Ï Anniversary exhibitions of works by Yevgeniya Adamova and Nurmuhammet Atayev

Anniversary exhibitions of works by Yevgeniya Adamova and Nurmuhammet Atayev

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Anniversary exhibitions of works by Yevgeniya Adamova and Nurmuhammet Atayev
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The State Museum of Fine Arts opened two solo exhibitions dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of People's Artist of Turkmenistan Yevgeniya Adamova and the 80th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Turkmen sculptor Nurmuhammet Atayev.

The exhibitions opened with a graphic self-portrait by Adamova, from which a young woman looks at the audience with the inquisitive gaze of an artist. For many art lovers, such an image of Evgeniya Mihailovna is unusual: in the memory of eyewitnesses, she was preserved as an older woman with wise and kind eyes.

Yevgeniya Adamova can rightfully be called a classic of Turkmen painting. She had a unique ability to accurately convey the mentality of the Turkmen people on the canvas. The main characters of her paintings are women. They are milkmaids, hens, cotton pickers, doctors.

One of the early works of Yevgeniya Mihailovna - «And yet I will study» became a textbook. This painting is on permanent display at the museum. It is noteworthy that it is made in dark colours, and all because while working on the painting, the academic style prevailed. Then, which is very well seen at the exhibition, Adamova's works become brighter and more joyful.

In addition to the gallery of women's portraits, the exhibition presents an exposition of portraits of the famous bagshies of Turkmenistan, among which Mylly Tachmyradov stands out for his colourfulness. The picture is made with large strokes, enhancing the significance of the folk musician.

In addition to works of the portrait genre, Adamova's floristry was also present at the exhibition. It is characteristic that it was not so much the flowers that attracted the attention of visitors, but the water in the vases, which was transparent in appearance and seemed cold. Only a very great master can depict water in this way.

In the centre of the exposition hall, lovers of sculptural art are presented with the works of Nurmammet Atayev. A native of the Mary velayat, he received an excellent education: he graduated from the Turkmen State Art College, and three years later - from the Leningrad Institute of Arts named after Repin (now St. Petersburg Academy).

Nurmuhammet Atayev was born in 1943, and this left its mark on a particularly reverent attitude towards people of the military specialty. In his work, he often turned to the images of prominent military personnel.

At the same time, the theme of the Turkmen working woman is clearly seen in his work. The exhibition features two sculptures of cotton pickers.

The bust of the composer Nury Halmammedov was also very successful, in which the artist managed to show an indomitable and at the same time such a recognizable image of a musical genius.

The exhibition of works by two Turkmen artists is a tribute to their life and work, as well as an opportunity for museum visitors to once again admire their talented works.