Ï Creative initiatives of Turkmenistan for the peace and development

Creative initiatives of Turkmenistan for the peace and development

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As is known, during his speech at the Fourth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, held on July 21 in the Kyrgyz Republic, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov said that Turkmenistan is currently preparing initiatives at the UN to declare 2023 the International Year of "Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace" and on the development of the Resolution of the General Assembly "Zone of Peace and Trust in Central Asia", emphasizing that he counts on the support of these constructive proposals by all the countries of Central Asia.

At the same time, they spoke about the expediency of intensifying diplomatic cooperation both within the regional framework and with other states, in order to support international efforts in de-escalating conflicts and creating favorable conditions for their transfer to the negotiation channel.

“Here we can and must offer our vision of using the mechanisms of preventive diplomacy in the region, in particular, through the activities of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, provide it with all possible support and assistance,” President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized, voicing the initiative to hold a round of consultations at the level of the heads of the ministries of foreign affairs of the states of Central Asia and the Regional Center this year.

Turkmenistan's neutrality is reasonably considered an important factor in preventing conflicts. The constructive role of Turkmen neutrality was recognized and confirmed by two resolutions of the UN General Assembly, adopted with the co-sponsorship of all Central Asian states. In this regard, it is proposed to use this factor in the further practical implementation by our countries of their international agenda to strengthen global peace and stability.

Consistently implementing a constructive foreign policy strategy, independent neutral Turkmenistan deepens mutually beneficial cooperation with all interested parties, primarily with neighboring states in the region, with whose peoples the Turkmen people are united by common cultural and spiritual values, historically established bonds of friendship and mutual support.

Standing for a broad constructive dialogue in the name of global peace, security and sustainable development in Central Asia, our country takes an active and proactive stance in matters of regional partnership.

This is also evidenced by the participation of our country in the digital summits "Central Asia-China" and "Central Asia-India" held at the beginning of this year, marked by the festive date - the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between these countries.

Thus, during the Central Asia-China Summit held at the initiative of the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, it was noted that the project "Revival of the Great Silk Road" put forward by the Turkmen side is designed to give a powerful impetus to economic development in Eurasia, uniting vast expanses from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean on modern principles, forming interconnected production and technological cycles and industrial belts, contributing to the solution of many social problems, improving the quality of life and the well-being of people.

During the Central Asia-India Summit, Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi emphasized his country's commitment to a dynamic partnership with Central Asia. As noted, the Central Asian region occupies a key place in the Indian vision of an integrated and broad good neighborliness. In the modern era, the traditional interstate dialogue, including on a multilateral basis and, in particular, in the “Central Asia-India” format, is successfully developing, also relying on the deep historical and cultural commonality of the peoples living here. As Prime Minister Narendra Modi noted in his recent congratulatory letter to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, more than 200 million Indians who adhere to Islam see this holiday as a celebration of universal mercy, a desire for peace, solidarity and brotherhood of all people.

Speaking about cultural and humanitarian cooperation during his speech at the Fourth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated that Central Asia is one of the cradles of world civilization.

Today, as noted, the task is to create a single cultural space in the region as a system of complex, multifaceted interaction between the cultural communities of our countries, popularize the richest spiritual and historical heritage of the peoples of Central Asia, modern achievements in the field of literature, art, cinema, encourage broad contacts between representatives of the creative intelligentsia.

It is they who are called upon to take the initiative to create the prerequisites for launching a regional cultural dialogue, which would have a regular character, the head of Turkmenistan said, proposing to call it the Forum of Cultural Dialogue of Central Asia. And to encourage activities in this area, establish an annual Prize of the Presidents of the Central Asian countries for achievements in the field of culture.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that today, in the conditions of the extreme aggravation of the world situation, we, neighbors, fraternal peoples with a common history and roots, must at all costs maintain unity and solidarity, show responsibility and far-sightedness.

Expressing confidence that it is possible to jointly ensure peace, prosperity and progress for our peoples and countries, the full and effective entry of Central Asia into a number of rapidly developing and promising economic regions of world importance, the head of state confirmed the readiness of Turkmenistan for the closest cooperation to achieve these goals.

Comprehensive strengthening of political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties with partner countries is an important vector of the foreign policy strategy of sovereign Turkmenistan, steadily implementing the policy of "open doors" and broad international cooperation.

In this context, the statement of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the aforementioned Fourth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia that Turkmenistan is preparing initiatives at the UN to declare 2023 the International Year of “Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace” and to develop a General Assembly Resolution “Zone of Peace and Trust in Central Asia” is another clear confirmation of our country’s comprehensive and balanced approach to solving topical issues of cooperation, taking into account the ever-increasing role of the region not only in continental, but also in global processes.