Ï Fair of craftsmen, giving joy

Fair of craftsmen, giving joy

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Fair of craftsmen, giving joy
Jepbarguly Garayev

For three days in the shopping and entertainment center "Berkarar" there was a fair of exclusive products created by the hands of masters - craftsmen. The phenomenon of hand-made, that is, do it yourself, widespread in all countries. And craftsmen support communicate with each other over the Internet, share the secrets of making master classes, as well as arrange international fairs.

Head of the "Fair of Masters" businessman Jeyran Klycheva says that the products from the craftsmen of their team have been at foreign exhibitions-fairs in Georgia, Romania, Turkey. Target craftsmen's fairs - not only to sell exclusive products, but also show what our hands are capable of, combined with a rich imagination. But the most important achievement of our team is to attract youth in the ranks of hand-made.

The fair accommodated all kinds of colorful products on 25 tables. The first salesperson we approached was 13-year-old Shirin Artykova. She introduced shopping bags to the visitors. This - ordinary calico bags, decorated with appliqués drawn Width with acrylic paints. Among them is a copy of the painting "Girls with pearl earring "Vermeer, cartoon characters, exotic plants. Eco-friendly shoppers that come to replace plastic bags, you can fearlessly wash in washing machines.

On the table at Shirin among various handicrafts - topiary coffee (tree of happiness). A pot with a plant lined with coffee beans, installed in the kitchen. A few drops of water are enough, and topiary will emit a wonderful aroma of coffee that will block any unpleasant kitchen smell.

The seller Vera Dzhangaryan is under the supervision of her mother, because she is only 11 years old. Vera also presented at the fair shoppers, which are very much in demand by buyers today. One of them is decorated with a graphic pattern of a tired mother with a creative "Not today" sign.

The famous artist Claudia Durdyeva exhibited in front of buyers of the exposition of their paintings, but the main pride of Claudia is these are folk craftsmen, her daughter Maya Saparova and granddaughter Gurbangul. Perhaps, Gurbangul is the youngest participant of the "Fair of Masters", she only 8 years old. And if her mother makes installations of plants, filled with epoxy resin, Gurbangul simply dries beautiful plants and puts them in frames. In other words, grandmother, mother and granddaughter presented at the fair products for interior decoration.

It is impossible to pass by knitted toys: charismatic Brownie, duckling, kitten, famous cartoon parrot and many other dolls exhibited by Irina Babichenko and Lyudmila Babaniyazova. Without wasting precious time, Irina is in the process holding a fair knits another doll. Passion for handmade teaches to cherish every free minute.

The fair brought a lot of positive emotions to both craftsmen and visitors, of whom few left without a purchase, so it can rightly be called a fair that gives joy.