Ï In the house of the unfading star of the Turkmen stage art Aman Gulmammedov

In the house of the unfading star of the Turkmen stage art Aman Gulmammedov

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In the house of the unfading star of the Turkmen stage art Aman Gulmammedov
Alexey Gimalitdinov

We - me and photojournalist Alexey Gimalitdinov - are visiting Myrat Amanovich, the son of People's Artist Aman Gulmammedov. The interior of the house has retained its original authenticity and, being here, you involuntarily feel yourself in an atmosphere that conveys the breath of an outstanding artist. Aman Gulmammedov, the unfading star of the Turkmen stage art, rehearsed, rested and met guests in this house. Together with him, his wife lived here - People's Artist of Turkmenistan, opera singer Maral Gulmammedova and his two sons.

Today the name of Aman Gulmammedov sounded with renewed vigor among the people of Turkmenistan. The reason for this is the assignment of his name to the State Drama Theatre, opened in the city of Arkadag. It should be noted that this is the second theatre named after the people's artist. The first was the Theatre of Young Spectators named after Aman Gulmammedov. Not only theaters, but also the street began to bear his name.

Aman Gulmammedov, a native of the village of Gokdepe etrap, entered the Ashgabat Mechanical College in 1924. But fate decreed otherwise, preventing him from becoming an engineer. Two years later, a theatre school was opened in Ashgabat, a young and very charismatic young man of 18 years old became its student. With the first release of the studio, which took place in 1929, the Turkmen State Drama Theatre was created. For Aman Gulmammedov, he became everything in life.

In old black-and-white photographs provided from the home archive by Myrat Amanovich, we see a young man with laughing eyes. On his head is a national telpek, and on his neck is a butterfly - a detail of the costume, indicating a commitment to the world of art. Now it looks funny, but then it was a kind of dress code for an artist. Here is a photo where Aman Gulmammedov turned into a Moor for the role of Othello, but here he is already King Lear.

Right next to it on the table is a volume of selected works by Lope de Vega, illustrated with fragments from his performances staged in all the republics of the Union. Among them is a photograph of Aman Gulmammedov in the role of a commander in the performances «Fuente Ovehuno» («Sheep Spring») and «Franz Mohr».

For creating the image of Allan in the play «Allan's Family», Aman Gulmammedov was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1950. He is a holder of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labour. Since 1964, Aman Gulmammedov has been the artistic director of the theatre. For the 70th anniversary of the maestro, the actors of the drama theater prepared a benefit performance in his honour, but Aman Gulmammedov did not live to see this joyful date for several months.

The stage, the backstage, the auditorium, the foyer of the theatre have absorbed the spirit of the actor and director. Today it is the Mollanepes Student Theatre, where novice students treat the memory of the luminaries of the stage with reverence.

And yet, talking with the son of Aman Gulmammedov, it was impossible not to take the opportunity to find out what the legendary titled actor was like in family life.

- My mother, - says Myrat Amanovich, - enjoyed indisputable authority in the family. It is thanks to her that the living room in our house is made in the Baroque style: my mother decorated the walls with a cornflower-blue color, brought out magnificent tapestries and reproductions of paintings. The huge round table, accommodating all the guests, is to this day covered with a silk tablecloth to match the curtains. My mother was in charge of housekeeping, and besides, she helped me and my brother with our homework. Once I could not solve a task for the third grade. I turned to my mother, but she was busy and for the first time sent me to my father. Without any optimism in my voice, I asked my father to help me with math.

- Read the conditions of the task, - he said, putting the newspaper aside.

I read.

- Read so that you yourself understand what they want from you.

I read it again.

Now read it so that it is clear how to solve the task.

I read it again and immediately solved the task.

Fantastic! For the first time, I solved the task myself! How high my self-esteem rose in me, but the authority of my father rose even higher in my eyes.

I've often been asked, is it good to have a famous father? Probably not much. From childhood, my mother raised me and my brother under the motto «Do not disgrace the name of your father!».

- Myrat Amanovich! How did you manage to keep your parental home with such pedantry?- We cherish the hope that it will become a house-museum for Aman Gulmammedov, and therefore we do not live in it. We come here to do dry cleaning, and no, no, kittens run into the open door.

We thanked Myrat Amanovich for an interesting conversation and a hospitable welcome, as well as for respect for the memory of his famous parents. Meeting with him convinced us of the great responsibility of children to famous parents, even after they are gone.