Ï Turkmenistan-UN: cooperation for the sake of peace, security and sustainable development

Turkmenistan-UN: cooperation for the sake of peace, security and sustainable development

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In the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of powerful state of Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov continues consistently implement the foreign policy course, based on the status of permanent neutrality, the principles of peacefulness, good neighborliness, mutual respect and equal constructive partnerships.

Demonstrating a responsible and proactive approach to issues regional and international cooperation, our country contributes an effective contribution to the consolidation of efforts to develop solutions to relevant tasks of the present. In this regard, particular importance is attached to multi-vector cooperation with the United Nations, of a strategic nature.

The creative principles of the foreign policy of the Motherland have been embodied in Priority positions of Turkmenistan at the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, at which new initiatives of our states aimed at further strengthening and expanding fruitful dialogue on key areas of global development.

The most important place among them is occupied by the issues of ensuring peace and security. In this context, Turkmenistan upholds the principle integrity, security, integrity and interconnectedness of various its aspects.

Our country stands for the optimal use of the potential the United Nations, its political and diplomatic tools and high authority in order to reach constructive solutions and ensure universal and comprehensive security as a key condition for the fulfillment of all strategic tasks of the UN, including achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In its activities during the forthcoming session of the General Assembly UN Turkmenistan will be guided by strict adherence to the principles neutrality, non-intervention, firm commitment to peaceful, political means of resolving conflicts and contradictions.

As you know, our country is the author of important peacekeeping initiatives enshrined in UNGA resolutions, including proclamation of the current year 2023 as the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace.

This initiative aims to bring together efforts to strengthen traditions of peaceful and trusting coexistence of the peoples of the planet, working together through dialogue and cooperation to respond to global challenges, solving existing problems and building a better a conflict-free future for future generations.

At the regular session of the General Assembly opening in New York in September Assembly of the United Nations Turkmenistan will propose start discussing the possibilities of developing a Strategy for a global security based on the principles of the UN Charter and universally recognized norms international law, taking into account current realities and trends in the world development.

In order to achieve universal and comprehensive security, our country proceeds from the need to give the activities of the UN a pronounced regional context, which is intended to bring due specificity to improve its effectiveness.

In this regard, Turkmenistan takes the initiative to create under the auspices of United Nations format of the Security Conference in Central Asia and adjacent zones, expressing readiness for holding the first meeting in this format in Ashgabat in 2024.

Along with this, our country will take further steps to promotion and development of the Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation in Central Asia, based on the initiative initiated by the Turkmen side the relevant Resolution of the UN General Assembly of July 28, 2022 of the year.

In the context of consolidating efforts to counter modern challenges and threats Turkmenistan notes the need to develop educational activities in the field of combating terrorism, including the introduction relevant programs, development of curricula and materials, improvement of educational work, strengthening of intercultural dialogue and tolerance.

In this regard, our country will continue to interact with United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) on the establishment of the UNOCT Program Office for Central Asia on the basis of UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.

Preservation and strengthening of stability in the regional aspect are an integral part of ensuring a universal and comprehensive security. In this direction in Priority positions Turkmenistan, the relevance of such an issue to the international agenda as helping to achieve peace and harmony in Afghanistan, taking into account existing realities, including the provision economic and humanitarian assistance to this country and the Afghan people.

In the light of modern realities, the significant the role of Turkmen neutrality and the demand for its potential. One of eloquent examples is the fact establishment of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for the sake of peace, security and sustainable development, formed at the initiative of our country on the basis of UN and designed to become an open platform for constructive exchange opinions on various issues of regional and global partnership.

Today, more than 20 states have joined the Group of Friends of Neutrality. In among them are the co-authors of the Resolutions of the General Assembly of the Organization United Nations "Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan" from 1995 and 2015, "International Day of Neutrality" and "The Role and Importance of a policy of neutrality in maintaining and strengthening international peace, security and sustainable development”, adopted in 2017 and 2020.

Regular meetings within the framework of this multilateral dialogue designed to contribute to the development of a sustainable political and diplomatic mechanism for promoting the principles of neutralism in international relations, strengthening fruitful cooperation in the interests of general well-being.

In August 2020, the first meeting of the Group was held in New York for ambassadorial level, at which adherence to the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. It should also be noted that December 10, 2022 Ashgabat hosted the first Ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends neutrality. Its Final Declaration, fixing the format and methods work of the Group, was published in March of this year as official document of the 77th session of the General Assembly of the Organization United Nations under the agenda item “Peace building and preservation of the world."

In terms of further development of multilateral cooperation within the framework of this association by Turkmenistan during the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly it will be proposed to organize in Ashgabat in December 2023 the next high-level meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality. Its goal is the next holding in the Turkmen capital of the International Conference on the aforementioned Group in December 2024.

In this context, our country also intends to submit for consideration the possibility of establishing in Ashgabat the Institute of Neutrality and security, which could serve as a platform for scientific works and studies on neutrality and related issues.

For Neutral Turkmenistan, maintaining stability, strengthening a culture of peace and trust in international relations are key foreign policy vectors. By taking systematic practical steps in this direction, our country offers actively use the mechanisms and potential of neutrality in the cause of unification efforts to achieve the SDGs, effectively counteract global challenges.

At the same time, it should be noted that an important incentive motive for choosing neutrality as the foundation of the foreign policy of the Fatherland became a rich historical experience of the Turkmen people, whose mentality is always based were peacefulness, good neighborliness, respect, friendliness, openness.

The peculiarity of the neutrality of Turkmenistan lies in the fact that it is a living, creative process that is enriched with new ideas and practical developments, adapts to changing conditions, emerging challenges. But one thing remains unchanged - his creative, humanistic character.

Today, the neutral policy of our country is a significant factor regional and global security and stability. Inalienable component of the neutrality of Turkmenistan is the preventive diplomacy. This is clearly evidenced by the fact of the opening in 2007 in Ashgabat of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly United Nations with the support of the Central Asian countries and member states of the Security Council.

As you know, the initiative to create it belongs to the National Leader Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who started the process of formation of a completely a new model of cooperation in a strategically important region of the planet. The realization of this idea was facilitated by the realization of the need and the expediency of such a Center by the UN and regional associations, as well as the states of Central Asia.

Thus, for the first time in the history of the region, a permanent worker body designed to be a catalyst for constructive political dialogue, contribute to the optimization of interaction in the development agreed decisions based on political and legal instruments and great authority of the UN.

Practice has shown that the opening of UNRCCA was timely and far-sighted step. The activity of the Center was highly appreciated by side of the international community. For more than 15 years of work UNRCCA has proven to be an effective platform linking the United Nations system with countries Central Asia in solving many topical issues of our time.

All these years, Turkmenistan has been fruitfully cooperating with the Center, providing full support for his work. Significant events in the context strengthening the international legal framework of UNRCCA, implementing its potential was the adoption at the initiative of our country in 2017 and 2021 Resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly on the role of UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.

Today, on the basis of the Regional Center, new partnership formats, including the Academy of Preventive Diplomacy, CA Women's Dialogue, Task Force on Legal Aspects water and energy cooperation between the states of Central Asia and other. Turkmenistan intends to continue to actively cooperate with UNRCCA, contributing to the creation of an enabling environment for effective regional cooperation.

Turkmenistan's policy of positive neutrality also provides broad opportunities for promoting multilateral diplomacy, including economic, energy, transport, water, scientific, educational, cultural, humanitarian, parliamentary, medical, environmental, youth, sports, which is designed to contribute to the strengthening of mutual understanding, friendly and trusting relations between states and peoples, development mutually beneficial partnerships in various fields.

In the context of the humanitarian component, in order to expand activities Dialogue of Women of Central Asia at the 78th session of the UNGA for consideration a proposal will be made to establish a mechanism for regular Consultations of the Dialogue on Implementation of the Global Agenda “Women, Peace and security” with such United Nations agencies, as the UN Peace building Commission, UN Women and other.

In addition, it seems expedient to develop an interregional cooperation between the CA Women's Dialogue and similar organizations, operating in other regions of the world, through the creation of platforms to exchange information and best practices, conduct joint events.

However, in order to promote multilateral dialogue between young people of the Central Asian countries to strengthen and continue peaceful, friendly and good neighborly relations between states region will be invited to host in Turkmenistan this year founding session of the Central Asian Youth Dialogue.

Thus, the priority positions of our country at the 78th session UN General Assembly, new initiatives being put forward testify to the Fatherland's unwavering adherence to the norms international law, its status as a permanently neutral state, recognized by the United Nations, and widely constructive interaction. This is a clear confirmation readiness of Turkmenistan for further consolidation of efforts in addressing key issues of the regional and global agenda, development of them joint responsible approaches based on goodwill, humanistic principles and creative partnership.