Ï The official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Turkiye has begun

The official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Turkiye has begun

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The official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Turkiye has begun

Today, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov has left for an official visit to the Republic of Turkiye.

The President of Turkmenistan was seen off by officials at the Ashgabat International Airport.

During the conversation between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and a representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkiye in Turkmenistan, it was emphasized that bilateral relations, based on long-standing ties of friendship and brotherhood, are based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and trust. Regular top and government level mutual visits contribute to strengthening interstate dialogue in the whole range of areas and make specific progress. The upcoming bilateral summit meeting in Ankara will certainly write a new important page in the chronicle of productive cooperation between the two fraternal peoples and will promote further partnership.

Wishing the head of Turkmen state a successful visit, the diplomat expressed confidence that the upcoming negotiations will become an important event in the history of Turkmen-Turkish relations.

As is known, strengthening interstate cooperation is a key direction of the foreign policy being pursued by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which promotes stability and progress in the region and around the world. The fraternal Turkmen-Turkish ties that have developed over centuries, which have acquired a qualitatively new content in the modern epoch, provide a clear confirmation in this regard. Mutual understanding, trust and strong friendship have become the greatest asset of the two peoples, creating a reliable platform for a fruitful and multifaceted partnership that is successfully developing both on a bilateral and multilateral basis, primarily within the major international organizations and authoritative regional agencies.

In the international foreign policy, our countries actively cooperate in the field of maintaining peace, stability and security, countering the challenges of our time, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This is clearly evidenced by the mutual support provided within the UN, ECO and the Organization of Turkic States for efforts and initiatives aimed at systematically building up traditionally friendly long-term cooperation and enriching its content.

Special relations have been established between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkiye. Turkiye became one of the first states to support our state’s independence, and then twice the neutral status of Turkmenistan, which is today recognized by the world community as an effective tool for ensuring peace and stability in the region.

It should be noted that preparation for the visit became one of the main topics on the meeting agenda of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan held on October 20 this year, where it was noted with satisfaction that the Republic of Turkiye is one of our country’s closest partners. A reliable legal foundation for bilateral cooperation is provided by a number of important interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents signed over the past years.

The constructive manner of the Turkmen-Turkish dialogue is largely due to the special attention paid to its development by the heads of both states, whose mutual visits are productive, serving as a kind of indicator of the desire of Turkmenistan and Turkiye to diversify wide-ranging joint action and intensify trade, economic and humanitarian ties.

Currently, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkiye are striving to bring a partnership to a qualitatively new level that fully meets the priorities of socio-economic development and the national interests of both countries. A clear example in this regard is provided by both successfully implemented large-scale joint projects and plans.

Over the past three decades, the business communities of brotherly Turkiye have won a good reputation in the Turkmen market, which is extremely attractive to foreign partners and investors. Companies with Turkish capital today make up a significant share of all foreign companies registered in Turkmenistan that take an active part in the implementation of large-scale programs for the socio-economic development of the country initiated by the President of Turkmenistan, as evidenced by the steadily growing bilateral trade turnover.

An important role in the development of cooperation is assigned to the joint Intergovernmental Commission, whose activities are aimed at maximizing the implementation of the existing impressive partnership potential. The growth and diversification of productive business ties is facilitated by the participation of representatives of leading ministries, departments and business communities of the two countries in business forums and industrial exhibitions.

Thus, the Turkmen-Turkish business forum upcoming on October 26 as part of the current visit is aimed at further development of mutually beneficial interstate partnership, the opening of which will be attended by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Thus, the upcoming Turkmen-Turkish business forum on October 26, within the framework of the current visit, is aimed at further development of mutually beneficial interstate partnership, the opening of which will be attended by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

In general, the official visit of the head of Turkmen state to the Republic of Turkiye and the upcoming summit meeting are regarded not only as another step towards deepening traditional cooperation, but also, most importantly, as a process of expanding the horizon of mutual interests and searching for the most effective and time-demanded forms and mechanisms of their practical content, taking into account the primary objectives of state development of the two countries.

...Having flown to Ankara, the presidential airliner landed at Esenboga International Airport in the capital of the Republic of Turkiye, decorated with the National Flags of the two countries.

At the airport, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was met by Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkiye Alparslan Bayraktar, other officials, as well as a large group of representatives of the business community of the friendly country.

According to the established good tradition of hospitality, the head of Turkmen state was welcomed with flowers.

On the occasion of the arrival of the high guest, a guard of honor was lined up on both sides of the carpet leading from the airplane.

During the conversation between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkiye Alparslan Bayraktar, which took place in the airport, the high level of Turkmen-Turkish relations, progressively developing in all areas, was highlighted with satisfaction.

From the airport, the President of Turkmenistan proceeded to the state residence allocated for the duration of his official visit.

The official visit of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Turkiye is in progress.