovation works in 2018, “Gurbanguly haji” Mosque is presented in new image.

The vehicle of the President of Turkmenistan comes to the mosque.

Upon arrival, the Head of the State talked to the elders. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that large-scale measures are taken in the country for peaceful and happy life of people and prosperity of the state, big work is carried out for changing of image of cities and towns, improvement of social and living level of Turkmenistan citizens.

Having expressed gratitude to the elders for their active civic position, the Head of the State noted their role in glorious history, protection of national spiritual heritage and their merits in upbringing of younger generation.

In their turn, Having expressed gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for permanent care of development of the velayat, activity aimed at provision of interests of people, comprehensive care of older generation, the elders wished big success to the Head of the State.

After the conversation, the President went into the mosque with the elders where the mufti of the country read a prayer on peace in Turkmen land and solidarity of the nation.

After, the Head of the State said that today, sacred relic – the canvas with inscription from the Holy Kaaba, which was sent to Turkmen leader as a gift from Mecca and highly honoured in Islamic world, is displayed in the main mosque of Mary Velayat.

The sacred ‘teperrik’ was also displayed in Gurbanguly haji Mosque on that day. As is known, it is displayed in all mosques of the country, in which the believers worship it. The ‘teperrik’ has been presented as a gift to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during haj.

After, the Mufti of Turkmenistan and imam of Gurbanguly haji mosque introduced the President of the country with special features of the mosque, artistic methods used in decoration of the mosque as well as told about meaning of sacred inscriptions decorating the walls.

Having looked around architectural features of the mosque, the President went to the building designated for ritual food, where the Head of the State gave ‘sadaka’ for account of the royalties from his books.

Having welcomed the participants, Turkmen leader noted that this ‘sadaka’ is given to the prosperity of the country, peace and wealth of the nation as well as to the memory of previous imam of the mosque, honoured elder Shamyrad aga.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that as is known, Turkmenistan is strengthened and prospers every year. High targets are achieved in all spheres; our country is turned into one of competent states of the world. people lives in peace and harmony.

Mary velayat is a home of ancient centres of life of our ancestors, the Head of the State said, having highlighted that evidences of great history of Turkmen nation and its heroic past are kept in this place. Today, workers of the velayat achieve success making deserved input to achievements of the country following traditions of glorious ancestors.

The President continued that industrial sector is developed dynamically, having noted the presence of such big industrial complexes as Mary State Power Station, plants for production of nitrogen and carbamide, Galkynysh gas deposit.

The Head of the State made special mention of importance of these facilities in rapid development of the country, realization of adopted programmes, increment of export of competitive local production.

There is a wise folk saying: “Neighbour will help on the Judgement Day”. Turkmen people live in peace and harmony with their neighbour rendering support and help to each other. This is national feature of our people, the Head of Turkmen state highlighted.

Continuing, the President has noted importance of transnational gas line Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India, which starts from Galkynysh deposit and is to bring the warmth to homes of fraternal nations and to open thousands of work places.

Construction of new power lines from power stations of the velayat to Afghanistan and Pakistan will be accomplished soon. Together with satisfaction of demands of fraternal states in electric, it would support to the income of significant amounts of foreign currency to our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Having noted the work of land and livestock farmers of the velayat, the Head of the State expressed firm confidence that workers of the region would continue making deserved contribution to prosperity of the country and enhancement of wealth of the nation.

Turkmen people have always been loyal to their belief, national values. Following this, the government make the most favourable conditions for freedom of belief of citizens and respect of their traditions.

This is visually indicated by construction of mosques in velayats, by following traditions, support of believers who are ailing to make haj – pilgrimage to sanctuaries, the Head of Turkmenistan continued. All these noble deeds are very important in assertion of the principles of moral purity, humanity and kindness.

They are also important in upbringing of growing generation according to primordial traditions of ancestors, in the spirit of patriotism, bravery and high morale qualities.

Our state would continue putting all efforts for unity of people and provision of prosperous life, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

After, the Head of the State gave floor to the Mufti of the country who read ‘tebyarek’ prayer.

After, ritual food ceremony took place. The participants were treated with dishes of Turkmen cuisine. After food, the ‘ayat-tovir’ prayer was read.

Having noted that noble deed has been done, the Head of the State said warm goodbye to the participants and left the place of event.

On the same day, joint Friday prayer with participation of elders and representatives of wide public took place in the mosque.

The vehicle has been given as a gift to the main mosque of Mary on behalf of the President on the same day.


Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held offsite session of the Cabinet of Ministers with participation of the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and hyakims of the velayats.

Preparation to the session of the Government dedicated to outcomes of work for two months of the year in branches of national economy, regions as well as aspect of realization of the programme of social and economic development of the country has been reviewed.

During the session, the Head of the State has listened to the reports of the hyakims of the velayats about current agricultural campaigns, situation at the various facilities under construction in the regions, measures for further improvement of life level of the population.

First, the floor was given to Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Ya. Gurbanov who reported on agricultural and technical activities in the fields. It was reported on the rates of construction of facilities, which are planned to be commissioned this year.

Report on practical measures taken for development of social sphere and preparation to the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on outcomes of two months has been presented.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State focused on proper level of preparation to coming session of the Government and remarkable events.

At the same time, necessity of successful solution of objectives of construction of social facilities in the velayat has been noted.

After, the Head of administration of Balkan Velayat T. Atahalliyev reported on fulfilment of objectives outlined in the Programme of social and economic development of the regions as well as on the situation at the facilities, which commissioning would be timed to remarkable dates of this year.

Summing up the report, the President noted that it is necessary to hold improvement of social level of the population of the velayat under permanent control.

Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat N. Nazarmyradov reported on work carried out at present time including the construction of facilities according to set requirements as well as fulfilment of the assignments.

The President highlighted that together with seasonal works, it is necessary to hold issues of social character under close attention. The Head of the State continued that it is necessary to provide coordinated activity of relative structures for successful implementation of National rural programme and addressed assignments on this account.

Hyakim of Lebap Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the velayat, solution of objectives followed from National rural programme.

At the same time, it was reported about programme of events planned for this year, situation at the facilities, which are planned to be opened on occasion of remarkable dates.

The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to put necessary efforts for improvement of land fertility and provision of organized sowing of cotton.

After, Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev reported on the situation in the region under his supervision. In this context, it was reported about the programme of social and economic development of the velayat and directions of its successful fulfilment.

The Head of regional administration has also reported on works carried out at the fields, programme of events on occasion of remarkable dates, construction of facilities planned to be put into operation this year.

Having focused on preparation to spring field works, which is very responsible period for the farmers, the Head of the State gave number of instruction for provision of high organizational level to the hyakim.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov discussed current subjects of the state life and priority direction of coming work for implementation of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2020 – 2025 with the vice-premiers.

Having focused on comprehensive preparation to the session of the Government on the outcomes of two months, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered to provide strict control of fulfilment of plans for the current year. It was also requested to tale all measures for completion of construction of facilities as per the schedule.

The President noted that it is necessary to give special attention to development of production component, introduction of new technologies in the branches of the economy and to apply scientific achievements in practice.

The Head of the State gave number of assignments in the context of integrated approach to solution of social issues.

Summing up the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work to the participants. Having finished working trip, the Head of the State went to Mary International Airport from where flew to the capital.