Ï A conference dedicated to Novruz was held at the Technocentre

A conference dedicated to Novruz was held at the Technocentre

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A conference dedicated to Novruz was held at the Technocentre

On the eve of the National Spring Holiday, the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan held a scientific conference on the topic «Novruz in the culture of the Eastern peoples».

Employees of various laboratories of the Technocentre, teachers of the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, a teacher and high school students of the Ashgabat specialized boarding school named after Saparmyrat Turkmebashy took part in the festive event.

The conference was opened with an introductory speech by the Director of the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Durdymyrat Gadamov. The first of the ten presentations included in the conference program was dedicated to the International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Zones (IASP), whose membership was accepted by the ANT Technology Centre last autumn. D. Bayramgeldiyeva, Chief Specialist of the Technology Transfer Centre of the Technocentre, emphasized that IASP is a prestigious organization that unites world technological and scientific centers and national associations. Bringing together experts from science parks and innovation zones creates conditions for the growth of the effectiveness of its members and their contribution to innovation, knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship and global economic growth. The admission of the Technocentre to the IASP will become a springboard for entry into other authoritative scientific unions, will expand the international relations of Turkmen science and promote its integration into the world scientific community.

The rest of the speeches were devoted to Novruz - an ancient and eternally young, like spring, holiday of the peoples of the East. «Novruz International Holiday in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Humanity», «Novruz is a holiday of renewal and kindness», «Novruz is reflected in the works of Omar Hayyam», «Novruz holiday is a decoration of spring», «Novruz is a holiday of nature and soul» - these are some topics of presentations made at the conference. The speakers paid special attention to revealing the universal and humanistic essence of this holiday, which made it the cultural heritage of mankind, the renewing and transforming power of Nowruz, in tune with the spirit and rhythms of the modern epoch.