Ï Turkmenistan - UN: partnership in the field of food security

Turkmenistan - UN: partnership in the field of food security

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The most important provisions outlined in the foreign policy strategy of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov include the strengthening of universal peace and security in modern conditions, including in the field of food security. Our neutral Homeland in practice confirms its commitment to broad constructive cooperation both on the interstate scale and within the reputable international organizations.

This year, at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Turkmenistan will put forward an initiative to hold a large-scale international forum on food security in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations Children’s Fund. This was reported to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on July 28.

In order to create food abundance in the country, special attention is paid to studying and introducing advanced world experience, expanding international cooperation in this area, as well as fruitful joint action with the United Nations and its specialized agencies.

In particular, the partnership of Turkmenistan with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations gains in high activity in such areas as sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex, maintaining food security, and environment preservation. FAO supports the Turkmen state’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, from promoting climate-optimal agricultural practices to strengthening food safety systems.

It should be reminded that in 2015 our country was honored with a special award by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for achievements in the field of ensuring food security as one of the Third Millennium Development Goals.

The outcome of the close collaboration of our country with the UN and its specialized agency FAO is also the holding of various events in Turkmenistan aimed at stimulating regional and international partnership in the food sector.

Evidence in this regard the draft technical cooperation programme on land cadastre jointly developed with this Organization, which will provide an opportunity to make informed decisions, promote sustainable land use methods, and ensure equal access to land resources for all stakeholders.

Currently, climate change remains one of the major challenges in the world when it comes to food security and nutrition. Measures to mitigate its consequences and adapt to them contribute to reducing negative impacts on the food system and ecosystems, while international cooperation is the basis for addressing regional and global food and climate issues.

In this context, it should be emphasized that Turkmenistan is one of the countries that calls for immediate and effective measures to overcome the global food crisis, and, in this regard, holds meetings, conferences and other events.

The fruitful nature of the long-term cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was emphasized at a meeting held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 16 this year via videoconferencing with Executive Director of the Programme Inger Andersen.

The parties specified the advisability of carrying out joint projects to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, discussed areas and prospects for cooperation in the field of environment preservation, climate change, ecology and rational use of natural resources.

In order to maintain food security in our country, relevant measures are taken as part of the National Climate Change Strategy and the National Forest Program. Comprehensive steps are implemented to adapt agricultural production to climatic factors, optimize its location, taking into account the needs for industry’s products. Great importance in the ongoing large-scale reforms is attached to rational land and water use, and the environmental aspect.

Supporting international efforts in this area, Turkmenistan invariably takes a proactive position in developing balanced long-term solutions to these problems. Thus, during the World Government Summit 2023, held in Dubai (UAE) on February 13-15, members of the Turkmen delegation met with the Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the UAE, the Director General of the World Trade Organization, and with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam.

During the talks the need was emphasized to join efforts of states and international organizations in implementing the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals on a global scale, in particular those related to climate.

On March 9, as part of the hybrid international conference “Partnership in the field of food security in the context of climate change”, held in Ashgabat on the initiative of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, and organized by the Government of Turkmenistan jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the support from the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in our country, a meeting of the ministers of agriculture of the Central Asian states took place.

The forum agenda included issues related to regional and global cooperation in ensuring food security. The speakers emphasized the interconnection of climate change, food systems and socio-economic conditions for the smooth functioning of global agricultural production, and the importance of introducing “green” technologies to minimize the negative impact on the environment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create sustainable transport chains for food deliveries.

In general, the conference became an open platform for discussing issues of regional and global cooperation in a significant area such as food security.

On March 10-11, negotiations were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Vice-President, Chairman of the Department of Environment of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Salajegheh, FAO Assistant Director-General, Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia Vladimir Rakhmanin, who arrived in Ashgabat to participate in the above-mentioned conference.

During the meetings, such topics as food and ecological security, rational environmental management were discussed. The parties pointed out the need to consolidate actions in the field of digital land cadastre, water issues in the desertification and sandstorms control.

On March 20, in the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna a meeting was held with Director General of the Agency M. Grossi, at which issues of cooperation in the field of health and food security were considered.

Today, the countries of the region and the world are faced with an important objective to make the agro-industrial complex more productive and capable of adapting to external impacts and emerging new conditions and challenges. It should be emphasized in this context that climate change is making adjustments to traditional agricultural practices and requires immediate action. As one of the leaders in regional climate negotiations, Turkmenistan consistently advocates the development of cooperation in this area.

The importance of food security is also recognized in the Paris Climate Agreement. This is confirmed by the fact that many countries, in their plans for adaptation to climate change and mitigation of their consequences, primarily focus on the agro-industrial complex. In this aspect, the application of sustainable agricultural practices to achieve food security is also a priority for the states of Central Asia.

The UN, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the British Embassy, annually holds a Youth Conference, as part of which an address is adopted to high-ranking delegates of the Conference of Parties on the execution of the Paris Agreement.

The scientific and practical conference “Achievements in the field of environment preservation and international cooperation in this area in the year ongoing under the motto “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” in June was attended, including via a digital system, by leaders and specialists of environmental structures and sectoral departments, the scientific community, higher education institutions and public associations of the country, as well as reputable international and regional organizations such as the UN Development Programme, the UN Environment Programme, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia, the German Society for International Cooperation, etc.

During the forum, FAO expressed its intention to provide technical assistance to Turkmenistan through such initiatives as “Improving the pasture monitoring system using satellite images and geographic information systems”, “Monitoring and assessment of fish stocks”, etc.

In addition, an integral part of the large-scale plans being fulfilled in the agricultural sector is the rational use of water resources through the introduction of advanced water-saving technologies and the latest scientific achievements into production.

Taking an active position in dealing with the pressing problems of the modern time, our country stands for deepening and expanding fruitful partnership, in particular, within the UN, with the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, and other reputable organizations and agencies.

This is quite obvious from the Fifth Central Asian Expert Forum held in Ashgabat in 2022 under the title “Actual aspects of regional cooperation on climate change, water use, food security and in the field of information and communications technologies in the Central Asian region”.

As emphasized by the speakers, the constructive initiatives put forward by Turkmenistan at various high-level forums are broadly supported by the international community. In particular, these are proposals to open in Ashgabat a Regional Center for Technologies related to climate change in Central Asia, develop a UN Water Strategy and a special UN Programme for the Aral Sea Basin, specify the Aral Sea problem as a separate area of UN activity, and preserve the environmental safety of the Caspian Sea, etc.

According to outcomes of the 79th session of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), held in Bangkok (the Kingdom of Thailand) on May 15-19 this year, the Resolution initiated by Turkmenistan was unanimously adopted with regard to the establishment of the UN Special Programme for the Aral Sea Basin. All the above is striking illustrations of the growing international prestige of our Independent Neutral Homeland, and the recognition of its positive role in addressing pressing issues on the global agenda.

In June this year, Dushanbe (the Republic of Tajikistan) hosted a regular meeting of the Board of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea as well as the International Conference “Central Asia: on the way towards a sustainable future through a strong regional institution” timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of IFAS. The forums were attended by delegations of Turkmenistan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, members of the IFAS Executive Committee, and representatives of the structural divisions of the Fund.

The meeting discussed issues related to carrying out the projects of the Action Program for Assistance to the Countries of the Aral Sea Basin (ASBA-4), holding events on the 30th anniversary of IFAS, as well as the outcomes of the activities of the Working Group to improve the organizational structure and contractual-legal framework of IFAS. Following the meeting, a number of documents were signed.

It should be noted that in our country the legislative and legal framework regulating this area has been formed and is systematically improved, and a great deal of work is carried out to preserve biological diversity and natural landscapes, create new forest and park areas, promote the “green economy” and environmental diplomacy.

Great importance is attached to improving the ecological culture of society. The implementation of the large-scale trees-planting program that has been launched in Turkmenistan is a concrete contribution to the global efforts to combat the negative impacts of climate change.

Thus, thanks to the initiatives of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, important steps are taken in the country to strengthen food security and reduce dependence on imports of demanded products, the scope of international cooperation is expanding, and our own experience in this area is increasing.