Ï Turkmenistan celebrates 2022 - the Epoch of the People with Arkadag - with large-scale achievements and new great goals

Turkmenistan celebrates 2022 - the Epoch of the People with Arkadag - with large-scale achievements and new great goals

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Turkmenistan celebrates 2022 - the Epoch of the People with Arkadag - with large-scale achievements and new great goals

Independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan welcomes the New Year 2022 as a united and friendly family, pinning the kindest and brightest hopes with it.

The big celebration goes all over the country, widely and cheerfully, as it has been customary for the Turkmen people from time immemorial. In the capital, festive events are held near the New Year trees installed in front of the State Circus and on the Ylham Alley, where music and songs are played, indispensable participants of this beloved holiday - Ayaz Baba and Garpamyk - are invited to round dances.

The main events of the New Year's festive night traditionally unfold on the square in front of the Älem Cultural and Entertainment Center. Against the backdrop of the snow-capped Kopetdag peaks, framed by white marble skyscrapers and monuments looking upward, the New Year's celebration takes on a particularly high tonality. In this wonderful corner of the Turkmen capital - the heart of our independent Motherland, which has become the personification of the new time for all of us - the dynamic pulse of the modern era is visibly felt.

In the fabulous town near the Main Christmas tree of the country, a magical, enchanting atmosphere of the New Year's holiday reigns. Popular pop singers, renowned masters and rising stars perform on the stage built on the square. The best voices of the country perform wonderful national melodies and songs, telling about their overwhelming feelings of love for the Motherland, glorifying the Arkadag of the Turkmen people - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. And, of course, they sing about New Year's miracles and dreams, which will certainly come true on this magical night.

Thanks to digital means of communication, the administrative centers of the country's regions joined the celebration in the capital, where the New Year is celebrated at the magnificent buildings of “Türkmeniň ak öýi”, which have become true centers of spirituality and high culture. It also hosted colorful performances with the participation of popular creative teams.

Huge monitors reflect the brightest and most significant events of the outgoing 2021, which will go down as a special chapter in the modern history of Turkmenistan and will remain in our memory as the year of the 30th anniversary of independence, great deeds inextricably linked with the name of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

It is deeply symbolic that on the eve of the New Year, 2022, a decision was made to approve its motto – “The Epoch of the people with Arkadag”. This sonorous slogan became an expression of national love and respect for the Hero-President, who founded a happy era and leads the Fatherland to new achievements. There is no doubt that under the leadership of the head of state in 2022 under the motto “The Epoch of the people with Arkadag”, our country will continue its glorious chronicle with new achievements and successes.

And today, seeing off 2021, we are pleased to note that it has become an important milestone that summed up the 30-year sovereign development of our Fatherland, and outlined new milestones in its further progressive development.

The theme of continuity was reflected in various events of the jubilee year, held under the motto “Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust”. Every day of it, filled with great hard work, wrote more and more new facts into the chronicle of the state, testifying to the grandiose achievements of Turkmenistan, the economic power of the country, the well-being of the people, and its high spiritual disposition.

“Despite global problems, the jubilee year for our independent Motherland as a whole was successful in terms of international relations and solving economic issues.

Events of international importance were held at a high level, the holiday of independence of the Motherland was celebrated and almost all measures planned for 2021 were successfully implemented,” the leader of the nation stated at a joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council held on December 27th.

We will remember 2021 for major socially significant activities and festive fireworks of grandiose cultural events and construction premieres. They, as if accumulating in themselves the creative energy of the era of power and happiness, gave a powerful spiritual charge to the further development of the Turkmen state and society.

The large-scale celebration of the 30th anniversary of the sovereign Motherland had its own special meaning and significance and was aimed at strengthening statehood, the democratic and legal foundations of independent Turkmenistan, the unity of the people, and the consolidation of society around basic values.

The creation in 2021 of Milli Gengesh, a bicameral parliament, based on the unshakable principles of state building, serving as a solid, reliable guarantee of the well-being of the Turkmen people, is indicative in this regard. These principles include independence and neutrality, peace and civil accord, democracy and the rule of law.

The year of the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of the Motherland was marked by the commissioning and the start of construction of a number of important facilities in the capital and regions. Among them are new modern buildings for schools, kindergartens, healthcare institutions, comfortable residential buildings, parks and squares, and other industrial and socio-cultural facilities.

As the head of state noted, instead of the planned 30 facilities, 73 large structures were commissioned in total in 2021! Such large-scale objects as an airport in the city of Kerki, a section of the Ashgabat-Tejen road of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat autobahn, two large textile complexes in Ahal, a large reservoir and several hospitals in the Balkan velayat, a carpet factory in Dashoguz velayat, as well as buildings “Türkmeniň ak öýi” in the cities of Turkmenabat, Balkanabat and Dashoguz, the complex of buildings “Türkmeniň alabaý itleri” and other facilities have become operational.

In the outgoing year, the implementation of ambitious projects of regional international importance continued, primarily transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India and the power transmission lines Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan. A 30-kilometer railway line between Akina-Andkhoy stations, a 153-kilometer power transmission line along the Kerki-Shibirghan route, Ymamnazar-Akina and Serhetabat-Turgundi international fiber-optic communication systems were put into operation.

The Turkmen capital, which widely celebrated the 140th anniversary of its foundation in 2021, has grown with a number of large new buildings, original in their embodiment. So, in Ashgabat, a complex of government buildings, the Aşgabat shopping and entertainment center, two 7-star hotels, comfortable residential buildings, and new park zones were opened. The foundation of the International Scientific and Clinical Center for Physiology and the International Health and Rehabilitation Center has been laid. The way Ashgabat flourishes reflects the depth of patriotic feelings and the universal love of the Turkmen people for the city - the heart of our Motherland, which beats in unison with the creative dynamics of the era of power and happiness.

The appearance of the beautiful white marble capital, like a drop of water, reflects the rhythms of transformations that swept the entire Turkmen land, and the grandiose results of the progressive policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which make the whole world look at Turkmenistan with trust and hope as a country of peace and creation.

Confirmation of this is the success of the foreign policy strategy of our independent neutral state.

In 2021, proclaimed at the initiative of Turkmenistan by the UN General Assembly as the “International Year of Peace and Trust”, our Motherland further strengthened its high authority as a peacemaking state.

As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasizes, “even in the difficult international situation, our country has consistently and purposefully pursued a policy of maintaining global stability and security. Our neutral homeland has taken effective measures aimed at establishing international legal norms, strengthening the role and authority of the United Nations and other leading multilateral institutions, as well as helping to strengthen regional cooperation and mutual understanding, putting forward constructive initiatives.”

Over the past 12 months, a number of high level meetings and negotiations were held with official representatives of foreign countries, including with the heads of state and government, heads of various international corporations and companies, based on their results, over two hundred intergovernmental documents have been signed and important agreements have been reached that open new opportunities in the development of constructive international relations and mutually beneficial economic partnership of Turkmenistan with its neighbors in the region and other countries of the planet.

Major events took place as a result of the proactive role of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the regional level. In August, Avaza National Tourist Zone successfully hosted the third Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia and the meeting of the Dialogue of Women of Central Asia, leading to adoption of important decisions.

On November 28th, Ashgabat hosted the 15th Economic Cooperation Organization Summit chaired by Turkmenistan, the final document of which - the Ashgabat Consensus for Action - is of great importance in resolving humanitarian issues in Afghanistan. 

Another significant event is the International Conference “Politics of Peace and Trust - the Basis of International Security, Stability and Development” held on December 11th in Ashgabat with the participation of leaders and representatives of governments and large organizations and the initiatives put forward there.

It is also important to note that in 2021, Turkmenistan was elected to the membership of the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women 2022-2024, Vice-President of the Economic Commission for Europe.

The UN General Assembly unanimously supported the Resolutions initiated by Turkmenistan “On strengthening the connection between all modes of transport to ensure stable and reliable international transport for sustainable development during and after the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic” and “On cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization Economic Cooperation”.

The traditional dialogue with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was further actively developed. On April 15th, 2021, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and UNESCO for 2021-2023. In order to consistently and purposefully continue work in this direction, in September 2021, the National Committee for the UNESCO “Man and Biosphere” Program was created for the first time in Turkmenistan and its Charter was developed.

Significant milestones in the development of new vectors of interaction between our country and this specialized UN organization were the election of Turkmenistan on June 21st, 2021 as a member of the Executive Council, which is the governing institution of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission for a period of three years, and on November 19th, 2021 as a member of the Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO International Hydrological Program for the period of 2021-2025.

All this reflects the high authority of Turkmenistan in the world arena, and also testifies to the growing support for the foreign policy of the state from the international community.

As the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasizes, the main vectors of our foreign policy are reflected in further comprehensive strengthening of peace, security, stability, and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Behind all the large-scale activities deployed in the country lies the tireless work of the head of state, the great love of the leader of the nation for his people, their glorious history, concern for the present and future of Turkmenistan. This is reflected in the works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov published in 2021: “Garaşsyzlyk - bagtymyz” (“Independence is our happiness”), “White city of Ashgabat”, the 13th volume of the scientific encyclopedic work “Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan”, in a poem dedication to neutrality “Long live, peaceful life!”

The head of state subordinated the modernization of the country to the specific interests of each Turkmen citizen, each individual family. It is social priorities that form the basis of all transformation programs.

Participants of the New Year's teleconference, which connected the Turkmen capital with the administrative centers of the velayats, spoke about this on this festive night.

On behalf of all compatriots, the presenters address to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulations on the New Year, the Year of the People's Epoch with Arkadag, wishing happiness, health, longevity, success in achieving great goals in the name of prosperity of our Fatherland, and well-being of the native people.

The head of state and all Turkmen citizens, one after another, on behalf of each region, are greeted by hyakims, honorary elders and representatives of the young generation.

Masters of arts and creative teams add their voices to the greetings and good wishes of the speakers. Artists present bright original performances - a kind of “visiting cards” of velayats, each of which is distinguished by a wealth of distinctive traditions in musical and choreographic arts. Like streams, they unite in a full-flowing river of festive culture of the Turkmen people.

The Turkmen capital, the heart of the Motherland, completes the New Year's festive roll call. Representatives of Ashgabat, its older and younger generations, as well as members of the country's leadership corps, gathered on the square in front of the Älem Cultural and Entertainment Center, wish the President of the country, compatriots in all cities and villages success, health, prosperity and happiness. Popular artists support them with festive dedications.

The presenters, summing up the baton of New Year's festive greetings from the residents of the velayats and the capital, chant toasts, glorify the independent neutral Fatherland, the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the epoch of the people with Arkadag, a wonderful holiday, joyfully and at the same time solemnly, with creative energy, walking through the ancient Turkmen land , approaching the new year of the era of power and happiness.

The culminating moment is coming - the Oguzhan Palace Complex is online. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is speaking on TV screens with a New Year's Address to the Turkmen people. Millions of Turkmen citizens listen to the leader of the nation with great attention, with bated breath.

And in these exciting, solemn moments, we are all united by a feeling of great sincere pride in our beloved independent Motherland, a sense of unity and belonging to everything that is now happening on the ancient Turkmen land. The President of the country outlined the main milestones of the past year, briefly described all spheres of the country's life, gave a succinct assessment of the results of domestic and foreign policy with which we are celebrating the new year.

The State Anthem of Turkmenistan sounds solemnly. The countdown of the last minutes of the outgoing year has begun.

So, 2021 becomes history, and the New Year 2022 begins. At this moment, the sky above the square is illuminated by wonderful inflorescences, showered with myriads of sparks and blooming New Year's Eve with the rich colors of the sparkling lights of grandiose fireworks.

Happy New Year! Happiness all around! Peace, kindness, love and harmony, prosperity and wellbeing to our country and every home! May our beloved Motherland flourish, may its achievements multiply!