Ï Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan: Steadfast development of dialog

Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan: Steadfast development of dialog

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Early in the morning, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left on official visit for the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Head of the State was seen off by officials in Ashgabat International Airport.

Having flown to Baku, the aircraft of the President landed in Geydar Aliyev International Airport, which was decorated with the State flags of two countries. Soldiers of the Guard of Honour have been lined up along the carpet from the aircraft ramp in honour of high-ranking guest. In the airport, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has been met by officials who welcomed Turkmen leader in Azerbaijan.

From the airport, the motorcade of the Head of Turkmenistan went to Zagulba, the residence of the President of Azerbaijan, where official welcome ceremony took place.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is welcomed by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Having shaken each other’s hands, the leader of two countries go to special place. Commander of the Guard of Honour, which is lined up at the square in front of the Presidential residence, makes a ceremonial report.

Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Ilham Aliyev walk along the rank of soldiers of the Guard of Honour and pay tribute to the State Flag of Azerbaijan.

National anthems of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan are played.

Parade of soldiers of the Guard of Honour, who march across the square, finish the official welcome ceremony.

After official photographing ceremony against the background of the State flags of two countries, high-level Turkmen – Azerbaijan talks in one-on-one format took place.

Having cordially welcomed high-ranking guest in Baku, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan highlighted regular character of bilateral high-level meetings where decisions on important subjects are discussed and taken. The head of the neighbouring state has noted that relations between our people have centuries-old history. This is a history of friendship, fraternity and mutual support. Today, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan confidently build its own way as two independent states.

President Ilham Aliyev congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and fraternal Turkmen nation on big achievements of the independence age, active position on international arena, success in important social and economic issues, which Azerbaijan always enjoys as sincere friend. Current visit of the Head of Turkmenistan is a continuation of active interstate dialog in wide range of directions covering political, economic, transport and humanitarian spheres, the leader of Azerbaijan highlighted, having expressed confidence that current talks would be sufficient, fruitful and would give good results.

Having expressed gratitude for the invitation to come to Azerbaijan on official visit, cordiality and hospitality, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted importance of current meeting in the context of further strengthening of interstate dialog, which is developed successfully in all directions like politics, economics, cultural and humanitarian sphere as well as in international arena.

The Head of Turkmenistan expressed confidence that current talks would give new actual impulse to fruitful Turkmen – Azerbaijan cooperation, would serve to strengthening of traditional friendly relations between two nations.

Having expressed gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for personal contribution to development of bilateral partnership, Turkmen leader addressed the best wishes to the Head of Azerbaijan and to all people of the country.

In this regard, it is worth to mention that example of Turkmen – Azeri relations re-confirms that equality, respect, transparency and trust are the best foundation for efficient cooperation, guarantee of successful implementation of all beginnings.

Both countries have colossal resource, economic, transport and communication potential, which practical implementation meets both mutual interests and the Sustainable development goals. In this context, there are good opportunities for cooperation in energy section, opening of transport corridors including cooperation in communication sphere.

Intergovernmental Turkmen – Azeri Commission, which is an actual platform for exchange of visions between representatives of business circles and government sectors of two countries, plays an important role in development of bilateral relations.

During the talks, the sides have also exchanged the views on current issues of regional and world politics, which present mutual interest.

The President of Turkmenistan invited the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to visit our country at any convenient time. This invitation was accepted with gratitude. Time of the visit will be coordinated through diplomatic channels.

After, the talks were continued in extended format with participation of the official delegations of both countries.

Having noted steadfast dynamics of interstate dialog, which is indicated by regular high-level contacts and substantial agenda of current talks, President Ilham Aliyev stated with delight strategic character of bilateral relations.

The Head of Azerbaijan made special mention of goodwill character of Turkmen – Azeri relations, which are based on ancient ties of friendship and fraternity, which unite both nations. The Head of neighbouring state has noted that good opportunity to discuss wide range of subjects of cooperation has also been presented during last year meetings with Turkmen leader Ashgabat and Baku.

Trade and economic partnership is distinguished with positive results; joint Intergovernmental Commission works efficiently; relations on interdepartmental level are activated. Speaking of the subject of cooperation in transport and logistic sphere, where both sides have significant potential, President Ilham Aliyev highlighted that Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan do many things for establishment of relative modern infrastructure and realization of big profile projects.

Speaking of diversity of interstate relations, the Leader of Azerbaijan has also noted fruitful character of traditional cooperation in humanitarian sphere, on strengthening of which number of documents planned to be signed during the meeting is aimed.

President Ilham Aliyev congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Turkmen people on the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan observed this year. At the same time, it was highlighted that neutral status of our country is an actual positive factor of stability and sustainable development in the region. The Head of Azerbaijan has also shared his memories about Ashgabat, which conquers with its magnificence of white-marble buildings and its beauty.

Having warmly welcomed Turkmen leader in Azerbaijan again, President Ilham Aliyev expressed confidence in efficiency of current talks and that it would support successful solution of all subjects of development of bilateral relations.

The floor is given to the President of Turkmenistan. Having expressed gratitude to his Azeri colleague for cordial reception and excellent conditions for fruitful joint work, the Head of the State noted that the goal of current official visit to Azerbaijan is to strengthen interstate cooperation, to give new content to it, which meets mutual intent and objective capabilities our countries.

People of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are united not only by historical fraternity, old ties of friendship, commonality of origin, language, religion, cultural and moral behaviour. Today, firm commitment of both states to protect and strengthen international and regional security and stability is the base of Turkmen – Azeri effective partnership in the world arena, the Head of the State noted. Fundamental and persuasive position of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan in this key matter makes significant influence of development of political processes in Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Caspian region.

In this relation, our country stands for further intensification of cooperation under the United Nations Organization, organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe, Islamic Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States and other international and regional structures.

In this context, Turkmenistan is grateful to Azerbaijan for support and co-authorship of the Resolution of the UN General Assembly initiated by our country on declaration of December 12 as International Neutrality Day. Practice of mutual support meets the interests of both countries as well as long-term goals of the world community in strengthening of the architecture of global security.

Taking opportunity, the President has invited President Ilham Aliyev to take part in the celebration dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutral status of Turkmenistan including in International Conference “Policy of Neutrality and its role in provision of peace, security and sustainable development”, which would be held in Ashgabat in December this year.

Azerbaijan is our neighbour in Caspian Sea. Many things have been done in this direction in the last years. Signing of the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea by the leader of five coastal states in Aktau on August 12, 2018 was the main and crucial achievement.

First of all, this is related to coordinated activities for implementation of the Convention, the Communique of the V Caspian Summit sets out the decision on establishment of special mechanism of five-sided consultations under the aegis of the foreign ministries. It will have the functions for practical implementation of provisions of the above-mentioned document and Turkmenistan is willing to take part in this work substantively.

It is worth to make special mention that agreements achieved during the First Caspian Economic Forum in Turkmenistan last August are very important in the context of activation and diversification of Turkmen – Azeri cooperation in Caspian Sea matters.

Agreements reached at the Forum are to give new impulse to cooperation and partnership in all direction in Caspian Sea, among which energy, transport, industry, trade, innovations and ecology have crucial importance.

The role of Caspian Sea basin as a large transport and logistic hub is increased today. This is a strategic direction, which opens perspective of intensification of trade and economic relations both between Caspian states and in the context of entry to external markets.

Joint work for launch of the project of Caspian Sea – Black Sea transport route is an important vector in this segment. Connection of Caspian and Black Sea regions in single transport corridor opens wide perspectives for development of economic partnership, production and energy cooperation, trade and investments without any doubts not only for the countries directly participating this project but also for other Asian and European states, big economic association, which are interested in development of full-fledged and comprehensive intercontinental relations.

Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, together with partners from Romania and Georgia, took initiative role in giving of systematic and long-term character to this work. Four-side ministerial meeting in Bucharest in March last year has become an important step in establishment of perspective and beneficial direction of the partnership.

In the sphere of international energy cooperation, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan stand for establishment of balanced, multi-optional system of supplies of energy carries to European markets, which is based on diversification of routes, clear and transparent schemes of their operation, guarantee of reliability and safety, accounting of multilateral interests.

Turkmenistan is willing to establish beneficial partnership in oil, gas, chemical, textile industry and other directions as well as is interested in enhancement of level and quality of cooperation with Azerbaijan in the sphere of high technologies.

Geographic location of both countries provides objective need of close partnership, which is based on coherent strategy of establishment of combined transport and transit corridors between Asia and Europe. Such strategy has to provide the construction of new routes with participation of not only Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan but also third countries.

Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport corridor is an example of such successful cooperation.

There is also need for more intensive use of capabilities of Turkmenbashy and Baku seaports as well as Alyat seaport by development of efficient mechanisms of car ferry and railway ferry communications for expansion of beneficial cooperation in this sphere.

Speaking of Turkmen – Azeri trade partnership, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the progress observed in the last time. Thus, the trade in 2019 has increased by more than 40 percent comparing with 2018. Good practice of cooperation on the government and departmental levels has been elaborated.

In this case, Joint Interdepartmental Commission for economic cooperation has to demonstrate its work more actively.

It is remarkable that huge field for cooperation is opened between business communities of two countries. Today, big projects in construction, trade, establishment of infrastructure, service sphere, tourism and entertainment industry are implemented by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in our country. Turkmenistan would welcome active participation of companies from Azerbaijan in these projects.

The President suggested to review in details the subject of opening of Trade Representative Office of Turkmenistan in Baku and respectively, opening of Trade Representative Office of Azerbaijan in Ashgabat for expansion of trade and economic cooperation. In addition, taking into account intensive development of private sector in both countries, establishment of Joint Business Council, which composition would include representatives of Turkmen and Azerbaijani business structures, seems to be current.

Cultural and humanitarian sphere is also one of the priorities of bilateral cooperation. Significant impulse has been given to this direction recently, contacts in scientific, education and art spheres have been expanded.

In this context, joint initiative of the President of two countries on exhibitions of Turkmen and Azerbaijani handmade carpets in Baku and Ashgabat, which were held in 2019, is worth to be mentioned.

Important role is given to regular organization of the Days of Culture, tours of professional art collectives and art masters as well as youth and children art collectives in activation of interstate cultural and humanitarian relations.

Our countries have big potential in tourism sphere where presence of rich historical and cultural heritage, unique natural objects and historical monuments presenting big interest are the main factors.

Having given high appraisal to the course and results of the current visit, which was held in the atmosphere of full understanding, trust and transparency, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed sincere gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for constructive attitude, invariable willingness and big personal attention to development of fraternal relations with Turkmenistan.

Turkmen leader has also congratulated his Azerbaijani colleague and people of neighbouring state on recent successful parliamentary elections.

In the end, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed wishes of peace and prosperity to fraternal people of Azerbaijan.

Bilateral documents signing ceremony has taken place after the talks in extended format. After, the Leaders of two countries made a statement for representatives of mass media.

Voicing the outcomes of the negotiations, President Ilham Aliyev noted the importance of the talks for further improvement of friendly and fraternal relations between two countries and nations.

Taking opportunity, the Leader of Azerbaijan congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Turkmen people on the 25th anniversary of neutrality of our country. It was highlighted that for these years, Turkmenistan has made a long and glorious way of development and creation, having gained huge respect of the world community. All of these and foreign course pursued by Turkmen leader meet national and global interests.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed confidence that current official visit of Turkmen leader would be a new important step toward the strengthening of interstate dialog. In the end, the Head of Azerbaijan addressed wishes of success, peace and prosperity to fraternal people of Turkmenistan.

Making comments on the outcomes of the high-level meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed gratitude on behalf of the delegation of our country to President Ilham Aliyev for the invitation to visit Azerbaijan, cordial hospitality and reception, comfortable conditions for joint work.

Turkmen leader highlighted that wide spectrum of subjects has been reviewed in the context of continuation of interstate dialog, conditions and perspectives of bilateral relations have been discussed. Subjects of cooperation in political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres at modern stage have also been reviewed.

At the same time, the Head of the State highlighted that Azerbaijan is a strategic partner of Turkmenistan in the region. During the meeting, subjects of bilateral trade and economic partnership, among priority directions of which the sides has specified the energy sphere, have been reviewed during the meeting. The President noted that Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are independent states, rich with hydrocarbon resources and stand for diversification of their supplies to the world markets on parity basis taking into account the interests of producers, transporters and consumers. The sides have also agreed on cooperation in petrochemical industry and other branches including textile industry and agricultural complex.

The Head of Turkmenistan highlighted that the focus at the talks has been made on development of transport and transit corridor. Our countries are connected by Caspian Sea, which is sea of peace and good neighbourliness. Therefore, international Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea and definition of mechanism of its implementation on foreign ministries level are very important. Following this, Turkmenistan is grateful to all coastal states for entrusting in organization of the First Caspian Economic Forum and as well as to Azerbaijan for active participation in the Forum.

Speaking of development of transit and transport corridors, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that correct logistics is very important in this matter. In particular, this is about signed agreement on the project of Lapis Lazuli corridor. Starting from Afghanistan, it runs across Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and entry European direction. Therefore, our countries play an important role in connection of Asia and Europe.

Having highlighted efficiency and constructive character of the talks, which were held in atmosphere of trust and respect, Turkmen leader congratulated his Azerbaijan Colleague on democratic parliamentary elections. It plays an important role in strengthening of the government foundation, which was put by outstanding politician Geydar Aliyev.

In the end, the Head of Turkmenistan wished big success to President Ilham Aliyev and prosperity and happiness to fraternal people of Azerbaijan.

O the same day, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov.

Interested discussion of the key directions and perspectives of cooperation, which steadily developed in bilateral and multilateral formats, took place during the meeting.

After the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the Mausoleum – the grave of National leader of the Republic of Azerbaijan Geydar Aliyev.

The Head of Turkmenistan has also paid tribute to the memory of mother of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, having laid flowers to her grave.

After, Turkmen leader went to the Martyrs’ Memorial. Paying tribute to the memory of national heroes who lost their lives for freedom and independence of Azerbaijan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov laid wreath to the Memorial.

Upon the completion of the ceremony, high-rank guest was invited to look around the city from special place, from which wide panoramic view of Baku is opened. At the place, Turkmen leader was introduced with the history of the capital of Azerbaijan.

After, the motorcade of the President went to Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum. Upon arrival, general information about activity of this cultural and education and research centre, which was established back in 1967, has been presented to the Head of the State. In 2014, the museum was moved to new building of original architecture designed in the shape of rolled carpet, which is located in the centre of Baku, in Primorsky Park.

At present time, exhibition halls and funds of museums have more than 14,000 exhibits, which cover the period from the Bronze Age until our days. These are rare and high value carpets and carpet articles with national patterns and plots typical for regional carpet making schools of Azerbaijan and made in different techniques – with or without pile. In addition, the exposition includes fine jewellery, clothes, embroidery, modern filigree works from glass, wood and felt.

Having carefully looked around the exhibits of the museum, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the proximity of traditions of carpet making of Turkmens and Azerbaijanis, similarity of expressive language, technique and compositional methods and at the same time, unique features, which were formed up for many years of development of the art.

Therefore, carpet making and popularizing, scientific and research activity, organization of exchange of practice and exhibitions are other interesting and perspective direction of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, the Head of the State said.

In the evening, President of Azrbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave official dinner in honour of high-rank Turkmen guest where the Heads of the states exchanged speeches.

Having finished official visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to Baku’s Geydar Aliyev International Airport from where he left for Turkmenistan.