Ï Center for Hydrogen Energy MUNG named after Ya. Kakaev: assistance in the development of the industry

Center for Hydrogen Energy MUNG named after Ya. Kakaev: assistance in the development of the industry

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Center for Hydrogen Energy MUNG named after Ya. Kakaev: assistance in the development of the industry

In the structure of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshigeldi Kakaev, the Center for Hydrogen Energy was launched, which opened on the basis of the university almost two months ago.

Its creation was the result of steps taken in the state to actively promote energy diplomacy as an integral factor in strengthening mutually beneficial partnership in ensuring global energy security. In particular, the activities of the new center are aimed at implementing the tasks and action plan within the framework of the Roadmap for the development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of hydrogen energy for 2022–2023. The document was approved by the Decree of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during the Government meeting on January 28 this year.

The importance and necessity of work in this direction, as well as the responsibility associated with it, made it possible to organize and launch the activities of the Center for Hydrogen Energy in the structure of the university in a short time. Already on February 28 this year, the first online meeting of representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) with specialists from the Center for Hydrogen Energy and students of an oil and gas university was held. The content of the webinar included the topics of the prospects for the development of hydrogen energy, the training of highly qualified specialists in this field and the expansion of international cooperation.

This event was followed by a conference that brought together Turkmenistan and Japan through digital video communication. A joint meeting of governmental organizations of the two countries with the participation of representatives of the MUNG named after Ya. Kakaev was devoted to the study of foreign experience in the field of hydrogen energy.

On April 1 this year, with the active participation of the working group of the Center for Hydrogen Energy, representatives of the faculty and students of the university, the First UNIDO meeting on global cooperation in the field of industrial use of hydrogen energy was held. The meeting was chaired by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and included the development of global cooperation and the exchange of experience in the field of "green" hydrogen production between the member states of the organization. The event participants included experts from Austria, Germany, Italy, China, Egypt and South Africa.

Further, specialists from the oil and gas university participated in a conference on the topic "Development of a roadmap for the commercial development of nuclear-hydrogen energy for the development of the industry", organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). A thematic dialogue of the participants took place in a productive manner, technical consultations of Turkmen and foreign experts were held.

The possibilities of cooperation in the field of hydrocarbon production, production of hydrogen energy were discussed at an online conference organized on April 7-8 by the Japanese company Kawasaki Heavy Ind. The event brought together specialists from the Center for Hydrogen Energy of MUNG, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, the state concerns "Turkmenhimiya", "Turkmengas", "Turkmennebit", the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries, the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, the Institute of International Relations of the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

With the joint organization of the training and practical center "Renewable Energy Sources" of the State Institute of Energy of Turkmenistan and the Center for Hydrogen Energy of the MUNG, a scientific and practical conference was held on the topic "The Importance of the Development of Hydrogen Energy in Turkmenistan". Representatives of the teaching staff and students of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, as well as the Institute of Engineering and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan, joined the participation.

All activities are mainly aimed at a productive result of their implementation and making practical use for solving the problems of developing hydrogen energy. With such goals, the creation of the Center for Hydrogen Energy as part of the Ya. Kakaev MUGNiR is connected. In particular, its main task is the training of high-level specialists and the establishment of international scientific cooperation in this field, the implementation of research work, the development and implementation of innovative scientific and educational programs in production in order to create and develop the hydrogen energy industry in Turkmenistan.

In this regard, short-term training and internships for specialists and students of the university will be held in research centers of our country and in branches of leading foreign companies operating in our country, as well as in the Center for Hydrogen Energy to improve their professional skills.

Based on the study and analysis of world experience, the specialists of the Center will prepare and make proposals for the introduction of advanced innovative technologies for the production of hydrogen energy in Turkmenistan. Among the tasks of the Center is also carrying out fundamental and experimental research in the field of hydrogen energy. To achieve the set goals, coordination of work with foreign industry specialists, professors and teachers of prestigious universities of the country and foreign countries will be established.

Hydrogen energy is called the trend of the XXI century and the "energy of the future". It is associated with the solution of global world issues and tasks of our time. Mainly, in this context, answers are given to the search for alternative energy sources, environmental problems and issues of environmental protection.

As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized during the meeting of the Government in January this year, the priority aspect in ensuring global energy security is the introduction of advanced technologies for the development of alternative and, in particular, low-carbon energy, the practical use of its sources and potential, which is of great importance in the light of topical problems of our time related to ecology and climate change. And this opens up broad prospects for the use of hydrogen - the fuel of the future, due to its high operational and, most importantly, environmental characteristics.