Ï Celebration in honor of the Day of neutrality

Celebration in honor of the Day of neutrality

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Celebration in honor of the Day of neutrality

A festive meeting dedicated to the 26th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country. The event was organized by the IMO MFA of the country together with representatives of the National Center of Trade Unions and the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.

A festively elegant university greeted the guests and participants of the meeting with a thematic exhibition prepared on the occasion of the celebration by the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of the country. Informative works of Turkmen masters of painting, carpet weaving in the language of art told the visitors of the exposition about the glorious history of our Motherland, the formation of independent neutral Turkmenistan and the modern powerful and prosperous country.

The topic of neutrality was widely presented during the speeches, which continued the festive meeting in the assembly hall of the university. For the listeners, thematic reports were made by representatives of the leadership of the organizing structures of the event, as well as teachers from the IMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country.

The speeches emphasized the high importance of the peaceful, friendly foreign policy of Turkmenistan and its important role in maintaining peace, stability in the world and establishing good interstate relations. With special pride, the participants spoke about the well-deserved authority of the state in the world space, the history of the country's permanent neutrality - a status twice recognized by the United Nations.

Within the framework of the meeting, creative song and dance performances of amateur artists of the university took place, solemnly dedicated to the upcoming celebration of the 26th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality.

At the end of the meeting, on behalf of the National Center of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan, representatives of the country's diplomatic university were presented with valuable gifts.