Ï Tasks of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan will be discussed at the next congress

Tasks of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan will be discussed at the next congress

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Tasks of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan will be discussed at the next congress

On September 1, the VII Congress of the Magtymguly Youth Organization will be held, at which the whole range of youth policy issues, current and future tasks of the young generation in a new historical era will be discussed. This is an important event in the life of a country in which the average age of the population is less than thirty years. Turkmen youth is the driving force behind the development of society and the state, therefore, the issues of their legal and social support, guaranteeing rights and freedoms, physical, intellectual and spiritual health, professional training, development of creative and business initiatives are one of the main national priorities.

The Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan is one of the largest public organizations in the country, with 912 thousand 902 members at the moment. Almost 5,000 of its primary organizations operate in all 5 velayats, 12 cities and 47 etraps of the country. Members of the organization take an active part in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the country, are represented in its state and legislative bodies.

The upcoming youth forum will bring together more than 400 participants, the main part of which are representatives of the organization from the cities and velayats of the country, young professionals from all sectors of the economy and the social sphere, students and young people who have particularly distinguished themselves in production, entrepreneurship, science, education, culture and sports. .

The agenda of the congress of the Magtymguly Youth Organization traditionally includes a report on the work done, a discussion of the priority tasks facing the organization, and a number of organizational issues.