Ï Elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the halk maslahaty and Gengeshes to be held in Turkmenistan on March 26

Elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the halk maslahaty and Gengeshes to be held in Turkmenistan on March 26

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Turkmenistan is preparing for a new next step on the path of strengthening democratic principles in the life of society, further development of the primordial traditions of democracy, to which the Turkmens have been committed for many millennia, triumphing again in a new historical era. On March 26, all polling stations of the country will open their doors for the people of Turkmenistan, who, using their constitutional right, will fulfill their civic duty and elect the most worthy representatives to the Mejlis, to the representative bodies of local executive power and local self-government.

Along with the economic upsurge, the growth of the well-being of the population, the level of socio-political outlook and self-awareness of our compatriots as the creators of their future, the future of the nation and state, is steadily increasing.

In addition to the deputies of the Mejlis, in the political system of the country, based on unshakable democratic principles, a special role is given to such structures as velayat, etrap and city halk maslahaty, as well as Gengeshes - local self-government bodies that unite the best, socially active members of society.

And as the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasizes, the current elections will mark a new stage of democratic transformations.

As TDH was informed by the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan, during the preparation for the current election campaign, large-scale work has been done, in the orbit of which both representatives of state structures of all levels, as well as political parties and public organizations were involved. Preparations for the elections were carried out in strict accordance with the current Electoral Code and international law.

Today, full readiness has been declared at all polling stations in the country, each of which is equipped in advance with transparent ballot boxes, including portable ones, ballot papers and all the necessary reference and methodological literature. Premises equipped with special booths are allocated for the voting procedure. Each polling station is equipped with reliable communications and vehicles. In the current elections, there will also be an online broadcast from 240 polling stations on the voting day, which indicates the maximum transparency of the electoral process, as well as the desire to use the most advanced technologies.

Precinct election commissions, which included authoritative representatives of political parties, labor collectives and public organizations, treated their duties with special responsibility. Through the efforts of local activists, extensive explanatory work was carried out among the population. Moreover, those who, for any reason, will be absent from their place of residence on the election day, have used the right to vote early. The ballot papers filled in by them will be stored in special sealed ballot boxes until the counting of votes begins.

Meetings of voters with candidates were held in accordance with the established and agreed schedule. The time and place of their holding was announced in advance by the media. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that all nominees were provided with equal conditions and opportunities for conducting pre-election campaigning.

The participation of national observers in it will contribute to the openness and objectivity of the electoral process.

Speaking about the upcoming significant political event, we emphasize that Turkmenistan, following the international principles of openness and publicity of the election campaign, invited representatives of the general world community to monitor it. The Mission of Observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States and experts of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights arrived in Turkmenistan.

It should be reminded that 14,872 candidates have been nominated and registered across the country. Of these, 258 candidates for deputies of the national parliament, 515 candidates for members of the halk maslahaty: velayats and the city of Ashgabat, 2001 for members of etrap and city halk maslahaty, and 12,098 candidates for Gengeshes. Among the applicants are qualified specialists from all sectors of the economy, representatives of various professions and nationalities.

6241 applicants ran from the Democratic Party, 523 from the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, 3577 from the Agrarian Party, as well as 4531 from initiative groups of citizens, where their candidacies were proposed by the general meeting of voters living in the territory of a certain constituency.

In total, 125 deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan are to be elected throughout the country. Elections of members of the velayat halk maslahaty will be held in 240 constituencies, members of etrap and city halk maslahaty - in 960, members of Gengeshes - in 5897 constituencies. 2644 polling stations have been created for voting. In total, about 3.5 million eligible voters are registered.

So, in accordance with the current electoral legislation in our country, one of the most important stages of the campaign for the election of deputies of the Mejlis, the campaign stage, has ended. And tomorrow, Sunday, March 26, from 7 am to 7 pm, voting will take place at all polling stations, including those that have opened at the diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan abroad.