Swearing of the military oath after the programme of initial military and humanitarian training is unforgettable event in life of each military personnel. The place of event at the square in front of the monument, which was built in honour of the Main Law of the country, is symbolical. It is very important in the context of patriotic education of young soldiers, their understanding of the duty for provision of safety of the country and protection of its constitutional order.
Relative of young soldiers and honoured elders have gathered at the square to congratulate the Motherland defenders on this remarkable event. Addressing the soldiers, they have urged the successors of military traditions of Turkmen people to serve deservingly for the sake of our independent neutral state, which Military doctrine has exclusively defensive character.
Giving the military oath, the soldiers swore to serve to the Motherland, to stand guard of the achievements of independence and creative life of Turkmen people.
Celebration atmosphere was highlighted with stage performance presented by professional artists as well as with performance of military art collectives.