Ï Talks between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Talks between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

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Talks between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Today, talks between President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan took place in Ankara. As was already informed, the day before the head of the Turkmen state arrived in the friendly country with an official visit.

The present summit meeting is a new important step on the path of further strengthening and development of Turkmen-Turkish relations, which are based upon historically developed commonality of two fraternal people. The mutual good will of the sides and existing solid potential open up wide opportunities for enrichment of the content of long-term mutually beneficial cooperation and its bringing to a qualitatively new level, which meets modern realities.

Today, prior to the beginning of top-level talks the President of Turkmenistan proceeded to the mausoleum of founder and first President of the Republic of Turkiye Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (Anitkabir), where he took part in the flower-laying ceremony.

This majestic project is located at the top of a hill and was built in the form of a strict rectangle with slender colonnades. The alley, so-called lion’s road, along which 12 pairs of stone figures of lions are installed, leads to the mausoleum. There is a hall of honour in the building, where the tomb of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is located. The memorial complex also houses the Ceremonial Plaza and Peace Park.

At the central entrance to Ataturk's mausoleum, officials of the Turkish side welcomed the high guest.

Under solemn conditions, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov laid a wreath at the eternal resting place of the outstanding political and the state figure of Turkiye, observing a minute of silence to honour his memory.

At the exit of the mausoleum, a joint commemorative photographing of the head of Turkmenistan with participants of the ceremony took place.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also made a memorable note in the Book of guests of honour.

From Ataturk's mausoleum, the head of the Turkmen state headed to the park "Turkmenistan" located in one of the picturesque modern park complexes of Ankara - "Dikmen Vadisi". Here the monument to the outstanding classic of Turkmen literature, great poet and thinker of the Orient Makhtumkuli Fragi was established.

At the central entrance, official representatives of the Turkish side warmly welcomed the honoured guest. Along the road, which leads to the monument to Makhtumkuli Fragi, forming “a live corridor” Turkmen students, who study in higher educational institutions of Turkiye, with great enthusiasm, welcomed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

We will remind that this park and the monument to Makhtumkuli erected in its territories were solemnly opened in 2012 during the official visit of Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Turkiye. The ceremony, which took place with participation of leaders of two countries, became a significant event in the history of Turkmen-Turkish relations, a bright symbol of indestructibility of bonds of friendship and brotherhood, which connect our peoples.

Today, after centuries, poetic works by Makhtumkuli, which glorify eternal universal values, find an understanding and response in the hearts of people, who live in all corners of the planet. Translated into languages of different nations of the world works by the outstanding master are well known in Turkiye where collections of his poems as well as research works devoted to the genius poet were published.

Paying a tribute to the memory of Makhtumkuli Fragi, whose creative heritage is an invaluable national property and an integral part of the treasury of world culture and the 300th birthday anniversary of whom will be marked widely at the international level in 2024, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov laid a wonderful wreath at the foot of the monument.

Then, the head of Turkmenistan headed towards the central office of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) where he took part in the opening ceremony of the Turkmen-Turkish business forum.

There, Vice President of the Republic of Turkiye Cevdet Yılmaz, Chairman of TOBB Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and Minister of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkiye Mehmet Fatih Kacir welcomed warmly the distinguished guest.

In the foyer of the head office of TOBB, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov together with representatives of the friendly country familiarised himself with the exhibition of production made in Turkmenistan.

A wide spectrum of products were displayed in expositions of enterprises of textile industry: various kinds of clothes for children and adults, house textiles, fabrics, gift sets and others. Magnificent Turkmen handmade carpets and production of national businessmen were also displayed there.

The photos, which embodied the moments of visit of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the central office of TOBB in 2015, were also displayed. We will remind that then a solemn ceremony of assignment of the academic status “Honourable Doctor of University of Economy and Technology” to Hero-Arkadag, created at this association, took place there. These photos became a unique excursion into the modern history of Turkmen-Turkish cooperation.

During the conversation at a traditional cup of tea, which preceded the business forum, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and representatives of the Turkish side with satisfaction stated a dynamic character of interstate relations, which year from year assume a new meaning.

Having thanked the honoured guest for participation in the business forum, Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined that Turkish partners with huge enthusiasm receive the meeting with the head of Turkmenistan. At that, a valuable contribution to development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who is the initiator of important programs and projects and creates wide opportunities for effective interaction, was especially noted.

As was underlined, it is a great honour for business circles of Turkey to work in Turkmenistan. In this connection, they expressed their sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hero-Arkadag for the given support to the activity of Turkish companies in the promising Türkmen market and as a whole, for development of bilateral business contacts.

Then, the opening of the Turkmen-Turkish business forum took place. Addressing the gathered and once again having underlined that participation of the President of Turkmenistan in the present business meeting is a great honour for him and for his colleagues, the Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu with deep respect gave the floor to the honoured guest.

Warmly welcoming the gathered, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed his gratitude to the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges as well as to the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey for organisation of the present business forum and noted a regular character of similar meetings, at which ways and prospects of trade and economic partnership are discussed.

In the given context, the head of Turkmenistan stood for expediency of continuation of constructive negotiations at the meeting and expressed confidence that the productive exchange of opinions today will take place. It will give a qualitatively new impulse to bilateral interaction and will allow considering concrete issues of subsequent joint work.

Having thanked Turkish partners for participation in the business forum, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated that among the gathered - representatives of companies, which for many long years have fruitfully worked in our country.

As the head of the Turkmen state underlined further, for years of independence Turkish companies participated in realisation of hundreds of projects - small, medium and large.

At the same time, it is necessary to note that today in Turkmenistan large-scale projects are planned to be launched in various areas of industry, cultural and social spheres, which demand innovative engineering ideas based on high technologies, solid technical experience and skill. Therefore, our country invites Turkish business circles to join work over above-mentioned projects, especially over the concept "Ashgabat-city", to be built on the basis of principles of modern "smart" city and over the industrial cluster, which will be constructed in the city of Arkadag.

Turkmenistan attaches significance for development of investment partnership with foreign countries and here and overall objective consists in attraction of foreign capital in large energy and infrastructural projects under realization. It, in turn opens up for us a wide field for actions. In this connection, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov proposed to create the joint investment fund and joint working group for investments.

Besides it, the head of the state expressed for consideration of opening of branches of a number of leading banks of Turkey in Turkmenistan for the purpose of financial regulation of activity of Turkish investors and industrialists in our country.

Energy plays a huge role in mutual relations. It concerns delivery of Turkmen energy resources to Turkiye, in particular, power energy and natural gas. Turkmenistan follows the principle of equal account of interests of manufacturers, transit countries and consumers and therefore is open for interaction with Turkish partners in the given field, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined.

One of the key and promising areas of cooperation is the transport-communication sector. Today, in our country carries out a large-scale construction of new transport routes, automobile and railway transitions, reconstruction of air and sea harbours. In this connection, the head of Turkmenistan suggested to adjust regular working meetings between sectoral departments, associations and companies of two states.

At the same time, it is also considered expedience to create the joint transport-logistics centre for intensification of cooperation, co-ordinated and harmonious work in this area with participation of profile public sectors and private companies.

Having mentioned agriculture among basic sectors of economy, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov designated a key goal for maintenance of food security in our countries and assistance to international efforts in the given sphere. Therefore, in Turkmenistan considerable means are directed to the agricultural sector and the agro-industrial complex, the corresponding material and technical basis is systematically improved.

In the given aspect, the head of the state made a proposal on intensification of Turkmen-Turkish partnership and exchange of experience in increase of productivity of agricultural crops, perfection of seed growing and selection, introduction of new technological solutions. Turkmenistan is ready to establish mutually beneficial relations with specialised Turkish companies in the above-named areas.

Further, in his speech President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that today the whole world faces climate change issues and other ecological threats. The role of water management consistently increases under such conditions. Our country intends to modernise systems of water supply and water distribution as well as attaches due significance to regional and international cooperation in this important area.

At the same time, the head of Turkmenistan designated adjustment of effective partnership in the sphere of rational use of water resources and introduction of water saving technologies among primary goals. At that, reconstruction and expansion of infrastructure of the channel and lateral channels of the Garagum-river were noted among concrete projects. In this connection, readiness of our country for close interaction with profile Turkish companies in these areas was expressed.

One of the priorities of national economy is development of industrial sector and industrial cooperation. Relevant work is carried out in Turkmenistan to adjust and expand international cooperation in the field.

Speaking on the topic, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that under modern conditions the role of science and technics increases ever in economic development. Therefore, for our states it is important to move forward according to new inquiries and to keep up to date. Being guided by this actual goal, the head of Turkmenistan proposed to intensify scientific and technical cooperation, in the framework of which, makes necessary to establish interaction between companies of two countries specialising in information technology. The Turkmen side is ready to teamwork in the given areas.

Turkmenistan is aimed at bringing trade and economic relations with Turkey to a qualitatively new level. At today's meeting, forthcoming major goals and new forms of co-operation are discussed. We with gratitude will accept mutually beneficial and constructive ideas and proposals, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said and expressed confidence that our countries and, in particular, business circles will make a thorough approach to the designated issues.

Having also pointed out that discussion of the given subjects can be continued on margins of the exhibition of export goods of Turkey, which will take place in our country on December 6-8 of the current year, the head of Turkmenistan proposed to hold the next Turkmen-Turkish business forum in Ashgabat.

Once again having thanked Turkish partners for a high level of organisation of the meeting and the given possibility to speak at it, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished success to the business forum and to its participants - sound health, well-being and big achievements.

The speech of the President of Turkmenistan was heard with deep attention and evoked genuine interest in the gathered.

Vice-president of the Republic of Turkiye Cevdet Yilmaz, who took the floor next, underlined that participation of the head of Turkmenistan in today's business forum, certainly, will give a new impulse to development of bilateral business contacts, expansion of their range. A high interest of business circles of Turkey in participation in large-scale infrastructural projects, which are carried out in our country in various spheres, including in energy, transport-communication, and logistics sectors and in realisation of the second stage of Arkadag city and other important areas was in this connection marked.

Having expressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov his deep gratitude for substantial speech and the invitation of Turkish partners to further joint work, Mr Cevdet Yilmaz also noted importance of today’s upcoming summit talks. Having expressed confidence that results of the meeting of heads of the states in Ankara will serve to the all-round strengthening of traditional mutual relations, the Vice-president of Turkiye wished the President of Turkmenistan new big successes in his noble activity.

Further, Minister of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkiye Mehmet Fatih Kacir took the floor and expressed to the head of the Turkmen state his sincere gratitude for participation in the present business forum and for substantial speech, in which priority vectors of bilateral partnership were designated, specific proposals were sounded. As was underlined, in Turkey they attach a great importance for the strengthening of cooperation with brotherly Turkmenistan, which realises a constructive economic strategy, which opens wide opportunities for intensification of mutually beneficial relations.

In his turn, Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkiye Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov his deep gratitude for assistance in development of Turkmen-Turkish cooperation, its bringing to qualitatively new boundaries. At that, aspiration of business circles of the friendly state to participation in realisation of large-scale reformation programs developed in Turkmenistan, implementation of new joint projects was noted.

An invariable interest of Turkish partners in intensification of productive interaction with our country, strengthening of bilateral business contacts also obtained acknowledgement in the speech of Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of the Group of Companies “Chalyk Holding” Ahmet Chalyk.

At the end of the solemn opening ceremony of the business forum on behalf of the Turkish side they again expressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov their warm gratitude for participation in the business meeting spent in Ankara and conveyed their best regards.

Upon completion of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan left the place.

The same day the work of the Turkmen-Turkish business forum proceeded with participation of representatives of corresponding state and business structures of both countries. Proceeding from the proposals sounded by the President of Turkmenistan, future areas of bilateral interaction were in detail discussed taking into account existing potential and long-term prospects.

Following the results of the forum between Turkmen and Turkish businessmen a number of the documents, concerning cooperation in various spheres, including manufacture of building materials, agrarian and industrial complex and food branch, purchase of the profile equipment and others were signed.

In the second half of the day, the President of Turkmenistan proceeded to the president residence of the Republic of Turkiye - the Ak Saray, where an official ceremony of meeting of the honoured guest took place. On the area before the Palace on flagstaffs, national flags of two countries were lifted.

Accompanied by the honourable horse escort the car of the head of the Turkmen state arrives in the Ak Saray Palace. There, at the central entrance, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warmly and hospitably welcomes President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Having exchanged friendly handshakes, leaders of two countries pass onto the specially established podium.

National anthems of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkiye, accompanied by volleys of gun salute, sound. The commander of the Guard of Honour solemnly reports. Presidents Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Recep Tayyip Erdogan pay a tribute of respect to national flags of both countries and walked along the line of the Guard of Honour.

The head of the friendly state introduces the honoured guest to members of the official delegation of the Republic of Turkiye. Then, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov introduces President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to members of the governmental delegation of Turkmenistan.

After the official ceremony of photographing against the background of national flags of two countries, the head of the republic of Turkiye invited the honoured guest into the Palace "Ak Saray, where the bilateral summit talks in a face-to-face format took place.

Once again warmly welcoming President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan underlined that this visit of the head of Turkmenistan to his country is seen as an important event in the history of interstate dialogue based upon long noble traditions, indestructible bonds of friendship and brotherhood.

Having confirmed adherence of Turkiye to the course of full-scale, strategic partnership with our country, the Turkish leader also pointed out to a great personal contribution to successful development of mutual relations of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and conveyed to Hero-Arkadag his warm greetings and the kindest wishes.

Having thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the invitation to visit with an official visit to Turkiye and for the accorded hearty welcome, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also expressed to the Turkish leader his sincere gratitude for big efforts aimed at further intensification of friendly interstate relations.

Availing of the given opportunity, the head of Turkmenistan conveyed to the President of Turkiye warm words of greeting and best regards from National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also expressed confidence that his first official visit to Turkey as the head of the state will serve further development of fruitful mutual relations.

Having noted the fact that the present visit is made on the threshold of celebration of the 100th anniversary of foundation of the Republic of Turkiye, has an important substantial value, the head of Turkmenistan congratulated President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on this significant holiday and wished sound health and well-being and to the Turkish people - tremendous successes in the new century.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined further, relations between our countries, successfully developing in political-diplomatic, trade and economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres, have a consecutive character and regularly grow stronger taking into account modern realities and requirements of the time.

Maintaining close interaction on the world scene, Turkmenistan and Turkiye show similar or in many respects close positions on current regional and global issues. The Republic of Turkiye was the first to recognise independence of our country, promoted its active integration into international processes, recognition and strengthening of positive neutrality of Turkmenistan in the world. From its part, Turkmenistan also takes an active part in realisation of initiatives put forward by Turkiye by the international community.

Having noted that our countries carry out mutually beneficial, trade and economic cooperation on equal rights, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov confirmed readiness of the Turkmen side for its further development, in particular, in such perspective areas, as energy, transport, investments, high technologies and other areas as well as start of new forms of partnership and intensification of mutual trade turnover.

Stating a fruitful character of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, the head of the Turkmen state underlined that commonality of cultural heritage, spiritual-moral values, noble traditions and customs of our people serve as a strong basis for intensification of versatile interaction. Turkmenistan is aimed at further development of these long-term contacts and their bringing to a new level in various areas including in education, science, culture, public health services and sports.

Thereupon, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed again confidence that his first official visit to the Republic of Turkiye will open up new prospects in respect of estimation of the present state of interstate relations and their further development.

Throughout the talks, which were held in the atmosphere of mutual understanding and constructive key, heads of two states exchanged opinions on a wide range of issues of Turkmen-Turkish cooperation. Having concretised key vectors of cooperation at its present stage and in the context of long-term plans for future, Presidents Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed mutual intention of Turkmenistan and Turkiye to deepen and expand productive partnership with optimal implementation of its significant potential.

On the margins of the meeting, they also exchanged views of a number of topical issues of regional and world policy, which represent mutual interest.

Then, the ceremony of presenting of gifts took place.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov presented President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the puppy of Turkmen alabay named Gardash. As the head of Turkmenistan underlined, the fearless and loyal alabay dogs to their owner throughout many centuries were devoted friends and companions of our people, reliable defenders and assistants. Today alabay dogs - an integral part of the richest national cultural property.

The President of the Republic of Turkiye, having expressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov his sincere gratitude for this remarkable gift, which is a unique symbol of adherence to traditions of centuries-old Turkmen-Turkish friendship, in his turn, presented the honoured guest with two fine puppies of Turkish Kangal.

The head of the Turkmen state thanked the President of Turkiye for the gift, having noted that he sees it as a sign of indestructible friendly and brotherly relations between our countries.

Further negotiations proceeded in the expanded format, with participation of members of official delegations of two countries.

Once again warmly welcoming President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and members of the official delegation of Turkmenistan on the Turkish land, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan highly appreciated interstate relations, which dynamically develop in all spheres both in bilateral and multilateral formats. It was underlined that in it a big merit also belongs to Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Today, noble undertakings of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty find a worthy continuation in creative home and foreign policy realised by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

As the head of the Republic of Turkiye noted, acknowledgement of strategic character of bilateral cooperation is present top-level talks, the agenda of which includes a wide spectrum of issues of interaction.

Having thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the invitation to visit the Republic of Turkiye with an official visit, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again congratulated him on the forthcoming national holiday of Turkiye – 100th anniversary of formation of the Republic, having expressed to his Turkish counterpart and all people of the brotherly country his best regards.

Speaking on the political and diplomatic area of cooperation, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that our countries interact constructively in the international arena, primarily within the UN, as well as other authoritative structures – the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Organization of Turkic States, and the Economic Cooperation Organization.

By putting forward similar or close positions on key issues of international politics, Turkmenistan and Turkiye have gained solid experience in partnership by supporting each other’s proposals and initiatives that affect the primary objectives of global development.

Further, developing on the topic and having underlined an exclusive role of the United Nations Organization, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that proceeding from it, at the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Turkmenistan made a proposal on development of the Global Security Strategy based on the norms and principles of the Community of Nations.

In this context, it seems important, firstly, to use preventive measures to avert conflict situations, especially at the stage of their inception; secondly, maximum use of the potential of neutrality mechanisms; thirdly, the revival of a culture of dialogue based on trust. In implementing this proposal, Turkmenistan expects support from the Turkish side.

Passing to issues of trade and economic cooperation, where both countries have a huge potential, the head of the Turkmen state spoke of necessity essentially to intensify partnership in trade, energy, transport-communication, industrial, agricultural spheres, high technologies, industrial cooperation, business ties, contacts in others areas. In the given plan, the Turkmen party is ready to make an active interaction and to expand it with concrete projects.

The development of energy partnership is also beneficial for both countries, for which there is the necessary legal framework. In this context, such an aspect of interaction as the supply of Turkmen natural gas and electricity to Turkey is relevant.

In this regard, it is proposed to consider the possibility of supplying electricity to Turkey by transit through third countries. Thus, the soon-to-be launched construction of a new power plant with a capacity of 1,574 MW on the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea will provide the necessary opportunities for this.

We intend to implement this project together with our Turkish brothers. In a few days, a ground-breaking ceremony for this strategically important energy facility will take place near the city of Turkmenbashi.

One of the priority areas of partnership is also the field of transport and logistics, where to expand cooperation it is necessary to maximize the potential of transport routes and corridors. Here, transport corridors in the directions Afghanistan–Turkmenistan–Azerbaijan–Georgia–Turkiye, Central Asia–Middle East, as well as the Caspian Sea–Black Sea offer great opportunities. In addition, there is an opportunity to increase the efficiency of using the infrastructure potential of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport and the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway.

Having underlined that Turkmenistan intends to expand cooperation with Turkiye in various sectors of the economy, along with the traditionally core areas, of building up mutually beneficial equal partnership in investments, the gas chemical industry, the agro-industrial complex, in the field of environmental protection, new generation technologies, tourism, business, and other relevant areas.

Currently, Turkmenistan envisages the implementation of a number of large projects in various areas of industry, as well as in the cultural and social spheres. And this requires innovative high-tech engineering solutions, solid technical experience and craftsmanship.

A significant role also belongs to cooperation in the sphere of culture, science, education and other areas. Speaking on it, the President of Turkmenistan underlined again that commonality of cultural heritage, spiritual-moral values, traditions and customs acts as a reliable basis to strengthen and expand Turkmen-Turkish relations.

Availing of the given opportunity, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov invited President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to visit our country with an official visit at any time convenient for him. Terms of the visit terms will be co-ordinated by diplomatic channels.

Having expressed firm confidence that multiplane interstate partnership will be further extended, the head of Turkmenistan wished his Turkish colleague sound health and big successes in his activity at the higher state post and to fraternal people of Turkiye - peace, well-being and prosperity.

Upon completion of negotiations in the expanded format in the presence of heads of the states, the ceremony of signing of bilateral documents took place.

The following were signed: Memorandum of Understanding between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan and the Union of Chambers and Exchanges of Turkiye (TOBB) on the creation of a forum of the Turkmenistan- Turkiye Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TTCCI); Agreement on cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye on the joint production of audio and video products; Action Plan between the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan and the Organization for the Development and Support of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Turkiye; Memorandum of Understanding on the development of cooperation between the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan and the Human Resources Office under the President of the Republic of Turkiye in the field of human resource management; Agreement on cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye in the field of technical regulation, standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation and metrology; Protocol on cooperation between the Main Archival Department under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the State Archive Department under the President of the Republic of Turkiye; Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography and the Communications Department under the President of the Republic of Turkiye in the field of media; Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkiye on cooperation in the field of higher education; Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Turkiye in the field of research work on transport and information technologies; Agreement on cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye on plant protection and quarantine; Agreement on cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye in the field of culture; Action Plan for cooperation in the field of youth policy for 2024–2026 for the implementation of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye in the field of youth and sports; Agreement on cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye in the field of meteorology.

After the signing ceremony of the documents, the heads of state addressed a press conference.

Commenting on the results of the negotiations, the President of the Republic of Turkiye emphasized that he was very pleased to receive President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the delegation of Turkmenistan in Ankara. In this regard, it was noted that this is the first official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Turkey as head of state.

As President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasized, bilateral relations based on common language, history, culture, respect for mutual interests and equality are consistently developing. During today’s negotiations, various aspects of interstate cooperation were discussed. A number of documents were signed relating to such areas as energy, transport, trade, environmental protection, agriculture, youth and sports policy, archival affairs, education, and the media.

As known, the Turkish leader said, Turkmenistan, possessing huge reserves of power resources, comes up with important initiatives to ensure global energy security.

Having noted similarity of views of the parties on the issues put on the agenda of negotiations, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also underlined that Turkish partners are proud that Turkmenistan has the status of an observer in the Organization of the Turkic states.

During the negotiations, significant attention was paid to trade and economic relations. A clear confirmation of the progressive development of cooperation in this direction is the fact that Turkish companies are participating in the implementation of projects carried out in Turkmenistan. Today’s joint business forum is also intended to give a new impetus to the development of our business ties, pointed out President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey, being the first state, which recognised independence of Turkmenistan, rejoices to its achievements in all spheres of life that grows out of efforts of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the head of the friendly state underlined.

In conclusion, the President of the Republic of Turkiye expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the members of the accompanying delegation for the constructive negotiations that took place.

Having voiced results of the present summit talks, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, availing of the presented kind opportunity, on his own behalf and on behalf of the Turkmen people expressed to the Turkish side his sincere congratulations and wishes of well-being on the occasion of the national holiday of Turkiye – 100th anniversary of the Republic, which will be marked in a few days.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized, today, as part of the official visit to Turkiye at the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, constructive negotiations at the highest level took place, which took place in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding. Issues of bilateral cooperation affecting various areas were discussed. There was also an exchange of views on current regional and international topics of mutual interest.

The readiness to further expand and strengthen the strategic Turkmen-Turkish partnership, based on the principles of mutual respect and equality, was confirmed.

During negotiations, the head of Turkmenistan continued, the attention to key issues of regional and global policy, in particular, themes of maintenance of security and stability, strengthening of humanitarian component of international relations was paid. In the given context, importance of activization of joint efforts was marked.

In the context of mutual relations, the role of trade and economic partnership was underlined. During negotiations, importance of rise of volumes of goods turnover of two countries was marked as well as exchange of opinions on possibilities available in the given direction and ways of their realisation took place.

In addition, issues of transporting Turkmen natural gas and electricity to Turkiye through the Caspian Sea were discussed.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, the important role of deepening close cooperation in the field of transport and transit in increasing trade between the two countries was confirmed. In this regard, it was emphasized that the activation of existing transport corridors, in particular, the Trans-Caspian and along the Caspian Sea – Black Sea route, as well as the creation of new directions are of mutual benefit. An agreement was reached on the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure constructive and efficient interaction in the field of transport.

Along with this, issues of building up bilateral partnerships in various industries and the participation of Turkish companies in large projects being implemented in Turkmenistan were discussed.

At the meetings, it was emphasized that the common cultural heritage and spiritual and moral values of the fraternal peoples serve as a solid basis for expanding mutually beneficial and equal relations.

Proceeding from it, readiness for the further deepening of bilateral cooperation in the sphere of culture, education, science, public health services and sports with a view of preservation and strengthening of centuries-old links was expressed, the head of Turkmenistan said.

As a result of the negotiations, important documents were signed to facilitate the progressive expansion of political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian dialogue and complement the legal framework of interstate relations.

At the end of his media address, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed firm confidence that reached arrangements and signed documents will give a new impulse to further development of versatile Turkmen-Turkish cooperation and serve interests and well-being of the brotherly states.

Upon completion of the press conference, Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkiye were photographed for memory against background of flags of two countries.

In honour of the honoured guest, the President of the Republic of Turkiye gave an official diner.

Then, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan together proceeded to the International airport "Esenboga» of Ankara city that became the next evident acknowledgement of traditionally friendly, confidential character of interstate relations.

In the air harbour, the heads of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkiye, having expressed full satisfaction with results of the negotiations, have warmly said goodbye with each other, having exchanged wishes of well-being and prosperity to two fraternal people. Then, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov boarded the waiting plane, by which he left home.

Having made a flight to Ashgabat, the presidential airliner landed at the capital international airport, where officials welcomed the head of the state.

There, the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkiye in Turkmenistan warmly congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the successful official visit to Turkiye. He expressed confidence that the summit talks, which took place in Ankara, marked a new important step on the way of all-round strengthening and expansion of the traditional interstate dialogue based on historically developed links, mutual good will of the parties and principles of strategic partnership.

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Within the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Turkiye, members of the governmental delegation of our country held bilateral meetings with their Turkish colleagues in Ankara. Prospects of cooperation in such areas as trade and economic sphere, industrial sector and in particular, textile industry as well as energy, construction, transport and communications, introduction of high technologies, contacts in the area of business and others were discussed.

The interested exchange of opinions concerning the strengthening of traditional interaction in the humanitarian sphere, including spheres of education, science and culture, archival business, health, ecology and preservations of the environment, mass media took place.

During meetings, readiness of the parties for further development and diversification of productive partnership was underlined. At that, an important role of activity of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Turkish commission on economic cooperation in practical realisation of reached arrangements, stimulation of business contacts, and intensification of mutually beneficial relations in various branches was pointed out.

In Ankara, members of the governmental delegation of Turkmenistan also met our students, who study in higher educational institutions of Turkiye.

The education sphere is one of the priorities of Turkmen-Turkish cooperation and as whole, interactions with foreign partners in the humanitarian sphere. Our young people have wide opportunities to get education in prestigious foreign higher educational institutions and to master successful various specialities. The issues, concerning the strengthening of time-honoured relations in the given area, are constantly put on the agenda of bilateral summit talks.

In response to shown all-round care of youth students assured that they will do their utmost for development of their chosen profession to become highly skilled experts and upon completion of their study successfully to apply their received knowledge and skills in practice, bringing a worthy contribution to prosperity of their beloved country, augmentation of its international authority and consolidation of bonds of friendship and brotherhood between Turkmen and Turkish people.

During the meeting, copies of the book by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Ömrümiň manysynyň dowamaty” were given to students. This literary-philosophic work by Hero-Arkadag serves as a spiritual support in life and work for Turkmen nationals and especially for the younger generation, inspiring them into achievement of new high purposes in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State.