Ï Modern teaching methods discussed at the seminar at the Higher School of Diplomacy

Modern teaching methods discussed at the seminar at the Higher School of Diplomacy

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Modern teaching methods discussed at the seminar at the Higher School of Diplomacy

The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted a two-day training and methodical seminar on the topic «Modern teaching methods» with the participation of teachers of the diplomatic university.

The event was held within the framework of the USAID Youth Development Program, implemented by the QED Group, LLC. The program of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is aimed at cooperation in the training of qualified personnel in topical areas, taking into account the current and future needs of the economy, as well as expanding opportunities for young people to obtain skills, in demand in the labor market.

A prerequisite for this is the upbringing of an educated, erudite generation with a broad outlook, capable of managing innovative technologies. As noted during the seminar, modern teaching methods include the use of information technology products. Conducting training sessions with their application gives an opportunity to activate the cognitive and mental activity of students, promotes the development of logical thinking, culture of mental labor, the formation of independent work skills, and also has a significant impact on the motivational sphere of the educational process, its activity structure.

According to the seminar participants, information technologies provide an opportunity not only to change the forms and methods of educational work, but also to significantly transform and enrich educational standards. During the meeting, the participants shared their experience and exchanged opinions on modern ways to increase the effectiveness of training sessions and improve the educational process.

As it is known, special attention is paid to science and education in Turkmenistan. Within the framework of the tasks of the Program «Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052» and other national educational programs, activities to improve the education system as well as the training of highly qualified professionals are being successfully implemented.

For the constant development and improvement of the national education system, the best international experience and practices are studied and mastered, and international standards are gradually being introduced into the educational process, contacts with leading foreign educational and scientific centers are expanding, and interaction in the humanitarian sphere with many countries of the world is actively increasing.