Ï Sport and active leisure: Way to support health

Sport and active leisure: Way to support health

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Sport and active leisure: Way to support health
Sport and active leisure: Way to support health
Sport and active leisure: Way to support health
Sport and active leisure: Way to support health
The Government of the country is on holidays as many other our fellow countrymen these days. Following example of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Speaker of National Parliament, Vice-premiers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies try to spend their holiday with efficiency for health. They organize various sport events, take part in sport competitions.

Active, rationally organized holidays, physical training and sport exercises, healthy food, adherence to schedule – all of these is necessary condition for strengthening of health of people.

It is worth to mention that issues related to this have received special currency recently, which was provided by the coronavirus pandemic. In this regard, special attention is paid to preventive measures in sanatorium and resort facilities of the country.

It is worth to highlight that the State Health Programme, which was developed under the leadership of the Head of the State, define introduction of advanced preventive measures, in other words, prevention of diseases, together with provision of the population with high quality medical services. Digital technologies, which are introduced in all spheres and branches including in health protection, open new capabilities for this. Undoubtedly, special role is given to physical training and sport exercises.

Modernization of recreation infrastructure, expansion of range of services in sanatorium and resort centres not only help to strengthen people’s health but also improve its workability.

Multidimensional reforms, which are aimed at protection of environment, support to creation of favourable conditions for life, work and rest of people. Territories of all health improving and sport complexes, recreation zones of the country are developed and planted with trees and flowers.

The system of sanatorium and resort treatment of the country absorbs the best from local and foreign practice. Healing mineral springs, medicine made of local herbs and other natural factors, which are used to strengthen the power of organism, to rehabilitate health and improve immunity of people, are widely used.

Therefore, there are all conditions in Turkmenistan to have comfortable holidays and spend it with efficiency in order to receive power for further creative work.