Ï Half of the winners and prize-winners of the International Olympiad in strength of materials are Turkmen citizens

Half of the winners and prize-winners of the International Olympiad in strength of materials are Turkmen citizens

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Half of the winners and prize-winners of the International Olympiad in strength of materials are Turkmen citizens

The Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering announced the results of the Open International Internet Olympiad in the discipline "Strength of Materials", held among students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and abroad.

Students from 68 universities from 13 countries - Turkmenistan, Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Czech Republic, China, Germany, Turkey, Malaysia took part in the Olympiad.

Under the terms of the competition, no more than three students could speak from each university, regardless of their specialization and year of study at the university. The Olympiad was held in Turkmen, Russian and English in the form of individual competitions.

In general, according to the results of the Olympiad, 12 winners were named. 6 of them are students from Turkmenistan. These are Palvan Bazarov (Institute of Engineering and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan), Yakub Annagurbanov, Dzhemshit Dzhumaev (Turkmen Agricultural Institute), Kakamurat Kerimberdiev (Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering), Akhmet Tukatov (Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov) , Nuralishir Abdullayev (Turkmen State Energy Institute).

The second six winners were presented by students from Russia, Belarus, China and Uzbekistan.

Similarly, exactly half of the prizes - 27 out of 54, according to the results of the Olympiad, were taken by Turkmen students. 9 second and 18 third places were received by representatives of the above domestic universities, as well as the Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan named after Oguzhan, the International University of Oil and Gas named after Y. Kakaev, the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Seydi, the International University for the Humanities and Development .

Among foreign participants, 27 second and third place winners included students from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus and China.

All winners and prize-winners of the competition, who scored the most points based on the results of individual competitions of the Olympiad, were awarded diplomas of the corresponding degrees.

Representatives of the Institute of Architecture and Construction note that the intellectual review was held at a high organizational level, significantly allowed to strengthen scientific and educational cooperation in the international format, expand interaction between students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the world.

The Olympiad was held as part of the implementation of the tasks of the Concept for the Development of the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan and the Concept for Improving the Teaching of Natural and Exact Sciences in Universities.

Similar competitions are organized on a regular basis in our country in order to identify talented young people capable of scientific research - future specialists in the innovation and technological spheres of the rapidly growing market economy of Turkmenistan. Events of this level increase the authority of Turkmen universities, contribute to the solution of one of the main tasks of national education to join them among the leading Higher Schools of the world.