Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which considered topical issues of the state life.
Turning to the agenda of the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan gave the floor to Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova, who informed on the activities aimed at successful realization of strategically significant programs, further social economic development of the country and strengthening of democratic bases of the country.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined the necessity of use of positive experience of interaction with largest international organizations, first of all, with the UN.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh K.Babaev informed on the work carried out. At present, preparation for events on the occasion of a significant date, Day of Independence of our fatherland and a solemn forum is carried out at a high level.
Development of a number of new drafts of legislative acts is carried out jointly with the Mejlis as well as members of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh participate in advocating and explanatory activities.
The head of the state noted the importance of practical steps implemented to strengthen a normative and legal basis of the country modernized taking into account priority tasks of socio-economic development of the country at the new stage.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Kh.Geldimyradov, who reported further, informed on the results of analyses of issues connected with proper conduction of road construction activities and their proper financing by the State Agency for Management of Road Construction. By the outcome of the monitoring of economic, financial and banking complexes, for consideration of the President of Turkmenistan a number of proposals were submitted.
In particular, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet informed that adopt info new drafts of some normative and legal acts on determination of estimate standards and tariffs for construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of motor roads, cost of this work as well as prices for transportation by motor transportation. In addition to it, proposals on financing of relevant activities by the Agency planned for implementation in future were informed.
Having summed up the report, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of improvement of documents regulating the sphere of motor road construction. Having made an emphasis on the necessity of exact solution of tasks connected with financing of work in the given sphere, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to explore in detail the issue jointly with profile structures.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Sh.Abdrahmanov reported on the results of exploration of hard rock mineral resources carried out by “Türkmengeologiýa” State Corporation.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out to the necessity of modernization of activity of institutions of the fuel and energy complex in accordance with requirements of the time, improvement of qualification of its employees as well as a modern approach to solution of issues of enhancement of production capacities of the complex.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet A.Yazmyradov reported on the work carried out in regions of the country in agriculture and in water supply as well as allocation of land plots to state institutions and enterprises.
Measures taken to all-round development of the agro-industrial complex and production of high yields of agricultural crops were reported.
The information on the work of collection of water in water reservoirs at present in accordance with the scheduled work plan to improve the ameliorative state of agricultural fields of the country and their supply with sufficient volume of water was also delivered.
For consideration of the head of the state, proposals on allocation of land plots to ministries, sectoral departments, pubic organizations, khyakimliks, their subordinate institutions and enterprises for permanent and temporary use for construction and production purposes were submitted.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on the importance of large-scale transformations carried out the agricultural sector to enhance the efficiency of agricultural production, including at the expense of introduction of advanced scientific methods and digital technologies in practice in the given sphere.
The head of the state instructed him to ensure a high organizational level of festive horse races in the International Ahalteke equestrian sports complex planned on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of independence of our fatherland.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Purchekov reported on the practical steps realized for solution of priority tasks set before the energy sector.
At present, specialists of the Ministry of Energy have prepared proposals on further improvement of the infrastructure of the sector and rise of production capacities of a number of important energy projects with a view of satisfaction of the growing demand for power energy.
Having summed up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined the significance of activities carried out to steadily rise the potential of the national power energy sector to which a great importance is attached in strengthening of power of the national economy.
Further, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported on the preparation carried out in Ashgabat for celebration of the anniversary of state independence widely as well as decoration of the capital on this occasion.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again drew the attention to the necessity of proper preparation for the main holiday, the 31st anniversary of sacred independence of our fatherland. The upcoming events should be held in the atmosphere of universal joy and inspiration, the head of the state marked, having given a number of concrete instructions to the Deputy-Chairman in connection with the decoration of the central city of the country and organization of all planned events at due level.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Atdayev reported on the work connected with organization of the exhibition of economic achievements devoted to sacred Independence Day of Turkmenistan.
In the course of the exposition, the achievements of the country in all spheres, local production of state and private sectors, which enjoy a steady demand both in local and foreign markets, will be displayed.
The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet submitted a draft of the program of the forum for consideration of the head of the state.
Having summed up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that in all spheres of the national economy radical transformations are carried out, a large-scale work has been implemented and great achievements were made.
Further, Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova reported on the work carried out in the sphere under her supervision.
With a view of development of cultural links with foreign partners in October-November of the year “The epoch of people with Arkadag“a number of events are planned. In the last decade of November, the capital is planning to host the international festival and conference “National song and music art in the heritage of peoples of the world”.
Having heard the report and having noted that the upcoming cultural events will serve all-round development of the fruitful humanitarian dialogue of Turkmenistan with foreign countries, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed her to ensure a high level of their organization.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet N.Amannepesov reported on complex measures taken for prevention of a negative impact of the Aral Sea in Turkmenistan.
Preventative measures are taken for mitigation of the unfavourable impact of the Aral Sea on the life and health of peoples and ecology of this zone. Specialists of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry and Ministry of Education and Academy of Sciences study causes of emergence of various diseases. In this area, a number of scientific projects are carried out.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that in the context of implementation of the National Programme of Turkmenistan on the Aral Sea for 2021 – 2025, a fruitful work for improvement of ecological situation is carried out and efficient measures are taken for protection of the public health. In this connection, the Deputy-Chairman was instructed with concrete tasks to enhance the efficiency of taken measures.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, minister of foreign affairs R.Meredov before reporting sincerely congratulated the President of Turkmenistan with his successful working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of which the head of the state as an honoured guest, took part in the Samarkand SCO Summit and delivered new important initiatives and held a number of bilateral meetings.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, head of foreign affairs office reported on the work carried out in the foreign policy department for development of digital diplomacy of Turkmenistan. Within the framework of improvement of state information policy and digital transformation activity of national diplomatic service complex measures are taken in this direction for efficient use of advanced communications technologies.
As was pointed out, in February of 2020 in the structure of the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the section of digital diplomacy was set up.
Proceeding from the importance of the task to ensure cyber security, according to the Resolution for the President of Turkmenistan of August 20, 2021, MFA has set up the section for monitoring of information systems.
In this regard, for consideration of the head of the state a number of proposals prepared with a view of intensification of activities of the nation diplomatic service in the international information space and improvement of tools of national digital diplomacy were submitted.
So, in expansion and unification of the system of electronic communication of the country it is proposed to create an autonomous national digital network.
In addition to it, proposals on creation of the profile digital library of collection, promotion and systematization of resolutions and other documents adopted within the UN and other important organizations as well as a digital museum of the diplomatic service of Turkmenistan were sounded.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that neutral Turkmenistan striving to realize its potential fully, will further expand multilateral cooperation with important international and regional organizations taking an initiative position in issues of deepening of the constructive dialogue in the name of peace and prosperity.
In this connection, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that development of digital diplomacy would also facilitate wider familiarization of the international community with key priorities of the foreign policy strategy of neutral Turkmenistan, its peace making creative initiatives meeting the interests of universal prosperity and progress, instructing the Deputy-Chairman, head of the MFA to continue work in this direction.
Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency at the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on the state of affairs in the sector under his supervision as well as on the preparation for the opening of passenger bus terminals in Balkan, Lebap, and Mary regions to ensure high quality services for population with intra-city, suburban and intercity shuttle services.
New complexes envisage the control of buses through the GPS system, reception of waybills by drivers in an electronic format, purchase of tickets and familiarization with schedules of buses routes online. There will be created favourable conditions for passengers and drivers. In this connection, the head of the Agency presented for consideration of the head of the state a draft of the relevant plan for opening of new projects.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that today in our country a large-scale work is developed for modernization and development of the transport and communications complex, due steps are taken in this direction to facilitate a significance rise of the standards of living of people, and wide opportunities are opened for international cooperation as well.
The commissioning of relevant infrastructures and projects into operation has a special significance for further social-economic development of the fatherland, the head of Turkmenistan underlined and gave an instruction to the head of the Agency in connection with the opening of bus terminals.
A number of other issues were also considered and relevant decisions were made at the meeting.
Having completed the online meeting of the Cabinet, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family wellbeing and great successes in their work for the prosperity of our sovereign country.