Ï Scientific developments - into production: buns and mineral water - with licorice extract

Scientific developments - into production: buns and mineral water - with licorice extract

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Scientific developments - into production: buns and mineral water - with licorice extract

The laboratory of the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan conducts a complex of interdisciplinary research, including in the field of bioinformatics technologies. The work of the laboratory is aimed primarily at the food security of the country. We managed to communicate with specialists in the field of pharmacognosy and understand how the result of modern pharmacognostic research has expanded the range of medicinal plants and drugs derived from them. Also, our attention was attracted by a combination of techniques, methods and technologies for obtaining one or another raw material.

Employees of the laboratory of the Center for Technology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have developed a recipe for food products enriched with glycyrrhizic acid contained in the roots of the licorice plant. At their suggestion, a thick extract from medicinal plant raw materials was added to bakery products baked in the Bereketli shopping center. Also, in the near future, they plan to add a thick and dry extract from medicinal plant materials to mineral water produced by the enterprise for the production of mineral medicinal water "Berzengi".

The fact is that in the course of experimental studies, laboratory specialists identified glycyrrhizic and glycyrrhetic acids and other substances with antioxidant properties in licorice root. They have been shown to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Previously, scientists from several research institutes in a joint work have shown that glycyrrhizic acid itself not only has its own biological activity, but can also enhance the effect of other drugs, and even reduce their therapeutic dose when used together. Therefore, according to scientists, drugs with glycyrrhizic acid added to food improve the body's metabolic processes by stimulating the production of interferon in the body, increasing phagocytosis, and increasing the activity of natural killers.

- The laboratory successfully carried out scientific work on obtaining bioactive substances from representatives of the local flora and on the development of medicines from them, - explains the head of Batyr Danatarov. - On the instructions of the pharmaceutical enterprise "Saglyk", the laboratory specialists worked out the technology for obtaining a dry extract of camel thorn, and studied the medicinal properties of this plant. It has been proven that the extract contains antioxidant and vascular strengthening substances with an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, rutin, quercetin, luteolin. A pharmacopoeial monograph has been prepared - regulatory documents that establish requirements for the quality of a medicinal product for medical use. So the dry extract of camel thorn can be safely recommended as a remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and vascular diseases.

Laboratory staff prepared a dry lyophilized (that is, when moistened, restoring its original properties) extract of Ferula gum-resin (asafoetida). It is expected that asafoetida dry extract will be used for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal and lung diseases, as well as an immunostimulant.

Ferula gum resin contains antibacterial and antiviral substances - ferulic acid, diallyl sulfide, α-pinene, luteolin and umbelliferone. Work on the development of drugs continues.