Ï Student Competitions to Mark Ashgabat’s 140th Anniversary: Winners Revealed

Student Competitions to Mark Ashgabat’s 140th Anniversary: Winners Revealed

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The two creative student competitions have now ended and the results have been announced. Open to students from the country’s higher education institutions, the contests were organized by the International University for the Humanities and Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

The Essay Writing Competition and Fine Art Photography Competition were run by the University’s Department of Journalism to celebrate the Turkmen capital’s 140th anniversary. The contestants from 14 institutions from across the country submitted scores of works to the University by email.

The winners of the English Essay Writing Competition are Altyn Orazberdyeva (University for the Humanities), Oguljemal Amansakhedova (Seidi Turkmen State Teachers’ Training Institute, Turkmenabat), and Baynazar Nepesov (Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan). Their essays about the capital provide a comprehensive overview of the subject and meet the evaluation criteria in full: the originality of thought, quality of content, succinctness and clarity.

Five second and eight third places went to students from the International University for the Humanities and Development, Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Maya Kulieva National Conservatory, Seidi Turkmen State Teachers’ Training Institute (Turkmenabat), State Institute of Economics and Management, Agricultural University, State Finance Institute, Institute of Culture, Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics, and Institute of Engineering and Transport Communications.

Nyazli Yagshymuradova (University for the Humanities) and Baynazar Nepesov (Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan) came out on top in the Fine Art Photography Competition. Their images of Ashgabat were named best.

Toili Mukhammetdurdyev (Turkmen State University) and Atajan Kamiljanov (Turkmen State Energy Institute, Mary) took second place.

Third place went to Dovlet Kheshdekov (Institute of Physical Culture and Sports) and Khurma Charyeva (Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics).

The winning photos in the Competition