Ï Scientific developments - into production: synthesis of new substances from local raw materials

Scientific developments - into production: synthesis of new substances from local raw materials

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Scientific developments - into production: synthesis of new substances from local raw materials

Today speech will go about the main directions of the research work of the laboratory of technologies for the synthesis of new substances of the Centre for Technology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan - the development of environmentally friendly agrochemical methods for the preservation and reproduction of soil fertility, the development and implementation of optimal zonal fertilizer systems in typical crop rotations that ensure the preservation and expanded reproduction of soil fertility, achieving a sustainable increase in yields and improved product quality; and other equally important achievements.

The Laboratory of Technologies for the Synthesis of New Substances of the ANT Technology Center signed an agreement with the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries (TCOR), within the framework of which it is developing a technology for the production of lubricating, motor, diesel, industrial and other types of oils. Research work is being carried out to obtain a component of base oils from the vacuum gas oil fraction obtained at the road bitumen production unit at the Seydi oil refinery.

- The main goal of the laboratory of technologies for the synthesis of new substances of the Centre for Technology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, - explains the head of the laboratory, Jeren Sylapova, is the synthesis of products that are competitive on the world market based on local raw materials and the development of technologies for their production using the most advanced scientific achievements, methods and innovations. The laboratory for the synthesis of new substances was certified in April 2020 by the Main State Service «Turkmenstandartlary».

Equipping the laboratory with modern automated analyzers from well-known manufacturers helps to carry out analyzes in accordance with the established regulatory requirements of the standards.

The laboratory performs such activities as determining the physical and chemical parameters of oil and oil products, lubricating oils, motor and transformer oils, bitumen grades.

Laboratory staff, together with specialists from the Turkmenabat Chemical Plant of the State Concern «Turkmenhimiya» and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, have developed a mixed complex NPS fertilizer (nitrogen-phosphorus-sulfur complex fertilizer), which is prepared by mixing promising non-traditional ameliorant fertilizers, urea and mineral additives: bentonite or dolomite, and are working to introduce it into production.

When determining the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of the obtained fertilizer, spectral methods of analysis were used, namely, UV spectroscopy and an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The NPS fertilizer developed by scientists and manufacturers will be widely used in agriculture as a complex fertilizer for industrial, grain and vegetable crops to increase fertility, moisture retention and improve soil structure.