Ï The President of Turkmenistan took part in solemnities on the occasion of commissioning and stone-laying ceremonies of new projects

The President of Turkmenistan took part in solemnities on the occasion of commissioning and stone-laying ceremonies of new projects

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The President of Turkmenistan took part in solemnities on the occasion of commissioning and stone-laying ceremonies of new projects

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Balkan velayat, where he took part in solemnities on the occasion of commissioning and stone-laying ceremonies of new projects of energy and social infrastructure.

These events marked a next important step on the path of implementation of large-scale programs called to ensure sustainable development and diversification of national economy, increase in its export potential, accelerated industrialization of the country and dynamic development of regions. An active introduction of advanced technologies and innovative solutions into practice, creation of optimal conditions for progressive all-round development of the fatherland act here as key areas.

At that, a special significance is attached to development of modern international standards in technical infrastructure, an inseparable part of which is an electricity supply system. Deliberate steps are taken in Turkmenistan to fully modernize and strengthen a material and technical basis of the energy sector, including that of power energy sector and training of high quality specialists for sectors. It enables to not only fully meet the demand of our country for electricity taking into account a long-term period, but also expand the geography of its export abroad. In this connection, one should point out that Turkmenistan possesses enormous reserves of energy resources and production of electricity is considered one of the most profitable businesses in the world.

At the same time, complex transformations initiated by Hero Arkadag and successfully realized under Arkadagly Hero Serdar, are aimed at further rise of quality of life of people and it acts a priority of the state policy in Turkmenistan.

In the morning, the head of the state arrived in the place of a stone-laying ceremony of the new power energy project - a combined steam and gas power station with a capacity of 1574 MW to be built in Turkmenbashi etrap.

As known, in the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on October 28, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution, according to which, realization of the given project was entrusted to “Çalik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.” Turkish company.

At the venue, chairperson of the Mejlis, members of the Government, heads of ministries and departments, administration of Balkan velayat, heads and representatives of the diplomatic corpus accredited to our country gathered. Among participants of the ceremony were heads of higher educational establishments, social organizations, mass media, as well as honoured elders and representatives of wide public.

All welcome President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with great inspiration.

The festive atmosphere prevailing there is added by an inspiring musical and dance composition performed by workers of art.

The head of the state passes into the hall, which is especially equipped for a solemn ceremony.

Speaking in front of the gathered, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that today, in Turkmenbashi etrap of Balkan velayat a stone of a new power station as well as projects of social infrastructure in Guwlymayak settlement is laid. At the same time, in a solemn atmosphere the Mary-Akhal high-voltage overhead electric power line and two gas turbine installations in Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex will be commissioned into operation.

As the head of the state noted, power energy is one of the main elements of national economy. Program measures, considerable investment, large-scale projects, technological modernization of industry and regular increase in generation of power energy are aimed at development of the sphere. This, in turn, will ensure a reliable and regular supply of electricity to consumers.

Today, 12 power stations with a total capacity of 7000 MW function in the country. In the years of independence, and namely, for 2013–2021, eight of them were commissioned into operation. Besides it, thousands of kilometers of power transmission lines were built, reconstructed and new distribution systems were commissioned. All this speaks of significant progress in the given area.

Independent Turkmenistan is known as a powerful country where large-scale projects, which along with those that are built and opened, are aimed at strengthening the national economy, ensuring wellbeing and happy life of population, are built, created and successfully realized, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov added.

At that, particular attention is attached to observation of ecological standards and introduction of advanced technologies. Large industrial projects of the country are awarded positive assessments by leading international organizations for high quality and standards conformity in the field of ecology.

The modern combined cycle power plant, a stone of which we lay today, will have 4 gas and steam turbines, the head of the state of Turkmenistan noted. Their total capacity makes up 1574 MW. Here over 150 specialists of relevant qualification, will work and will be provided all conditions for their work and recreation.

The given project will become the second one in the country in its capacity and will ensure reliable supply of consumers of Balkan velayat, one of the dynamically industrially developing regions –with power energy. The surplus of power energy generated here will be possible to send to the single power grid as well as export to neighbouring countries. Implementation of projects of such scale in regions of Turkmenistan attests to the priority attached to development of power energy sector and enormous economic potential of the sovereign fatherland, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined.

As the head of the state further marked, today in the settlement of Guwlymayak a stone of a complex of projects of social infrastructure is also laid with a view of improvement of living conditions of specialists who work in enterprises of “Türkmenhimiýa” State Concern located in the velayat.

Soon, here will appear modern comfortable 4-storey houses planned for 472 households as well as a secondary school for 320 schoolchildren and a kindergarten for 120 children and a shopping and entertainment centre. All this speaks of the care of the state for its people.

In this connection, the President of Turkmenistan expressed confidence that local builders and foreign partners will cope with given tasks worthily by taking an active part in realization of the above-mentioned projects.

Further, speaking on the topic, the head of the state pointed out that in our country due work is carried out to transform the operating power energy system into a closed circuit, that is a single power grid. The first phase of the given project is the Akhal-Balkan high-voltage overhead electric power line, which was launched in 2021. And today, we witness successful implementation of the next phase of creation of the given power grid –commissioning of the Mary-Akhal high-voltage overhead electric power line, which speaks of the results of tireless and selfless work of local power engineers.

The construction of the Balkan-Dashoguz high-voltage overhead electric power line is planned to complete in 2024. With the commissioning of the Balkan-Dashoguz and Mary-Akhal high-voltage overhead electric power lines a power grid system will be developed and quality of power supply to local consumers will be improved as well as favourable preconditions will appear for export of power energy from different parts of the fatherland. Realization of these projects is a significant point in the history of local energy sector as thanks to the reforms implemented in the years of independence, modern power energy infrastructure of full cycle was developed.

Availing of the given opportunity, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov thanked Turkmen power energy engineers and foreign partners for an active participation in successful realization of the project and also noted that today two modern gas turbine installations with a capacity of 70 Mw will be launched at TORC and it will ensure a reliable supply of power energy.

Having congratulated participants of the event with a stone laying ceremony of the combined cycle power station in Turkmenbashi etrap and a complex of social projects in Guwlymayak settlement and commissioning of the Mary-Akhal high-voltage overhead electric power line and two gas turbine installations in TORC, the head of the state wished them all sound health, family wellbeing and great successes in their work.

– And let in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State , these projects serve our people for many years, the President of Turkmenistan said concluding his speech.

Further, the floor was given to head of the board of directors of the group of companies “Çalik Holding A.Ş” Ahmet Chalyk. Having underlined that Turkish partners feel proud for participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in today’s stone laying ceremonies and commissioning of new important power energy projects in Balkan velayat, the businessman heartily congratulated the head of the state with these significant events.

As was note, the creative state policy initiated by Hero Arkadag, today is steadily realized under the leadership of Arkadagly Hero Serdar. As a result, a stable pace of growth is ensured in all sectors of national economy, including in the sphere of power energy where a significance progress is observed.

As the head of the Turkish holding marked, Turkmenistan possesses enormous energy reserves that enable it fully to meet the demand of local consumers and export power energy abroad. In the given context, a stone-laying ceremony of a new power station with a capacity of 1574 MW, commissioning of the Mary-Akhal high-voltage overhead electric power line and two gas turbine installations in Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex can serve a visual example.

Today, the Turkmen state represents a visual model of a peaceful and prospering state, which possesses qualities that serve as guarantee of stable economic growth and well-being of people, Ahmet Chalyk said.

“Çalik Holding” has worked in Turkmenistan for many long years and is proud that it makes an effective contribution to its dynamical development and has an opportunity to participate in realization of large joint projects, the executive underlined and expressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all Turkmen people his best regards.

Then, by digital communications system, Mary and Akhal velayats get in touch. There everything is ready for commissioning of the Mary-Akhal high-voltage overhead electric power line constructed within the framework of realization of a large-scale project of formation of a single power grid in the country.

Specialists of Mary and Akhal state power stations, who spoke at the ceremony, expressed to the President of Turkmenistan their warm gratitude for constant attention to issues of development of electric power industry and creation of all conditions for fruitful work on behalf of workers of the sector. As was marked, in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State the role of the youth increases in realization of large-scale social and economic programs developed in the country. Aspiring to bring a worthy contribution to progressive development of their fatherland, young Turkmen nationals actively participate in implementation of large infrastructural projects.

Having underlined that today's event, which takes place in the year, the motto of which is “The Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, will be inscribed in gold letters in the history of the sector, speakers requested the head of the state to give his blessing to connect the Mary-Akhal high-voltage overhead electric power line with the power supply system of Turkmenistan.

To the applause of participants of the solemnity, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gives his blessing for the start of a new high-voltage overhead power transmission line and its connection to the power grid of the country.

Pressing the remote control switch, specialists of Mary and Akhal state power stations commission the new power transmission line into operation.

An animated video, which displays the technological process of functioning of the Mary-Akhal power transmission line is shown. The video also allows getting a clear picture of basic characteristics of the new power transmission line in construction of which, high-quality materials and equipment from leading world companies, have been used.

Via the digital system, the Mary-Akhal power transmission line was connected to the central dispatch control centre of the branch that provides appropriate control.

As a whole, creation of a single power grid in Turkmenistan gives an opportunity for mutual redundancy between power supply systems of velayats and Ashgabat. It will strengthen and raise reliability of the national power grid and allow increasing regularly a stock of its capacity, and in case of necessity, to redistribute electric power in the necessary direction. Having provided uninterrupted power supply of regions and the capital, implementation of the given project will also promote increase in export of electric power to other countries.

They expressed their warm gratitude and best regards to Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag for support in development of the power energy sector and support in realization of the given project, which meets goals of well-being of our native land and people and has an international significance.

Further, by the direct digital communication system, Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex, where everything is ready for commissioning two new gas turbine installations for electric power generation, gets in touch.

Then, a specialist of TORC, who underlined that under the leadership of the head of the state the national oil and gas sector dynamically develops, its infrastructure is systematically modernized, new projects that promote industrialization of our fatherland, strengthen its economic power are realized, addressed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

As was marked, in September, 2020 at Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex with participation of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov a start was given to the construction of 2 new gas turbine power units and reconstruction of the operating power station. “Çalik Enerji” Turkish company carried out that work. The generators and turbines established there are made by world famous “General Electric” (USA) company.

Having expressed on behalf of workers of the oil and gas complex to Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag his deep gratitude for constant attention to development of the sector and for care of its workers, the specialist of TORC requested the head of the state to give his blessing for the commissioning of new gas-turbine units.

To the applause of participants of the ceremony, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, by a developed noble tradition, gives his blessing for the start-up of two gas turbine units.

Pressing on the button, the specialist puts new gas turbine units into operation.

By means of an animated video the technological process of commissioning of gas turbine units with a total designed capacity of 70 MW, is visually displayed.

Their commissioning allows raising industrial indicators of TORC, where various kinds of high-quality oil products, which meet ecological standards, are manufactured. In addition to full satisfaction of demand of Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex for electric power, it also creates possibility to send its surplus to the country’s integrated power grid.

Then, the awarding ceremony of international certificates to the project “Construction of new gas turbines and reconstruction of the power station in TORC” took place.

The first floor was given to Professor Harald Apel, Advisor to the Fraunhofer Institute of Energy Economics and Technology of Energy Systems (Federal Republic of Germany). Having expressed to the head of the state his deep gratitude for the invitation to take part in the ceremony of commissioning of new power units, which meet international standards, the guest handed the Certificate of quality appropriated by the given Institute to the power project, realized at Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex.

The next to take the floor was Mr. Bernd Reinhold Rosin, Professor of the State University of Duisburg Essen, Advisor to the Federal Chamber of Architects of FRG. Having thanked the President of Turkmenistan for the given possibility to take part in today's celebration, the guest handed the Certificate of the above-named Chamber for the best engineering project.

Further, the floor was given to Yuri Shikov, Senior Adviser on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Energy Projects from the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (FRG). Having expressed to the head of the state his sincere gratitude for the invitation to the present ceremony, the guest handed the Certificate of the given University for an environmentally friendly and sustainable project.

Then, solemnities proceeded in the settlement of Guwlymayak in Turkmenbashi etrap, where a stone-laying ceremony of a large residential complex with corresponding social infrastructure, intended for workers of enterprises of "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern took place.

The atmosphere of general enthusiasm prevails at the territory of the new site.

In recent years, in the western region as well as all over the country, dramatic changes connected with industrialization of the economic complex have taken place.

The strategy of development of the chemical industry of Turkmenistan is aimed at maximum use of local resources, expansion of export potential of the branch, and sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex. The special attention is given to promotion of output of mineral fertilizers and it is connected with presence of rich raw-material basis and increase of efficiency of agricultural manufacture.

Turkmenistan possesses opportunities for manufacture of various kinds of given product in volumes, which completely provide the domestic demand as well as allow considerably to increase export of "fertility vitamins”. Taking into account the rich potential of Balkan velayat, big prospects open for development of chemical industry and complex development of output of new kinds of import replacing chemical production.

Dynamics of transformation processes taking place in the western region of the country is reflected in large scale of projects constructed. At that, an important area is construction of social projects, including comfortable houses thanks to what, the level and quality of life of people raise.

As known, on August 31 of the current year, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution, which envisages construction of a residential complex of 4-storey houses designed for 472 families, secondary comprehensive school for 320 children, and a kindergarten for 120 children and a shopping centre in the settlement of Guwlymayak in Turkmenbashi etrap of Balkan velayat.

According to the document, the designing and erection of the given projects, including accomplishment of their adjoining territory and construction of corresponding technical systems, were entrusted to the individual enterprise "Dürli-ýaz".

In development of similar projects, not only location of residential areas, but also ecological, social and recreational aspects, including gardening, arrangement of children’s play grounds and sports grounds are considered. Spacious apartments completely corresponding to requirements of comfortable living became norm.

By a developed noble tradition, the head of the Turkmen state takes part in the opening of residential areas, sharing joy of new settlers as well as in a stone-laying of new buildings, personally getting familiarized himself with construction projects.

Participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov via the digital system in celebrations on the occasion of a stone-laying ceremony of the residential complex in Guwlymayak settlement also speaks of the fact that the care of well-being of people acts as a priority of the state policy of Turkmenistan.

An honourable elder from Balkan velayat who spoke at the ceremony especially noted that the building of a residential complex that starts today - the next evidence of success of large scale transformations carried out in the country aimed at further social and economic development of regions, increase of standards of living of population. It grows out of consecutive continuation of noble undertakings of Hero-Arkadag by Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

As was underlined, in renewal of the outlook of cities and villages a visible embodiment of the socially oriented policy of the head of Turkmenistan, the basic principle of which is “State - for people!” finds its reflection.

On behalf of the gathered, they expressed warm gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for efforts with a view of strengthening the economic potential of Turkmenistan, maintenance of happy life of people and wished him sound health, long life and new outstanding successes in all his affairs for prosperity of the country.

At the request of the honourable elder, the head of Turkmenistan gives his blessing to the start of work at the site of the residential complex.

To the applause of the gathered, first shovels of concrete mix are put into the foundation of the future new building.

Music and the songs glorifying our beloved fatherland, grandiose transformations of the new historical epoch and embodying its high creative spirit sound.

Upon completion of a stone-laying ceremony of a complex of social projects festivities in Guwlymayak settlement proceeded at the location of other future new building - combined cycle power station capacity with a capacity of 1574 megawatts. There 4 gas turbines working on natural “blue fuel” as well as 2 steam turbines of one of the leading world companies – “General Electric” (USA) will be established.

A combined steam and gas cycle - new type of manufacture of electric power, which differs by increased coefficient factor. Its essence consists in development of additional quantity of electric power at the expense of entrance of products of combustion of fuel into steam turbines from gas turbines, formed at high temperatures.

Introduction of this modern technology is important from the point of view of development of wasteless manufacture in the country and, besides it, it allows to save natural gas consumed for development of electric power. All products at the power station will be digitized, automated and subordinated to the centralized management that will provide their high efficiency.

Realization of this project, in addition to reliable electrical supply of the western region, will promote strengthening of energy security of our fatherland, increase volumes of export of electric power to neighbouring countries and open new export routes.

It is also necessary to note that steam and gas power stations have an advantage not only in economic terms - they are more harmless. Implementing large-scale projects of regional and international significance in the power energy sector, Turkmenistan shows responsible and scientifically well-founded approach to issues of ecology and preservation of the environment. In the given aspect, one of the key issues is involvement of innovative non-polluting, energy saving technologies and effective equipment completely corresponding to requirements in the given area.

Implementation of such important innovative projects is constantly in the centre of attention of Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag whose large-scale activity is aimed at prosperity of our beloved land, maintenance of happy present and bright future of people.

There comes a solemn moment: on the occasion of the significant event, the head of the state signs a memorable message, which is placed in a special capsule.

Then, the floor was given to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov. Having expressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov his sincere gratitude for participation in today's celebrations, the Deputy-Chairman addressed the head of the state with a request to mark annually Day of workers of the construction and industrial complex of Turkmenistan on November 3.

The proposal was supported by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who also congratulated workers of the construction and industrial complex on this holiday.

Then, the head of Turkmenistan proceeded to the place of a stone-laying ceremony of the new energy project. By a developed tradition, which embodies continuity of generations and primordial customs of our people, who bless good affairs and undertakings, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov puts a capsule with a memorable message into the foundation of a new building and together with honourable elders throws first shovels of concrete mix in the foundation of the future power station and gives a start to its construction.

Upon completion of the solemnity, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov warmly said goodbye to participants of the ceremony and left the place.

The same day the head of the state came back to Ashgabat.

Thus, today's events entered into annals of the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State with another bright page and became the result of the progressive political strategy realized by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and embodies an invariable adherence of our independent neutral fatherland to the path of peace and creation, tendency of our people to new remarkable fulfilments.