Ï Working video conference session: Seasonal agricultural works, preparation to holidays, construction of new facilities

Working video conference session: Seasonal agricultural works, preparation to holidays, construction of new facilities

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session with participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, who supervise the capital and regions, heads of some ministries, hyakims of velayats and Ashgabat.

The session included subjects related to social and economic reforms in the main city of the country and velayats, completion of seasonal agricultural works, preparation to national holidays, construction of production, social and cultural facilities, which are planned to be open on occasion of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan.

Opening the session, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev, Minister of Construction and Architecture R. Gandymov as well as Hyakim o Ashgabat Ya. Gylyjov. The Hyakim reported to the President about the situation in the capital, measures for its further development and creation of comfortable conditions for life of the population.

Special attention in the report has been paid to the construction of 27 new facilities, which are planned to be opened on occasion of the 25th anniversary of neutrality, preparation to the events on occasion of National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day and mass tree planting under spring green campaign.

It was reported that construction of new facilities, in particular, two schools for 1,320 students, kindergarten for 320 children, three health centres, six living complexes for 2,000 families, Ashgabat Art Carpet Facility, facility for decorative metal production with 300 tons per output capacity as well as 13 other facilities is carried out at high rates.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev reported to the President on course of work at construction sites, which are planned to be opened in the year of “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality”. It was informed that opening of 84 various facilities is planned in all parts of the country. Proper measures for provision of high quality and timely completion of this important projects are taken.

Having highlighted that works for modernization of urban infrastructure in Ashgabat, development of etraps, streets and park zones of the city have to be carried out on integrated base, the President gave number of specific assignments, having noted the importance of aesthetic and ecological components.

Having given relative instructions to the Hyakim on organization of spring green campaign in the capital and its outskirts, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out the necessity of coordinated activity of municipal services and introduction of advanced digital technologies to the system of urban management.

With regard to coming summer season, the Head of the State ordered the Hyakim of Ashgabat and the Vice-premier who supervises the capital to take measures for supporting of recreation facilities in proper operational condition.

Having focused on preparation to celebration events, the President requested to hold quality and timely completion of works at construction sites of the capital under unremitting control. At the same time, the importance of responsible approach to decoration of Ashgabat, involvement of innovations and original designing solutions have been highlighted.

Coming back to the subject of construction, the President noted that organic combination of national architectural traditions and modern trends have to be used during construction of social facilities. It is necessary to use integrated approach to architectural image of new facilities paying more attention to decorative elements and lighting system, which will allow them to be merged harmonically into architectural ensemble of the capital.

For this purpose, it is necessary to use innovative methods effectively, the Head of the State said. Illumination of new buildings will bring more originality in the appearance of Ashgabat in evening time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, having addressed specific instructions to the Minister of Construction and Architecture in this context.

Further, the Head of the State called Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Ya. Gurbanov and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov, who supervises this velayat. The Hyakim reported on the situation in the region including in agricultural sphere. It was reported on the course of work at 16 major production, social and cultural facilities, which are planned to be opened on occasion of the 25th anniversary of the country.

The list includes 5 schools for 4,240 students, kindergarten for 320 children, hospital and sanatorium for 200 patients each as well as 8 production facilities.

It includes art carpet making facility, water treatment plant with output capacity of 30,000 cubic meters of drinking water per day, livestock farming complex for production of 150 tons of meat per year, poultry complex with output capacity of 720 of poultry meat per year, cotton yarn factory for production of 80 ton of yarn per year, ferro concrete production plant and other.

At the same time, report on planned events on occasion of celebration dates of national calendar and measures for organization of coordinated spring green campaign has been presented.

Speaking of the main objectives of agricultural personnel, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of integrated, scientifically grounded approach to cultivation of cotton, wheat, fruits and vegetables including potato and cucurbitaceous crops, strict adherence to set agricultural standards. At the same time, importance of fulfilment of planned objectives for production of cocoons has been noted.

Having focused on improvement of social and living infrastructure of the region, the President requested the Vice-premier, who supervises this velayat, to hold construction of facilities, which opening would be timed to the 25th anniversary of neutrality, including timely provision of construction works with full volume of necessary building materials under strict control.

Having touched on the subject of preparation to mass green campaign as well as to National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered to provide high organizational level of all planned activities, relative instructions have been given to the Hyakim in regard to the coming summer season.

Next, the President called Hyakim of Balkan Velayat T. Atahalliyev and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov who is in charge of this velayat. The Hyakim reported on work for social and economic development of the western region, modernization of relative infrastructure and situation in agricultural sector.

Special focus in the report has been made on the construction of four major facilities in the velayat, which are planned to be opened on occasion of the 25th anniversary of neutrality. It includes the mosque for 3,000 people, hospital for 50 patients, health centre, hothouse for production of vegetables, facility for production of 5,000 tons of construction mixes and other facilities.

It was also reported on the measures for organization of celebration activities and mass planting of trees in the velayat.

Having listened to the report and giving objectives for effective use of potential of agricultural complex of the region, the Head of the State noted importance of active practical application of advanced technologies, taking of local soil and climate conditions into consideration during cultivation of agricultural crops, comprehensive preparation to coming sowing campaign.

Having highlighted the importance of high level of organization of celebration events on occasion of national Spring Holiday and coming green campaign this month, the Head of the State also noted that it is necessary to prepare on time to coming summer holiday season especially in Avaza national tourist zone.

Having dwelt at the subject of celebration of the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan, the Head of the State ordered the Hyakim of Balkan Velayat and the Vice-premier to hold under permanent control quality and timely completion of works at construction sites of the facilities planned to be opened at the anniversary of neutrality.

In this context, necessity of modernization and expansion of production potential of local facilities producing building materials has been highlighted and relative assignments have been given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev.

Continuing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat N. Nazarmyradov and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov, who supervises this region. The Hyakim reported on works carried out in the regions including care of winter crops, preparation of fields and agricultural equipment to the cotton sowing.

It was reported that construction of 13 big production, social and cultural facilities, which opening is timed to the 25th anniversary of neutrality, is carried out in the velayat at present time. It includes art carpet facility, livestock farming complex, secondary school for 600 people, kindergarten for 240 children and 9 living complexes.

The Hyakim has also reported on preparation to planned celebration events and spring tree planting campaign.

Summing up the report and having noted importance of reforms in agricultural complex, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of detailed elaboration of the schedule of seasonal agricultural works and its strictly adherence, responsible and well-thought approach to solution of set objectives for further development of agricultural complex in the region.

Regarding the facilities, which are under construction and planned to be opened at the anniversary of neutrality, these facilities have to meet their functional purpose and high quality parameters, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having requested to provide completion of works at construction sites as per the set timeline.

Having ordered to prepare to National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day and start of new tree planting season in the region, Turkmen leader noted that trees, which are most suitable for local soil and climate conditions, have to be selected for planting, taking into account recommendations of specialists.

After, the President called Hyakim of Lebap Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov, who is charge of this region. The Hyakim reported on works in the region, preparation to important agricultural season – the spring sowing.

Report on construction of new facilities has also been presented. In particular, it is planned to open a school for 600 students, 6 residential complexes for 232 families, art carpet facility, gas compressor station at Malay gas deposit with annual output capacity of 30 billion cubic meters, aluminium door and window production facility, decorative tile production facility.

Having listened to the report, the President ordered to prepare the fields, seeds, agricultural equipment and vehicles to coming cotton sowing and noted the necessity of acceleration of rates of works for care of the fields under wheat. At the same time, it is necessary to take proper measures for good production of other agricultural crops including potato and onion, the Head of the State pointed out.

Having focused on proper preparation to cocoon production season, Turkmen leader ordered to make all conditions for productive work of the silk producers.

Coming to the subject of celebration of the 25th anniversary of neutrality, the Head of the State has focused on importance of timely completion of construction of 11 production, social and cultural facilities, which are planned to be opened in the velayat this year on occasion of glorious date, having addressed the Hyakim and Vice-premier with specific assignments.

Speaking of coming National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day, the Head of Turkmenistan gave relative assignments for provision of high organizational level of celebration events and on nationwide action of tree planting.

Certain instructions have been given for preparation of facilities designated for summer holiday of adults and children.

After, Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev, who is in charge of this velayat, have been called to the session. Reporting on works in the region including in agricultural complex, the Hyakim informed about large-scale preparation to the cotton sowing and measures for cultivation of other agricultural crops.

It was also reported on the situation at 12 construction sites of facilities planned to be opened on occasion of the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country. It is planned to put two schools for 820 students in total, 2 health centres, four production facilities, including art carpet workshop, livestock faming complex for production of 500 tons of milk and 100 tons of meat per year, hothouse farm with annual production of 1,200 tons of vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops, carbon production plant with output capacity of 3,000 tons per year into operation in the velayat this year.

In addition, it was reported on preparation to coming celebration events and green campaign.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State has focused on coming cotton sowing, having highlighted importance of integrated preparation to this responsible agricultural campaign. At the same time, importance qualitative care of winter crops has been mentioned. It is necessary to put all efforts for full provision of the population of the country with agricultural production, including potato, of own make.

The President highlighted the necessity of high-level preparation to National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day and planting of trees. Speaking of the subject of coming summer season, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to start bringing facilities recreation sphere in proper condition.

Having pointed out the necessity of timey commissioning of big industrial, social and cultural facilities, which opening would be timed to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan, the Head of the state gave relative instructions to the Hyakim and Vice-premier.

Finishing video conference working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished big success in work to all participants.