President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of work of branches of national economy have been summed up for five months of the year as well as other priority objectives of the state life have been reviewed.
First, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov made report on macroeconomic indicators for January – May. It was informed that stable growth has been provided in all branches in the period under review.
The growth rate of the GDP was 6.2 by the outcomes of the period from January to May. Comparing to the same period of 2019, the production has increased by 4.7 percent.
Reporting on the volumes of retail trade, the Vice-premier informed that comparing with the same period of the last year, this indicator has grown by 19.6 percent. For five months, the revenue of the State budget has been executed by 100.3 percent while the expenditure by 94.1 percent.
Average salary wages have increased by 10.5 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowance and student grants have been paid on time.
Construction of social facilities, living and engineering systems has been carried out under the works specified in new edition of National rural programme.
Reporting of results of analysis on improvement of activity of facilities of oil and gas complex, the Vice-premier presented relative proposals to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for review.
At the same time, Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev, who reported on work carried out by crediting facilities as well as on measures for improvement of their activity, expansion of spectrum of services, has been called to the session.
Having listened to the reports, the Head of Turkmenistan focused on the utmost objectives of the complex under supervision of the Vice-premier. Economic indicators of the country are reduced due to unfavourable factors in the world economy, the President continued, having requested to started development of the Programme for 2020 – 2021 together with other Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers. Dynamic recovery from current situation as well as provision of pre-crisis macroeconomic indicators have to be the utmost objectives of the programme, the Head of the State noted, having requested to review the Programme at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers.
The document has to provide investments for development of different branches of the economy and support of export. At the same time, investment in health protection and social provision have to remain the priority, Turkmen leader highlighted.
Continuing the subject, the Head of the State has noted the necessity of taking of efficient measures for opening of import substitutive production facilities and increment of volumes of export oriented production. During transit to digital economy, it is necessary to make thorough analysis of activity of establishments of financial and banking sphere, the President said.
Acceleration of the process of privatization of facilities and establishment of the state-owned property, reformation into joint stock ventures were outlined among the main directions. Having demanded to hold the issues related with delay of salary payment under permanent control, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to analyse the root cause of such situation and take certain measures for rapid solution of this objective.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the results of work in the spheres under his supervision under the Programme of development of oil and gas industry until 2030 for five months of the year.
The Vice-premier reported that oil and gas condensate production plan has been executed by 108.3 percent, natural and associated gas by 100.4 percent, oil refinery by 102.5 percent, gasoline production by 109.2 percent, diesel fuel by 103.6 percent. The growth rate of production of liquefied gas was 118 percent, developed investments – 121.5 percent.
Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with certain directions for provision of stable work of facilities of the industry, efficient use of their resource base and export potential, development of international cooperation in these fields.
It was highlighted that it is necessary to improve the structure and management system of production divisions of the complex and attract investments for construction of new facilities and to planned big projects while returning used resources by production.
Having noted that price on oil and petroleum products has significantly dropped at international markets, the President ordered to define the strategy of realization of this production to foreign consumers.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for the period under review and current seasonal agricultural works.
Growth rate of total volume of production of agricultural complex was 117.4 percent. The indicator of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection has reached 118.2 percent, State Water management Committee – 110.2 percent, Türkmen atlary State Association – 103.8 percent. The plan of investment development has been executed by 137.9 percent.
The grain harvest has started in Ahal, Lebap and Mary Velayats while preparation works to the harvest, which is to start on June 12, are carried out in Balkan and Dashoguz Velayats.
Draft Resolution on Procurement of chemicals for agricultural crops has been presented to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for review.
Having signed relative Resolution, the head of the State sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, having given relative instructions.
Further, having noted that farmers start collection of grain, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out to the Vice-premier that the campaign has to be carried out as soon as possible and without any loss. It is also necessary to provide uninterrupted work of equipment in the fields and make timely settlement of payments with tenants.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister B. Ovezov reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision for five months. Production plan of transport and communication complex has been executed by 102.1 percent with the growth rate of 102.8 percent.
The growth rate of Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency was 101.4 percent, Türkmendemirýollary Agency – 118.4 percent, Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency – 132.5 percent. Relative works has been carried at Türkmenhowaýollary Agency.
The plan of cargo and passenger transportation by road, railway, air and sea transport has been fulfilled by 101.8 and 100.6 percent accordingly. The growth rate of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency has reached 109.5 percent accordingly.
Summing up the report, the President stated that at present time, transport sphere experiences difficulties related to coronavirus epidemic in the world and caused limitations the same like other main branches of the economy. Turkmen transport companies continue working and achieve reliability of communication in such complicate situation, the Leader of the nation continued.
It was mentioned that provision of stable financial condition and uninterrupted financial support of these facilities are the main objectives until the end of COVID-19 pandemic. It is necessary to support transport companies in order for them to have resources for payment salary wages and fulfilment of financial obligations, the President of Turkmenistan continued, having requested the Vice-premier to analyse the situation and take proper measures in this direction.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev reported on the outcomes of work in the branches under his supervision for five months of the year.
The Vice-premier reported to the Head of the State that the growth rate of production in the complex for the period under review was 119.7 percent and the plan was executed by 113.4 percent.
The growth rate of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture was 107.3 percent, the plan of works has been performed by 107.1 percent. The growth rate of production and works for the period under review by the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production is equal to 107.4 percent; the plan was fulfilled by 106 percent.
The growth rate of production, works and services by the Ministry of Energy has reached 120.9 percent. The plan has been performed by 115.8 percent.
For five months of the year, the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa fulfilled the plan by 124.4 percent. The growth rate was 151.6 percent. In addition, for the period under review, the growth rate of works and services by Ashgabat Administration was 102.6 percent. The plan was executed by 108.1 percent.
Having listened to the report, the President ordered the Vice-premier to accelerate works for analysis of the situation at the facilities under his supervision and to develop proposal on nringign them into proper conditions or privatization.
The Head of the State has also pointed out that it is necessary to pay special attention to realization of local and international projects in power energy sphere and gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported to the Head of the State on the results of work in the structures under his supervision for January – May this year.
The growth rate of trade by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations was 23.6 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. At the same time, the growth rate of retail trade is equal to 19.3 percent while wholesale trade – 27 percent.
The volume of production made by facilities of the Ministry of Textile Industry has increased by 2.3 percent. Total volume of production by the state Association Türkmenhaly has increased by 18.8 percent.
The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange has held 104 trade sessions and entered into 11,201 contracts for the past five months. Volume of services provided by the Trade and Industrial Chamber have grown by 54 percent.
Volumes of industrial production by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have increased by 13.1 percent, agricultural and food production by 32 percent. Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to increase volumes of consumer goods, having addressed the Vice-premier with certain directions on this account.
The Head of the State gave orders for stimulation of entrepreneurship, having requested to develop measures for the state support of private sector of the economy and present relative proposals in this regard.
It is necessary to provide financial, resource and technical support in development of small and medium business, in particular to facilities specialized in tourism activity, the Head of the State highlighted.
At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan requested to activate work of private agricultural companies engaged in agricultural production, construction of industrial refrigerating storages of fruit and vegetable production.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on results of activity of the structures under her supervision for five months of the year.
The Vice-premier reported on conduct of various cultural events including exhibitions, meetings, art contests, propaganda and explanatory actions, song and music contests as well as other works provided by the Programme of development of cultural sphere of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025.
The websites of the Ministry of Culture and its division regularly put the information about achievements of the country, thematic events, national cultural values.
Addressing the Vice-premier, the Head of the State noted that activity of mass media, in particular activity of TV and radio broadcasting, does not meet set requirements. The President requested to accelerate the work for transit of printing periodic media to electronic format and to train specialists and set up personnel as well as to continue highlighting subjects of digital economy in mass media.
At the same time, the Vice-premier was requested to pay attention to preparation of interesting programmes for youth due to the beginning of summer holiday season as well as to organization of events related to declaration of slogan of this year “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality”.
In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of work in the branches under his supervision for five months of the year.
It was reported that following the requirements for upbringing of educated physically fit generation, which has skills in modern technologies, integrated measures have been taken for improvement of the system of education and educational methods, improvement of educational programmes and guidebooks, enhancement of qualification of teachers.
According to the Resolutions of the Head of the State, the Centre of Innovative Information of the Ministry of Education has been established, the Programme of Improvement of activity of children pre-school facilities in the sphere of early development and improvement of preparation of child to school in Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025 has been adopted.
Advanced educational methods, achievements of science and innovative technologies are widely introduced under the development of digital system of education and teaching of foreign languages. All conditions have been made for rehabilitation of health of the citizens in sanatorium of the country in summer period.
Coming to the sport subjects, the Vice-premier informed that training has been organized for preparation of national team to XXXII Summer Olympic Games, which are planned to be held in 2021.
Having listened to the report, the President pointed out the necessity of organized conduct of coming entry exams to high and secondary educational institutes as well as thorough preparation to new educational year, to the beginning of which overhaul or cosmetic renovation all facilities of educational sphere has to be completed.
Control of organization of substantial summer holiday of children in health improving centres of the country has to be implemented due to the beginning of summer school holidays.
The Head of the State has also demanded to prepare thoroughly to planned session of the Government with personnel of educational sphere where measures for improvement of national educational system would be discussed.
The President has requested to provide control of entry exams in national universities as well as to elaborate on the subject of sending of talented youth to study in foreign countries, to organize new lessons on digital system in all schools. The leading role in this has to be taken by the Academy of Sciences.
After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev, to whom the President addressed number of serious complaints due to unsatisfactory management of his structure.
It was mentioned that despite the availability of significant sport base in the country, training of sportsmen has not proper attention until today. Many issues related to youth policy especially in the velayats are not solved.
Despite abnormal hot weather conditions, sport events are held on open sport grounds, which can have negative impacts on health of sportsmen.
In this regard, the Head of the State informed about the decision to release D. Gulgeldiyev from his post for serious deficiencies admitted in his work as well as taking numerous reprimands into account.
Deputy Head of the Ministry G. Agamyradov was appointed as the Acting Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs.
Continuing the session, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the activity of the Ministry in January – May.
Steadfast work for development of constructive cooperation in bilateral and multilateral format both on interstate level as well as under competent international organizations was carried out in the context of realization of foreign strategy of neutral Turkmenistan.
Contacts between foreign ministries have regular character. Steadfast work for expansion of foreign economic relations of the country is also carried out.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that implementing foreign course based on the principles of positive neutrality, peace-loving and open doors, our country makes significant contribution to the strengthening of fruitful partnership in regional and global scale.
Turkmenistan would continue developing friendly relations and multidimensional beneficial cooperation on intestate level, expanding constructive dialog with competent international organizations, the Head of the State said, having given specific assignments.
After, Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Ministry reported on development of international activity of Turkmenistan in the sphere of intellectual property. In this regard, measures for activation of cooperation with such specialized structures as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) are taken.
It was mentioned that the State Intellectual Property Service of the Ministry of Finances and Economy has been established in 2013 for protection of national interests in this sphere by imitative of the President of the country.
The Programme of development of the system of intellectual property in Turkmenistan in 2015 – 2020 has been approved in August 2015. Based on the Programme, new legal acts have been adopted, organizational activities have been carried out. Important projects have been realized in this direction, measures for intensification of efficient cooperation with foreign partners have been taken.
At present, relative government authorities work together with WIPO on development of draft of the above-mentioned Programme for 2021 – 2025. The document includes directions related to normative and legal, institutional, information spheres as well as other important aspects as education and professional improvement of personnel.
In this regard, proposals on joining of Turkmenistan, which is a member of 12 international conventions and multilateral agreements in this field, to number of new documents for improvement of profile knowledge, have been presented to the Head of the State for review.
It is proposed to open depositary library of WIPO at the Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry and to open the WIPO centre for support of technologies and innovations under the Institute of Economy and Management.
Having approved the proposals, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted important role and significance of intellectual property for social and economic development of the country and its successful integration to the world economy.
At the same time, special attention is paid to cooperation with profile international structures, introduction of advanced world experience into national practice, the Head of the State said, having requested to continue working in this direction.
Further, having highlighted that this year is marked with the 25th anniversary of the status of permanent neutrality, the President noted deserving input of personnel of diplomatic service to realization of foreign strategy and initiatives of Turkmenistan aimed at provision of security, stability and wealth, development of beneficial cooperation, strengthening of constructive role in the system of international relations.
In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions for development of proposals on award of relative ranks to national diplomats and development of the badge together with the Mejlis, which would be awarded to distinguished personnel of foreign ministry to the Vice-premier, the Head of the Foreign Ministry.
Further, Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova, who informed the Head of the State about activity of National Parliament for modernization of legal base of the country since the beginning of the year, preparation to coming session of the People’s Council, on offsite session on sites on draft Constitutional Law on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.
18 laws and 11 Resolutions of the Mejlis aimed at legal support of social and economic reforms and democratization of Turkmen society expanded in the country have been adopted in this period. Number of video conferences have been held under cooperation with the UN specialized agencies and other international organizations.
Deputies and specialists of the Mejlis took part in 29 seminars dedicated to realization of the state programmes and study of advanced practice in law making activity.
Having listened to the information, the Head of the State highlighted importance of continuation of work for preparation of final draft of the Constitutional Law on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan as well as regular session of the People’s Council.
After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov reported on measures taken from the beginning of the year for improvement of activity of military and law enforcement agencies.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that neutral Turkmenistan takes care of provision of peace and security of the state and prosperous life of the nation implementing defensive Military Doctrine.
Modernization of equipment and facility base of security forces, solution of social issues of military personnel and strengthening of personnel potential are the priorities of the strategy in this direction. Patriotic education of new generation of soldiers is among important aspects of activity, the Head of the State said.
In this context, it is important to hold military oath ceremonies of young recruits at the Monument of the Constitution and measures for graduation of cadets of high educational institutes of military and law enforcement agencies at Halk hakydasy Memorial Complex, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces noted, having ordered the Vice-premier, Secretary of the State Security Council to develop relative proposals on this subject.
Continuing video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that despite complicated situation in the world economy, the outcomes of five months demonstrate that the state continues developing dynamically.
Same as before, foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan is characterized by large-scale partnership with the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, European Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States, Organization of Economic Cooperation and other international structures.
The growth rate of national economy remains on stable level. The growth rate of the GDP remains on 6.2 percent level, the Head of the State highlighted. For the period under review, all industrial facilities, living houses, kindergartens, schools, shops and other, which were planned to be built, have been put into operation for the period under review.
Policy of diversification of energy resource supplies to the world markets is pursued. Projects of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line and other regional projects are carried out.
Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the State has focused on current general objectives, having noted the necessity of their solution. It is planned to hold number of political and social activities in June, which have to be organized on high level.
Improvement of social and living conditions of the people is the main objective of the government policy. Speaking of this, the President informed about working trips to all velayats of the country this month for inspection of grain harvest campaign on site and fulfilment of adopted social programmes.
Turkmen leader has also requested the members of the Government to prepare to extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 3, on which results of works in the country for six months of the year would be reviewed, development of branches of national economy would be analysed and relative assessment of activity of officials would be given.
At the same time, the President requested to hold sessions dedicated to outcomes of five months of the year in ministries and departments under supervision of the Vice-premiers on Monday.
The Head of the state highlighted that the Day of Science would be celebrated in Turkmenistan on June 12. Science and education are the wealth consolidating society for achievement of high targets. Therefore, improving structure, management and foundations of this sphere, we successfully implement fundamental scientific and technical changes.
All conditions for training of qualified specialists and scientists are made in Turkmenistan. Based on innovations, we modernize national economy taking it to the level of developed states of the world, implementing major projects, achieve big success in social and economic development of the country, the President noted.
Having congratulated the participants of the session and representatives of scientific community on the Day of Science, the President of Turkmenistan addressed wishes of prosperity and new achievements in scientific and artistic activity.
Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President wished success in work to all participants.
First, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov made report on macroeconomic indicators for January – May. It was informed that stable growth has been provided in all branches in the period under review.
The growth rate of the GDP was 6.2 by the outcomes of the period from January to May. Comparing to the same period of 2019, the production has increased by 4.7 percent.
Reporting on the volumes of retail trade, the Vice-premier informed that comparing with the same period of the last year, this indicator has grown by 19.6 percent. For five months, the revenue of the State budget has been executed by 100.3 percent while the expenditure by 94.1 percent.
Average salary wages have increased by 10.5 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowance and student grants have been paid on time.
Construction of social facilities, living and engineering systems has been carried out under the works specified in new edition of National rural programme.
Reporting of results of analysis on improvement of activity of facilities of oil and gas complex, the Vice-premier presented relative proposals to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for review.
At the same time, Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev, who reported on work carried out by crediting facilities as well as on measures for improvement of their activity, expansion of spectrum of services, has been called to the session.
Having listened to the reports, the Head of Turkmenistan focused on the utmost objectives of the complex under supervision of the Vice-premier. Economic indicators of the country are reduced due to unfavourable factors in the world economy, the President continued, having requested to started development of the Programme for 2020 – 2021 together with other Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers. Dynamic recovery from current situation as well as provision of pre-crisis macroeconomic indicators have to be the utmost objectives of the programme, the Head of the State noted, having requested to review the Programme at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers.
The document has to provide investments for development of different branches of the economy and support of export. At the same time, investment in health protection and social provision have to remain the priority, Turkmen leader highlighted.
Continuing the subject, the Head of the State has noted the necessity of taking of efficient measures for opening of import substitutive production facilities and increment of volumes of export oriented production. During transit to digital economy, it is necessary to make thorough analysis of activity of establishments of financial and banking sphere, the President said.
Acceleration of the process of privatization of facilities and establishment of the state-owned property, reformation into joint stock ventures were outlined among the main directions. Having demanded to hold the issues related with delay of salary payment under permanent control, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to analyse the root cause of such situation and take certain measures for rapid solution of this objective.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the results of work in the spheres under his supervision under the Programme of development of oil and gas industry until 2030 for five months of the year.
The Vice-premier reported that oil and gas condensate production plan has been executed by 108.3 percent, natural and associated gas by 100.4 percent, oil refinery by 102.5 percent, gasoline production by 109.2 percent, diesel fuel by 103.6 percent. The growth rate of production of liquefied gas was 118 percent, developed investments – 121.5 percent.
Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with certain directions for provision of stable work of facilities of the industry, efficient use of their resource base and export potential, development of international cooperation in these fields.
It was highlighted that it is necessary to improve the structure and management system of production divisions of the complex and attract investments for construction of new facilities and to planned big projects while returning used resources by production.
Having noted that price on oil and petroleum products has significantly dropped at international markets, the President ordered to define the strategy of realization of this production to foreign consumers.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for the period under review and current seasonal agricultural works.
Growth rate of total volume of production of agricultural complex was 117.4 percent. The indicator of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection has reached 118.2 percent, State Water management Committee – 110.2 percent, Türkmen atlary State Association – 103.8 percent. The plan of investment development has been executed by 137.9 percent.
The grain harvest has started in Ahal, Lebap and Mary Velayats while preparation works to the harvest, which is to start on June 12, are carried out in Balkan and Dashoguz Velayats.
Draft Resolution on Procurement of chemicals for agricultural crops has been presented to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for review.
Having signed relative Resolution, the head of the State sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, having given relative instructions.
Further, having noted that farmers start collection of grain, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out to the Vice-premier that the campaign has to be carried out as soon as possible and without any loss. It is also necessary to provide uninterrupted work of equipment in the fields and make timely settlement of payments with tenants.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister B. Ovezov reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision for five months. Production plan of transport and communication complex has been executed by 102.1 percent with the growth rate of 102.8 percent.
The growth rate of Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency was 101.4 percent, Türkmendemirýollary Agency – 118.4 percent, Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency – 132.5 percent. Relative works has been carried at Türkmenhowaýollary Agency.
The plan of cargo and passenger transportation by road, railway, air and sea transport has been fulfilled by 101.8 and 100.6 percent accordingly. The growth rate of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency has reached 109.5 percent accordingly.
Summing up the report, the President stated that at present time, transport sphere experiences difficulties related to coronavirus epidemic in the world and caused limitations the same like other main branches of the economy. Turkmen transport companies continue working and achieve reliability of communication in such complicate situation, the Leader of the nation continued.
It was mentioned that provision of stable financial condition and uninterrupted financial support of these facilities are the main objectives until the end of COVID-19 pandemic. It is necessary to support transport companies in order for them to have resources for payment salary wages and fulfilment of financial obligations, the President of Turkmenistan continued, having requested the Vice-premier to analyse the situation and take proper measures in this direction.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev reported on the outcomes of work in the branches under his supervision for five months of the year.
The Vice-premier reported to the Head of the State that the growth rate of production in the complex for the period under review was 119.7 percent and the plan was executed by 113.4 percent.
The growth rate of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture was 107.3 percent, the plan of works has been performed by 107.1 percent. The growth rate of production and works for the period under review by the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production is equal to 107.4 percent; the plan was fulfilled by 106 percent.
The growth rate of production, works and services by the Ministry of Energy has reached 120.9 percent. The plan has been performed by 115.8 percent.
For five months of the year, the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa fulfilled the plan by 124.4 percent. The growth rate was 151.6 percent. In addition, for the period under review, the growth rate of works and services by Ashgabat Administration was 102.6 percent. The plan was executed by 108.1 percent.
Having listened to the report, the President ordered the Vice-premier to accelerate works for analysis of the situation at the facilities under his supervision and to develop proposal on nringign them into proper conditions or privatization.
The Head of the State has also pointed out that it is necessary to pay special attention to realization of local and international projects in power energy sphere and gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported to the Head of the State on the results of work in the structures under his supervision for January – May this year.
The growth rate of trade by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations was 23.6 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. At the same time, the growth rate of retail trade is equal to 19.3 percent while wholesale trade – 27 percent.
The volume of production made by facilities of the Ministry of Textile Industry has increased by 2.3 percent. Total volume of production by the state Association Türkmenhaly has increased by 18.8 percent.
The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange has held 104 trade sessions and entered into 11,201 contracts for the past five months. Volume of services provided by the Trade and Industrial Chamber have grown by 54 percent.
Volumes of industrial production by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have increased by 13.1 percent, agricultural and food production by 32 percent. Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to increase volumes of consumer goods, having addressed the Vice-premier with certain directions on this account.
The Head of the State gave orders for stimulation of entrepreneurship, having requested to develop measures for the state support of private sector of the economy and present relative proposals in this regard.
It is necessary to provide financial, resource and technical support in development of small and medium business, in particular to facilities specialized in tourism activity, the Head of the State highlighted.
At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan requested to activate work of private agricultural companies engaged in agricultural production, construction of industrial refrigerating storages of fruit and vegetable production.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on results of activity of the structures under her supervision for five months of the year.
The Vice-premier reported on conduct of various cultural events including exhibitions, meetings, art contests, propaganda and explanatory actions, song and music contests as well as other works provided by the Programme of development of cultural sphere of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025.
The websites of the Ministry of Culture and its division regularly put the information about achievements of the country, thematic events, national cultural values.
Addressing the Vice-premier, the Head of the State noted that activity of mass media, in particular activity of TV and radio broadcasting, does not meet set requirements. The President requested to accelerate the work for transit of printing periodic media to electronic format and to train specialists and set up personnel as well as to continue highlighting subjects of digital economy in mass media.
At the same time, the Vice-premier was requested to pay attention to preparation of interesting programmes for youth due to the beginning of summer holiday season as well as to organization of events related to declaration of slogan of this year “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality”.
In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of work in the branches under his supervision for five months of the year.
It was reported that following the requirements for upbringing of educated physically fit generation, which has skills in modern technologies, integrated measures have been taken for improvement of the system of education and educational methods, improvement of educational programmes and guidebooks, enhancement of qualification of teachers.
According to the Resolutions of the Head of the State, the Centre of Innovative Information of the Ministry of Education has been established, the Programme of Improvement of activity of children pre-school facilities in the sphere of early development and improvement of preparation of child to school in Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025 has been adopted.
Advanced educational methods, achievements of science and innovative technologies are widely introduced under the development of digital system of education and teaching of foreign languages. All conditions have been made for rehabilitation of health of the citizens in sanatorium of the country in summer period.
Coming to the sport subjects, the Vice-premier informed that training has been organized for preparation of national team to XXXII Summer Olympic Games, which are planned to be held in 2021.
Having listened to the report, the President pointed out the necessity of organized conduct of coming entry exams to high and secondary educational institutes as well as thorough preparation to new educational year, to the beginning of which overhaul or cosmetic renovation all facilities of educational sphere has to be completed.
Control of organization of substantial summer holiday of children in health improving centres of the country has to be implemented due to the beginning of summer school holidays.
The Head of the State has also demanded to prepare thoroughly to planned session of the Government with personnel of educational sphere where measures for improvement of national educational system would be discussed.
The President has requested to provide control of entry exams in national universities as well as to elaborate on the subject of sending of talented youth to study in foreign countries, to organize new lessons on digital system in all schools. The leading role in this has to be taken by the Academy of Sciences.
After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev, to whom the President addressed number of serious complaints due to unsatisfactory management of his structure.
It was mentioned that despite the availability of significant sport base in the country, training of sportsmen has not proper attention until today. Many issues related to youth policy especially in the velayats are not solved.
Despite abnormal hot weather conditions, sport events are held on open sport grounds, which can have negative impacts on health of sportsmen.
In this regard, the Head of the State informed about the decision to release D. Gulgeldiyev from his post for serious deficiencies admitted in his work as well as taking numerous reprimands into account.
Deputy Head of the Ministry G. Agamyradov was appointed as the Acting Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs.
Continuing the session, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the activity of the Ministry in January – May.
Steadfast work for development of constructive cooperation in bilateral and multilateral format both on interstate level as well as under competent international organizations was carried out in the context of realization of foreign strategy of neutral Turkmenistan.
Contacts between foreign ministries have regular character. Steadfast work for expansion of foreign economic relations of the country is also carried out.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that implementing foreign course based on the principles of positive neutrality, peace-loving and open doors, our country makes significant contribution to the strengthening of fruitful partnership in regional and global scale.
Turkmenistan would continue developing friendly relations and multidimensional beneficial cooperation on intestate level, expanding constructive dialog with competent international organizations, the Head of the State said, having given specific assignments.
After, Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Ministry reported on development of international activity of Turkmenistan in the sphere of intellectual property. In this regard, measures for activation of cooperation with such specialized structures as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) are taken.
It was mentioned that the State Intellectual Property Service of the Ministry of Finances and Economy has been established in 2013 for protection of national interests in this sphere by imitative of the President of the country.
The Programme of development of the system of intellectual property in Turkmenistan in 2015 – 2020 has been approved in August 2015. Based on the Programme, new legal acts have been adopted, organizational activities have been carried out. Important projects have been realized in this direction, measures for intensification of efficient cooperation with foreign partners have been taken.
At present, relative government authorities work together with WIPO on development of draft of the above-mentioned Programme for 2021 – 2025. The document includes directions related to normative and legal, institutional, information spheres as well as other important aspects as education and professional improvement of personnel.
In this regard, proposals on joining of Turkmenistan, which is a member of 12 international conventions and multilateral agreements in this field, to number of new documents for improvement of profile knowledge, have been presented to the Head of the State for review.
It is proposed to open depositary library of WIPO at the Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry and to open the WIPO centre for support of technologies and innovations under the Institute of Economy and Management.
Having approved the proposals, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted important role and significance of intellectual property for social and economic development of the country and its successful integration to the world economy.
At the same time, special attention is paid to cooperation with profile international structures, introduction of advanced world experience into national practice, the Head of the State said, having requested to continue working in this direction.
Further, having highlighted that this year is marked with the 25th anniversary of the status of permanent neutrality, the President noted deserving input of personnel of diplomatic service to realization of foreign strategy and initiatives of Turkmenistan aimed at provision of security, stability and wealth, development of beneficial cooperation, strengthening of constructive role in the system of international relations.
In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions for development of proposals on award of relative ranks to national diplomats and development of the badge together with the Mejlis, which would be awarded to distinguished personnel of foreign ministry to the Vice-premier, the Head of the Foreign Ministry.
Further, Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova, who informed the Head of the State about activity of National Parliament for modernization of legal base of the country since the beginning of the year, preparation to coming session of the People’s Council, on offsite session on sites on draft Constitutional Law on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.
18 laws and 11 Resolutions of the Mejlis aimed at legal support of social and economic reforms and democratization of Turkmen society expanded in the country have been adopted in this period. Number of video conferences have been held under cooperation with the UN specialized agencies and other international organizations.
Deputies and specialists of the Mejlis took part in 29 seminars dedicated to realization of the state programmes and study of advanced practice in law making activity.
Having listened to the information, the Head of the State highlighted importance of continuation of work for preparation of final draft of the Constitutional Law on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan as well as regular session of the People’s Council.
After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov reported on measures taken from the beginning of the year for improvement of activity of military and law enforcement agencies.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that neutral Turkmenistan takes care of provision of peace and security of the state and prosperous life of the nation implementing defensive Military Doctrine.
Modernization of equipment and facility base of security forces, solution of social issues of military personnel and strengthening of personnel potential are the priorities of the strategy in this direction. Patriotic education of new generation of soldiers is among important aspects of activity, the Head of the State said.
In this context, it is important to hold military oath ceremonies of young recruits at the Monument of the Constitution and measures for graduation of cadets of high educational institutes of military and law enforcement agencies at Halk hakydasy Memorial Complex, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces noted, having ordered the Vice-premier, Secretary of the State Security Council to develop relative proposals on this subject.
Continuing video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that despite complicated situation in the world economy, the outcomes of five months demonstrate that the state continues developing dynamically.
Same as before, foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan is characterized by large-scale partnership with the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, European Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States, Organization of Economic Cooperation and other international structures.
The growth rate of national economy remains on stable level. The growth rate of the GDP remains on 6.2 percent level, the Head of the State highlighted. For the period under review, all industrial facilities, living houses, kindergartens, schools, shops and other, which were planned to be built, have been put into operation for the period under review.
Policy of diversification of energy resource supplies to the world markets is pursued. Projects of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line and other regional projects are carried out.
Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the State has focused on current general objectives, having noted the necessity of their solution. It is planned to hold number of political and social activities in June, which have to be organized on high level.
Improvement of social and living conditions of the people is the main objective of the government policy. Speaking of this, the President informed about working trips to all velayats of the country this month for inspection of grain harvest campaign on site and fulfilment of adopted social programmes.
Turkmen leader has also requested the members of the Government to prepare to extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 3, on which results of works in the country for six months of the year would be reviewed, development of branches of national economy would be analysed and relative assessment of activity of officials would be given.
At the same time, the President requested to hold sessions dedicated to outcomes of five months of the year in ministries and departments under supervision of the Vice-premiers on Monday.
The Head of the state highlighted that the Day of Science would be celebrated in Turkmenistan on June 12. Science and education are the wealth consolidating society for achievement of high targets. Therefore, improving structure, management and foundations of this sphere, we successfully implement fundamental scientific and technical changes.
All conditions for training of qualified specialists and scientists are made in Turkmenistan. Based on innovations, we modernize national economy taking it to the level of developed states of the world, implementing major projects, achieve big success in social and economic development of the country, the President noted.
Having congratulated the participants of the session and representatives of scientific community on the Day of Science, the President of Turkmenistan addressed wishes of prosperity and new achievements in scientific and artistic activity.
Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President wished success in work to all participants.