Ï Session of the Government: Outcomes of foreign activity for two months of the year, social and economic objectives

Session of the Government: Outcomes of foreign activity for two months of the year, social and economic objectives

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where the key vectors of foreign strategy as well as social and economic development of the country, preparation to coming remarkable dates and other events have been discussed.

First, the President of the country gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov.

Reporting on activity of foreign department of the country in January – February this year, the Vice-premier highlighted success of the foreign strategy of Turkmenistan.

From the beginning of the year, 35 different delegations have visited Turkmenistan via the Foreign Ministry. 77 delegations of our country went abroad for this period.

59 various conferences and meetings have been held together with foreign countries and international organization in Turkmenistan in January – February 2020.

Political consultations between the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan and foreign departments of other states have been continued. 6 meetings, namely with representatives of the State of Qatar in Doha, Russian Federation in Ashgabat, India in New Delhi, Afghanistan in Kabul as well as regular ministerial meeting in C5+1 format between Central Asian countries and United States of America in Tashkent, international conference “Green Central Asia” with participation of the heads of foreign departments of the countries in the region Afghanistan and Germany in Berlin, have been organized in this direction.

Establishment and expansion of diplomatic relations under the embassies’ activity is an important vector of activation of foreign activity of Turkmenistan.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier noted that special place in foreign policy is given to comprehensive development of foreign economic cooperation of Turkmenistan with the countries of the world. Sessions of joint intergovernmental commissions for economic cooperation are held with different states in this direction.

In this regard, it was reported that regular session of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Hungarian Commission for economic cooperation has been held in the capital of Hungary in January 2020 and the session of joint Turkmen – German Working Group in Ashgabat. In addition, Turkmen – Hungarian business forum took place in Budapest while Ashgabat hosted Turkmen – German and Turkmen – Afghan business forums.

Further, the Vice-premier, Foreign Minister, reported on the Framework Programme of cooperation in sustainable development between Turkmenistan and United Nations Organization in 2021 – 2025.

Importance of objectives provided by the Framework Programme, which is implemented since 2005 and is to expand relations of our country with international organizations, has been highlighted. This document includes following directions: government administration for the interests of people and supremacy of law, comprehensive ‘green’ and sustainable development, qualitative, common and accessible systems of health protection, education and social provision. Planned events are to support the achievement of priority goals in these spheres.

It was mentioned that based on the Framework Programme of Cooperation in Sustainable Development with the UN in 2021 – 2025, it is planned to develop annual and biennial Action Plans together with specialized structures of this organization.

In particular, it is planned to work together with the World Health Organization, the UN Development Programme, Children Fund, Population Fund as well as with other structural divisions of this organization on these documents.

Further, the Vice-premier reported on the outcomes of business trip to the Kingdom of Morocco made at the request by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It was mentioned that big interest of both states in expansion of bilateral relations has been noted during the meeting with the Prime Minister of Morocco.

Proximity of views on provision of peace, stability and security on global level, commitment of people of two states to historical values, traditions and customs has been emphasized. Perspectives of expansion of Turkmen – Moroccan relations in political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres have been discussed.

Political consultations have taken place between foreign departments of Turkmenistan and Morocco during the visit. The delegation of the Kingdom of Morocco was chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Current situation in bilateral relations as well as cooperation under international organizations, in particular under the United Nations and Islamic Cooperation Organization, have been discussed.

The diplomats have reviewed opportunities of development of trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian relations. Exchange of opinions on organization of joint business forums, which support increment of trade between two countries, has also taken place. Organization of cultural events including the Days of Culture, has also been discussed.

During the consultations, the sides have signed number of relative documents aimed at strengthening of bilateral relations. The Vice-premier has made special mention of importance of the Agreement signed between the State Concern Türkmengaz and companies OCP S.A.» (The Kingdom of Morocco) and Sun International FZE (United Arab Emirates) on sale of 1 million tons of sulphur.

In addition, meetings of Turkmen delegation with the Chairman of the Representative Chamber of the Parliament of Morocco, the Chairman of the Chamber of Advisors of the Parliament of Morocco, the Minister of Finances and Administrative Reforms as well as with representatives of private sector of friendly country were held during business trip.

Invitation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has been conveyed to the King of Morocco to participate in the events of occasion of the glorious 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, which are to be held in December this year, during the meeting.

Further, the Vice-premier reported on preparation to official visit of the government delegation of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that while implementing an ‘open door policy’ and policy of positive neutrality, Turkmenistan demonstrates the commitment to wide international cooperation.

Important attention is paid to cooperation with competent international organizations in foreign policy of Turkmenistan together with foreign countries. In particular, special attention is paid to intensification of relations with the United Nations and its specialized structures under this cooperation.

Speaking of this, the President highlighted importance of the Framework Programme of Cooperation in Sustainable Development between Turkmenistan and United Nations in 2021 – 2025. The Head of the State ordered to organize scientific and practical conference for introduction of this programme and discussion of relative activities. Noting importance of these activities, which are organized in the year of ‘Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality”, the President of the country instructed the Foreign Minister to sign the Programme after relative discussions.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention of fruitful character of relations between the UN and Turkmenistan. This is visually indicated by cooperation with big UN structures in the region as well as under relative programmes, fulfilment of obligations in solution of objectives of 2030 Global Agenda undertaken by our country.

Having given positive feedback to the work for expansion of relations with friendly countries and partners, in particular with the Kingdom of Morocco, the Head of the State noted importance to continue this activity and steadfast realization of achieved agreements. Interests of the countries as well as principles of mutual respect, friendship and fraternity have to be a priority in these relations.

In the context of expansion of cooperation, special emphasis has been laid on importance of the Agreement signed in the Kingdom of Morocco with the State Concern Türkmengaz. This Agreement is very important for further strengthening of cooperation between the countries, expansion of beneficial relations and, thus, for activation of interstate political and economic partnership. Its implementation will be a visual evidence of success of the course for diversification of the economy of Turkmenistan.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also given relative instructions for comprehensive preparation to coming official visit of the government delegation of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Having noted that official visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan has to be organized on high level, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with certain assignments.

Further, the President called Hyakim of Ashgabat Ya. Gylyjov who reported on the situation in the capital, acceleration of rates of construction of living houses and other facilities, preparation to events on occasion of National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day and to mass green campaign.

Having focused on exemplary organization of all works in the capital, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted necessity to pay special attention to subjects related to improvement of social and living conditions of the population of the main city of the country.

Speaking of coming National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day, the Head of the State gave certain instructions for preparation and high-level organization of celebration events and provision of coordinated activity of relative services in this regard.

Having paid special attention to organization of spring green action, the President of the country highlighted necessity of its high-level organization.

Further, Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Ya. Gurbanov reported on the situation in the region, preparation to sowing of agricultural crops, activity for care of the fields under wheat. It was also informed on measures for improvement of social and living conditions of the population of the velayat, organization of coming holidays and all-nation action for planting of trees.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid special attention to spring sowing, having noted the necessity of its high organizational level including provision of preparation of lands, seeding material, agricultural equipment and vehicles.

The Head of the State ordered to activate measures for care of the wheat fields and to carry out these works according to agricultural technical recommendations. In addition, the Head of the State gave specific assignments for expansion of the fields under potato and other agricultural crops.

Speaking of organization of nation-wide green action on proper level, the Head of the State ordered to provide necessary quantity of tree seedlings, prepare the land as well as to involve personnel of all organizations to participate in the event. Order to provide high level of preparation to International Nowruz Day has also been given.

After, Hyakim of Balkan Velayat T. Atahalliyev reported on work in the region. It was also reported on readiness for coming holidays including for mass action of tree planting.

Having focused on importance of strict compliance with set agricultural standards, the President also noted the necessity to carry out spring sowing on proper level.

In this regard, the Head of the State pointed out the appropriateness of increment of volumes of production of agricultural crops, in particular expansion of the fields under potato, vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops and proper care of these fields.

Speaking of coming International Nowruz Day as well as on mass green campaign, the Head of the State ordered to hold celebration events on high organizational level.

After, the President called Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat N. Nazarmyradov. The Head of regional administration reported on seasonal agricultural works in the velayat, preparation to spring sowing, care of winter crops.

In addition, the Hyakim has reported on organization of coming holidays and national green action.

Having listened to the report, the President noted importance of arrangement of works on agricultural fields of the velayat on high level.

The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to prepare lands allocated for cotton for the sowing, seeds, agricultural equipment and vehicles according to agricultural standards.

The Head of the State pointed out the necessity of increment of the fields, especially those, which have been allocated for potato and other agricultural crops.

Speaking of high level of organization of mass tree planting campaign and other events on occasion of International Nowruz Day, the President has focused on the high-level organization of the events.

Further, Hyakim of Lebap Velayat Sh. Amangedliyev reported on the situation in the region.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted importance of active implementation of advanced scientific methods to agriculture, measures for improvement of efficiency of agricultural production.

The Head of the State gave instructions on integrated approach to mass green campaign and events on occasion of National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day.

Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works, preparation of land and agricultural equipment to the spring sowing as well as on the situation at construction sites of the facilities, which erection is carried out under realization of the plan of social and economic development of region.

Having listened to the report and focused on the necessity of provision of high level of care of the fields, the President demanded to carry out all agricultural activities on high level and as per set schedules. Speaking of importance of activation of measures for preparation to the cotton sowing, the Head of the State ordered to provide all conditions for productive work of farmers.

The President has also addressed the Hyakim with specific assignments for provision of high level of events on occasion of National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day and national green campaign.

After, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on results of work in agricultural complex of the country.

Having listened to the report and focused on importance of activation of the process of implementation of reforms in agricultural complex, the President gave assignments to the Vice-premier to hold all works under strict control.

The Head of the State has focused on importance of systematic section work in potato cultivation in the country. having made special mention of the necessity to increase volumes of sowing of agricultural crops, including expansion of the fields, production of generous yield of this crop, the Head of the State gave relative instructions to the Vice-premier on this account.

Having highlighted importance of efficient use of all conditions for improvement of production as well as soil condition of lands, provision of the population with quality food products including receiving of two yields per year by cultivation of spring and autumn species of these crops, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier.

Having focused on work for increment of forest zones in the country, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to approach green campaign on integrated base.

Addressing the participants of the video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that working trip to Lebap velayat would take place on March 12. Issues of industrial development of this region will be reviewed during the trip.

Taking into account he reserves of natural resources of Lebap Velayat, we would discuss different projects including construction of new facilities for opening of new work places and further improvement of social and living level of people, the Head of the State said.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to analyse work in this direction and prepare justified proposals for further economic development of the country.

Importance of development of small and medium entrepreneurship, expansion of production of import substitutive commodities and variety of local agricultural production was highlighted.

The Head of the State has also ordered to provide timely completion of construction works at the facilities planned to be opened on occasion of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan.

Orders for provision of high level of organization of National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day and preparation of cultural programme have been given.

In the end of video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished big success in work to all participants.