Ï The President of Turkmenistan took part in a nationwide gardening campaign and got acquainted with the progress of work on the horse breeding development

The President of Turkmenistan took part in a nationwide gardening campaign and got acquainted with the progress of work on the horse breeding development

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The President of Turkmenistan took part in a nationwide gardening campaign and got acquainted with the progress of work on the horse breeding development

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in a nationwide gardening campaign that covered all regions of the Motherland, during which he also got acquainted with the ongoing work on breeding Akhalteke horses.

The Head of the Turkmen state invariably emphasizes the great importance of the nationwide landscaping program implemented in the country, primarily from the point of view of environmental well-being, creation of favorable conditions for the life of Turkmen citizens. In this context, special attention is paid to the formation of new forest park zones near settlements, where they will bring the greatest benefit to people in the developed areas of cities expanding their borders.

...Early in the morning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov arrived at the site of the completed construction of a modern stable for the maintenance of 600 Akhalteke horses, located in the picturesque foothills of Kopetdag. In all periods of the Turkmens’ life, magnificent horses were the adornment of its glorious history. The Akhalteke breed, considered to be elite in the world horse breeding, is the treasury of the people, the joy of his soul, the national heritage. This is evidenced by such wise sayings of our ancestors as “Where the horse gets up, there will be a celebration”, “Get up in the morning, visit your father, and then – your horse”, “Having a horse – has wings”.

Here the Head of state is warmly welcomed by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyev, Director of the Türkmen atlary State Association A.Berdiev, Rector of the Aba Annaev International Academy of Horse Breeding P.Bayramdurdyev, Vice-President of the International Association of Akhalteke Horse Breeding and the Türkmen alabaý itleri International Association B.Rejepov. Deputy Prime Minister T.Atakhallyev reported on the completed work on the construction of a modern stable for the maintenance of 600 Akhalteke horses.

As noted, in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, the initiatives of the Hero-Arkadag to increase the world fame of Akhalteke horses, being the national pride and wealth of our people, to increase their number, are successfully implemented by the Hero-Arkadagly Serdar. A vivid confirmation of this is the current new building.

The total area of the new facility is 15.4 hectares, on the territory of which there is an administrative building, a veterinary clinic equipped with advanced apparatus and technologies for monitoring the health of horses, a stable for 40 breeding stallions, 2 stables for brood mares of 60 stalls, five for 88 horses, a covered warehouse for storing feed, etc. The architectural appearance of the buildings combines national traditions and modern engineering solutions.

In autumn, there is a favorable climate in the foothills of Kopetdag. The amazing nature and invigorating air combined with the autumn coolness lead to a truly enchanting delight. The mountain climate, the features of the surrounding area, including the streams flowing here with crystal clear water – Altyýap and Sekizýap, create excellent conditions for breeding Akhalteke horses.

It was in this place since ancient times throughout history that Turkmens bred legendary, world-famous Paradise horses. Today, a world-class infrastructure has been formed here, including the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex, the village of Aba Annaev, where all social and living conditions have been created to ensure a high standard of living for horse breeders, and Arkadag city.

Then the Vice-president of the International Association of Akhalteke Horse Breeding and the Türkmen alabaý itleri International Association B.Rejepov, director of the Türkmen atlary State Association A.Berdiev reported on the activities carried out by the supervised structures in accordance with modern requirements.

Currently, all measures are being taken to preserve the breed of Akhalteke horses, their cultivation and breeding, preparation for racing.

Then the rector of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annaev P.Bayramdurdiyev reported on the work carried out by the university to train specialists for the horse breeding industry.

After hearing the reports, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated that the legendary Paradise horses have always been faithful companions of the Turkmen people, adorning their glorious history, highlighting that in the new era, purposeful activities are being carried out in the country to preserve and continue the unique traditions of domestic horse breeding, the further development of this ancient art.

Focusing on the further effective development of the horse breeding industry, the Head of state addressed a number of instructions to the relevant leaders.

Speaking about the training of students at the Aba Annaev International Academy of Horse Breeding, the President of the country emphasized the need to alternate classes with work in the stable, more communication of young people with horses for the development of national and the latest horse breeding practices, giving specific instructions in this regard.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhallyev, on behalf of all horse breeders of the country, expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and Hero-Arkadag for the construction of a modern stable, wishing good health, long life and great success in work for the prosperity of the Motherland.

The Deputy Prime Minister also appealed to Arkadagly-Hero Serdar with a request to bless the opening of a new stable intended for the maintenance of 600 Akhalteke horses.

Having approved the request of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Head of state stressed the expediency of timing the opening ceremony of this specialized facility to the Harvest Festival, being widely celebrated in our country.

The new stable will give impetus to the further development and modernization of the horse breeding sector at the modern level, the head of state underlined, noting the need for an organized holding of this event.

Then President Serdar Berdimuhamedov went to the place of the landscaping campaign – to Arkadag city. The Turkmen people have always believed that planting a tree is a noble act worthy of special respect.

The Head of Turkmenistan is welcomed by members of the Government, deputies of the Mejlis and members of the Halk Maslakhaty, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and branch departments, local administration, representatives of the media, public organizations, and numerous residents of Arkadag city. Among the participants of the environmental action are heads and representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in our country.

Here, in a picturesque corner of the Turkmen nature, the enthusiastic mood of the participants of the current event was supported by music and songs in praise of the achievements of the independent Motherland in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, dance ensembles demonstrated their skills.

Warmly greeting the audience, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov goes to the site prepared for planting.

The Head of state is joyfully welcomed by a representative of the country’s young generation, who asks to bless the beginning of tree planting.

At the request of the Hero-Arkadagly Serdar launches a landscaping campaign and plants the first tree.

Noting the high importance of mass participation in the implementation of the landscaping program deployed in the country, the head of Turkmenistan constantly emphasizes the importance of the most responsible approach to the issues of subsequent care of green spaces.

Following the example of the President of Turkmenistan, all participants of the landscaping campaign started planting trees. Previously, various seedlings were carefully selected, which are the most stable and adapted to the peculiarities of the soil and climatic conditions of the area. All the work carried out promotes the creation of forest zones in the foothill valley.

Since ancient times, people have been working to realize the dream of turning their native land into a blooming garden – they created irrigation systems, laid out orchards and vineyards. In the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, thanks to new opportunities that give people progress, this work is carried out at a qualitatively new level.

Taking into account the scale of the landscaping program and in order to meet the ever-increasing demand for high-quality planting material, new progressive methods of its production are being introduced in the country. And what is important, the formation of a forest park zone takes place in parallel with the active introduction of progressive water-saving and agricultural technologies.

In October 2022, a seminar “Organic melon farming and its contribution to ecology” was held near Arkadag city, which became the largest such open-air event, and its entry into the Guinness Book of Records is another confirmation of international recognition of ensuring environmental well-being in our country.

The Turkmen people have always treated nature with care, protecting it as the apple of their eye. Therefore, in the year held under the motto “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, much attention is paid to environmental well-being issues. Currently, landscaping programs of the Motherland are being successfully implemented.

During the nationwide landscaping campaign, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov asked how this important environmental event is taking place in the country.

The Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers informed the Head of state that our citizens are participating with great enthusiasm in mass tree planting in Ashgabat and in all velayats, which is a vivid confirmation of the successful implementation by Argadagly Serdar of the initiatives initiated by the Hero-Arkadag to ensure environmental well-being in the country.

The Head of Turkmenistan focused on the transformation of the Homeland into a flourishing land, as well as on the implementation of the tasks set in the National Forest Program, giving the Deputy Prime Minister instructions to intensify work in this direction.

Today, the national traditions inherited from the ancestors for the preservation of the environment are becoming even more relevant. Nationwide gardening campaigns are held annually in our country, and hundreds of thousands of seedlings of various-breed trees are planted. As they grow, the Turkmen land will be covered with greenery, the air will become cleaner and more transparent, multiplying the people’s love for their native nature.

Currently, purposeful work is being carried out in our state to ensure environmental well-being, the successful implementation of tasks within the framework of the National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change and the National Forest Strategy.

During the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on October 28 of the current year, the Head of state noted that environmental protection is among the key areas of Turkmenistan’s policy, and in this context, our country, in cooperation with international organizations, puts forward specific initiatives.

In particular, at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov announced a proposal to establish a specialized structure – a Regional center for technologies related to climate Change in Central Asia, which would work on climate issues in a substantive and systematic manner. In this regard, readiness was expressed to provide organizational and technical conditions for the functioning of such a Center in the capital of Turkmenistan – Ashgabat.

A proposal was also made to create the Caspian Environmental Initiative, destined to become an international platform for substantive and professional partnership on a wide range of issues related to the protection of the Caspian environment, the conservation of its biological resources, and the solution of a number of urgent environmental problems.

The United Nations Environmental Conventions on biological diversity, combating desertification, climate change, protection of the ozone layer, protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes, ratified by our country, are vivid evidence of Turkmenistan’s active position in solving global environmental problems of our time.

In this direction, Turkmenistan conducts fruitful cooperation with many international and regional organizations, including the United Nations Development and Environment Program, the Agricultural and Food Organization, the Global Environmental Fund, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the Regional Center for Ecology of Central Asia, the German Society for International Cooperation, etc.

In our sovereign Homeland, effective measures are being taken to strengthen and improve the legislative and legal framework for environmental protection. The modernization of the legislation in force in this area, the systematic holding of international conferences on ecology and environmental protection in our country is a clear evidence of the successful implementation of Turkmenistan’s policy in the field of ecology.

In particular, on July 3 of the current year, the International Conference “Arkadag City – an Ecologically Safe Land of Beautiful Nature” was held, during which it was emphasized that the protection of nature, the introduction of new, environmentally friendly technologies, green economy, digital system, ensuring environmental security in the country and the region are among the main directions of the strategy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

It was stated that Arkadag city could become a promising platform for piloting innovations not only in the economy and social sphere, but also in the field of environmental protection.

During the second stage of the city development, especially during the construction of the production facilities of the industrial complex, it is important that all works fully comply with environmental requirements. All this meets the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations.

In November of last year, as a result of the joint efforts of the participants of the mass landscaping campaign, over 5 thousand seedlings of various types of trees were planted on the territory of Arkadag city. This noble action is of particular importance in terms of improving the ecological situation and creating a favorable environment.

The international recognition of Arkadag city is evidenced by its inclusion in the project “Development of Sustainable, Green, and Climate-friendly Cities with Innovative Solutions in the OSCE Region”, as well as the presentation on the day of its opening of international certificates confirming the achievements of the new city in various fields.

As it is known, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov regularly makes working trips to Arkadag city, during which he inspects landscaping and the progress of construction works.

As the Hero-Arkadag emphasizes, the successful implementation of the environmental program has determined the formation of a favorable climate in all corners of the country. The creation of forest zones improves the climate and faciliates the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity. In this regard, it is necessary to approach the planting of seedlings on a scientific basis, taking into account the natural features of the area.

The transformation of these territories into blooming gardens is important for creating comfortable conditions for people’s life and recreation, ensuring environmental well-being, the Hero-Arkadag notes.

The conscientious work of the participants of the current landscaping campaign is a vivid symbol of the unbreakable unity and cohesion of our people, their unwavering loyalty to noble deeds, testifying that the centuries-old traditions of their ancestors continue successfully in the modern era.

In addition to planting new trees, work has been carried out throughout the country to care for existing plantings, which are getting stronger and gaining strength.

Today, the fruits of this long-term work are visible everywhere in Turkmenistan – man-made forests are already spread out on vast territories in different parts of the Motherland, tens of millions of trees are counted in them. Extensive forest-park zones appear around each city, locality, the foothills of Kopetdag, adjacent to the white marble city, are dressed in a green outfit.

On this autumn day, the whole country came out for a landscaping campaign to multiply the “green wealth” of their native land with inspired work. Within its framework, only during one day 472,71 seedlings of coniferous, fruit and deciduous species were planted, as well as 1,868,935 trees were cared for.

Thus, the special attention and support of the state to the forest sector demonstrate the high level of ecological culture in the Turkmen society. Every year, new stages of planting launch, realizing the cherished dream of the Turkmen people – to turn their native land into a blooming garden.

At the end of the landscaping campaign, the head of state took part in a festive sadaqah on the occasion of a significant event in Arkadag city.

In accordance with the traditions, dishes of national cuisine were served. The meal was accompanied by music and songs glorifying the beloved Homeland and the grandiose transformations of the modern epoch.

At the end of the event, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov warmly said goodbye to its participants and left the venue.