Since the beginning of the new academic year, the list of secondary schools in the Dashoguz velayat, specializing in the study of foreign languages, has been replenished. With the commissioning of two new educational institutions, designed for 600 students each, in the city of Dashoguz and in the village "Buýanly-oba" of the "Şöhrat" geneshlik of the S.A. Niyazov etrap, their number in the region reached 28. At the same time, the number of foreign languages studied here also increased. Since September 1, in the specialized school No. 14 of the city of Dashoguz, in accordance with the Concept for improving the teaching of foreign languages in Turkmenistan, the Italian language has been taught. Starting from the fifth grade, its students study here as a second foreign language.
As in the whole country, in Dashouz velayat much attention is paid to expanding the linguistic horizons of students and their speech development. Foreign languages are regarded here as a means of international communication and an important factor contributing to the formation of a holistic picture of the world among schoolchildren. Schools have a sufficient number of qualified teachers and are consistently provided with the necessary teaching aids.
An important support in the process of teaching foreign languages is the high level of technical equipment of educational institutions, the presence in them of the required number of interactive whiteboards and language laboratories. All this together makes it possible to successfully teach English, German, French, Arabic, Persian, Chinese and other languages in them.
It should be noted that a large part of the schools specializing in the study of foreign languages is located on the territory of etraps. For example, in the etrap named after S.A. Niyazov, several general educational institutions are already successfully operating, which study foreign languages in depth.