Ï Working trip of the President to Lebap Velayat: Aspects of industrial policy and export orientation

Working trip of the President to Lebap Velayat: Aspects of industrial policy and export orientation

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip to Lebap Velayat where inspected situation at construction sites of industrial facilities in the Amudarya Valley, progress of social and economic project in the east of the country.

Making regular trips to the regions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspects progress of reforms related to the process of acceleration of industrialization, rational and effective use of richest resources of Turkmen land and maximum involvement of available potential on sites.

Construction of big and unique facilities like mining and processing complex for production of potassium fertilizers and cement factory next to Garlyk, construction of bridges across Amudarya River, which open new opportunities for railway and automobile connection, increment of trade and export, cargo and passenger transportation is related to solution of this objective.

Transnational Turkmenistan – China gas pipeline, which embodied the idea of restoration of the Silk Road, starts here, at the rank bank of Amudarya River where big deposits of oil and gas have been found. Big chemical, construction and textile industrial facilities have been built in the eastern region; agriculture is dynamically developed.

Turkmenabat has received entirely new image. Dynamics of social, economic and cultural changes is reflected in the scale of current construction works. Construction of living complexes, health protection, education, cultural facilities is important direction.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who is currently on a working trip in Lebap velayat, has noted that this trip is made to see the life of the region where big changes are going on these days, to inspect the works at grandiose construction sites of the velayat, having highlighted that rational and effective use of richest natural resources in one of the strategic objectives of national economy.

Stating the importance of the government programmes in the region and all around the country, the Head of the State has focused on the necessity of strict compliance to the schedule of construction works and control of the quality as well as provision of ecological safety of new industrial facilities. It was highlighted that care of the nation and its prosperity is a top priority.

The President of the country has ordered to hold implementation of all large-scale social and economic projects under control as well as to prepare to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country on proper level.

After, the Head of the State flew by helicopter to Koytendag etrap where Garlyk Mining and Processing Complex and cement factory are located.

After some time, the helicopter has landed on the territory of Lebap Cement Factory, which was opened in 2013.

The industry of construction materials demonstrates big potential in successful implementation of the programmes of social and economic development of the country including in import substitution sphere.

Production of cement is the key direction of this industry. Capacities of the factories producing cement of requested brands has almost solved the objective of provision of large-scale construction, which is carried out all over the country. This is Portland cement of extended durability, which is used for construction of buildings and other facilities in seismic zones.

In addition, production of drilling cement for oil and gas industry, sulphate resistant cement, which is used for building of foundations, bridges and other hydro technical facilities, has been arranged.

Upon arrival at the facility, the President went to the tent where boards with sketches and detailed drawings of industrial and production facilities planned for construction in 2020 – 2023 as well as different buildings, which commissioning is timed to the 25th anniversary of neutrality, were installed.

Reporting on work, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdyliyev informed that construction of the second line of Lebap Cement Factory of Türkmensement Production Association is planned for increment of production capacity of the factory to 1 million tons. The Vice-premier has also informed on announcement of international tender for construction of cement plant in Lebap Velayat.

The President highlighted that strategy of regional development is the main component of stable development of the state. Therefore, all subjects are closely related to natural and resource potential and system objectives.

Continuing, the Head of the State noted that opening of new working places, improvement of social and living level of people have to be under permanent control.

Having highlighted that national business structures demonstrate activity in all branches of the economy recently, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that they make deserving contribution to implementation of large-scale reforms. In this regard, it was reported on the project prepared by Turkmen entrepreneurs.

The Head of the State has also highlighted that our country pays special attention to development of the industry. In this regard, the industry has important objectives for implementation of digital system, construction of new and reconstruction of existing facilities, provision of local consumers with industrial production, including cement, and increment of export volumes.

Strengthening of equipment and facility base of the industry, provision of quality of cement production on the level of world standards make opportunities for development of national economy at high rates, timely and proper fulfilment of construction works, the President said, having given number of instructions in this regard.

During working session, relative heads have reported on activity for solution of objectives outlined in the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2020 – 2025.

It was mentioned that programme work for development of the regions of the country, provision of local market with consumer goods as well as further improvement of social and living conditions of people is carried out.

Having listened to the report and focused on importance of scientifically grounded approach in study of natural reserves of this place and their industrial development, Turkmen leader gave number of instructions related to construction of the second line of ore mining facility in Garlyk.

Speaking of importance of opening of new and modernization of existing production facilities, the President highlighted importance of construction of the second line of this complex in opening of working places, improvement of life level of the population, having demanded to approach the solution of these objectives with full responsibility.

Continuing the subject, the President of Turkmenistan has focused on the situation at Garlyk Mining and Processing Complex and its production parameters today and expressed discontent with the condition of this industrial facility, its uneconomical work and other deficiencies.

All of these is the result of absence of proper and responsible approach to realization of this project from the contractor, the Head of the State said.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed discontent with work carried out by Türkmenhimiýa State Concern and reprimanded Chairman of the Concern N. Niyazliyev with the last warning.

The facility for production and processing of potassium has been built bu Belgorhimprom Joint Stock Venture at the work request of Türkmenhimiýa State Concern. This project was aimed at opening of new milestone in industrial development of Turkmenistan and development and processing of colossal raw material resources of the country.

However, the completion of the project was delayed by the contractor, construction of production facilities was carried with big delay from the schedule, commissioning was postponed several times, construction and other works under the contract were performed with bad quality, Turkmen leader has stated. All of these is the result of bad work organization by the contractor and its negligent attitude to work.

Specifying objectives for correction of the situation at the Mining and Processing Complex, the President of Turkmenistan has given clear targets for organization, especially on wise management of the complex. This facility has not only to enter to designed output capacity but also to increase it, which is important for development of ore mining industry in general as a new branch of national economy, the Head of the State said.

Lebap Velayat is rich with natural resources, has good transport and logistic system and labour resources including qualified personnel, certified specialists, which make prepositions for further industrialization of the region, the Head of Turkmenistan noted. We have to use all available capabilities efficiently for implementation of our plans of industrialization of the country.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on the subject of development of tourism in the eastern region, especially eco-tourism. We have to provide the establishment of the network of modern recreation centres with all comfortable conditions for effective stimulation of local and external tourism, the Head of the State noted, having requested local entrepreneurs to take relative measures in this direction.

The Head of the State has also focused that introduction of digital system into production is an important requirement.

Summing up working session, the President highlighted that large-scale reforms in Turkmenistan are aimed at provision of high standards of life of people, which requires integrated approach to their implementation.

After, the Head of the State went to the helicopter, which headed for Turkmenabat.

During the flight, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the projects related to solution of objective of agricultural complex, which were developed taking into account soil and climate conditions of each region, assessed the scale of expanded changes and course of current seasonal agricultural works.

During working trip to the velayat, the President of Turkmenistan inspected the situation at Lebap Equestrian Complex, its preparation to National Turkmen Horse Holiday and construction works at the facility.

Looking around the complex, the President noted importance of compliance of works with the world standards and requested to take proper measures for provision of high organizational level of celebration events. Having focused on ecological component, the Head of the State has also ordered to approach development of surrounding territorywith full responsibility.

The President of Turkmenistan has also visited and looked around conference hall of the complex and ordered to make favourable conditions for organization of celebration event and for the participants. The Head of the State has focused on the issues of increment of livestock of thoroughbred horses as well as on improvement of the system of training of jockeys and high-level organization of races.

The President gave orders to Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev and General Director of Türkmen atlary State Association A. Berdiyev on making of necessary conditions for quality and timely completion of all works.

Having accomplished working trip to Lebap Velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to Turkmenabat International Airport and left for the capital.