Ï Working Trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan to Arkadag City

Working Trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan to Arkadag City

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Working Trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan to Arkadag City

Today, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Arkadag city to get acquainted with the projects of various-purpose objects planned for construction as part of the second phase of construction, as well as with the types of building materials that will be used to decorate the mosque in the new city.

In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, as a result of the successful continuation of the noble deeds under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, begun by Hero-Arkadag, large-scale transformations, aimed at achieving great goals, are being carried out. The architecture of Arkadag city, which meets all international standards, will be inscribed in golden letters in the chronicle of our native Homeland.

Early in the morning, the National Leader of the Turkmen people arrived at the site of the ongoing construction of a new city’s mosque being built in the foothills of the Kopetdag. Here the Hero-Arkadag was met by the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of Arkadag city under the President of Turkmenistan D.Orazov and the khyakim of Arkadag city Sh.Durdylyev.

Noting that Arkadag city is being built in one of the most picturesque corners of our region and the local climate is favorable for humans, the National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized that during the construction of second-stage facilities, the features of the local nature should be taken into account, while the level of environmental well-being should be given special attention. Along with this, modern technologies and international experience should be actively applied.

Hero-Arkadag inspected the materials used in the construction of a new mosque in Arkadag city and got acquainted with the projects.

The total area of the future mosque is 12.9 hectares; the latest methods and best practices are successfully used in its construction.

Noting that today great importance is attached to large-scale transformations in various spheres of the state’s life, Hero-Arkadag assigned to pay attention to ensuring that each new building fits harmoniously and forms a single architectural ensemble with already erected structures. All buildings must be comfortable and convenient; their decoration must meet all modern requirements.

Then the National Leader of the Turkmen people got acquainted with other projects of facilities, the construction of which will be carried out as part of the second phase, including a new Saglyk Park. Hero-Arkadag was presented the tree species that are planned to be planted on its territory, types of lighting systems, as well as sketches of future fountains.

In addition, projects of the administrative building of the khyakimlik of Gorjav etrap, a museum, a health house, a car complex and a registration point, a railway station, a fire service, luxury residential buildings, as well as sketches of special signs of the Arkadag football team were submitted.

During the review of the presented projects, Hero-Arkadag made a number of comments and made appropriate adjustments. As noted, the most important requirement is to ensure a high level of quality and timely delivery of objects, as well as a combination of the principles of national architecture with the best practices of modern times, which is the most important condition for the successful construction of the second stage of Arkadag city.

Noting the need for active implementation of advanced achievements in the construction of the second stage of the city, Hero-Arkadag emphasized that, on behalf of the head of state, innovative technologies must be successfully applied, and all planned work must be completed on schedule and with high quality.

With the strengthening of economic power, the appearance of the new city will become even more beautiful, which is determined by the most important condition for establishing a high standard of living and recreation for people. This is especially important in the successful implementation of state policy, the main principle of which is “The State is for the People!”

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having familiarized himself with the types of signs for the Arkadag football team, noted that they should reflect the development of national sports, especially attracting young people to high-achievement sports, bringing Turkmen football to a high level. These signs should become the pride of Turkmen athletes.

Further, Hero-Arkadag met with representatives of leading German companies visiting our country. The meeting was also attended by the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of Arkadag City under the President of Turkmenistan D.Orazov and the khyakim of Arkadag city Sh.Durdylyev.

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, expressing gratitude to the heads of leading German companies, noted with satisfaction that Turkmen-German relations have reached a new level of development in recent years.

The General Director of the Edison Technologies company, the Sales Vice President of the Teamteshniсk company, and the Sales Manager of the Reifenhäuser company especially noted that it was a great honor for them to be in dynamically developing Turkmenistan and to meet with the National Leader of the Turkmen people, emphasizing their interest in the ongoing reforms in our country, where all the necessary conditions have been created for the effective work of foreign partners.

As Hero-Arkadag noted, all appropriate measures are being taken for the productive activities of foreign businessmen, and an appropriate legislative framework has been created in this direction. Highlighting that the program for industrialization of the country until 2030 plans to build industrial complexes in various parts of Turkmenistan, Hero-Arkadag stated that German partners will be able to take part in the implementation of various projects.

As part of the second phase of development of the new city, it is planned to build various industrial complexes. This will ensure the successful implementation of programs aimed at industrializing the country, increasing employment and creating jobs, as well as establishing the production of consumer goods and improving the service system.

As Hero-Arkadag noted, this year he paid a working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, during which agreements were reached on the development of bilateral and multilateral relations, bringing effective cooperation with EU countries to a new level.

In turn, the guests informed that they represent a consortium of about 20 world-famous German companies, and expressed great interest in establishing long-term cooperation with Turkmenistan, noting that they would be honored to take part in the construction of a complex for the production of medical equipment, which will be built in Arkadag city. Heads of large companies also spoke about the possibilities of training specialists for the planned production complexes.

Noting that during the construction of industrial complexes of the second stage of development of Arkadag city, special attention is paid to the use of advanced world experience and modern technologies, Hero-Arkadag stated that the modern smart city has emerged taking into account the consistent and successful implementation of the tasks set in this area.

In conclusion, it was signified satisfaction with the dynamics of the development of Turkmen-German cooperation, covering various areas.

Then the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty wished everyone great success and left the venue.