Ï The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system

The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system

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The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a working meeting via a digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev, who supervises the agro-industrial complex, and velayat khyakims. The agenda included issues related to the progress of seasonal field campaigns and other relevant work in the regions of the country.

The floor was first given to Akhal Velayat Khyakim R. Hojaguliyev, who reported on the agricultural campaigns ongoing in the region.

As was reported, these days cotton harvesting continues in the fields to gather the crop to the last boll. High-quality processing of seed cotton at cotton ginning enterprises is provided, and payments to tenants for the delivered crop are made in a timely manner.

In addition, the wheat fields are irrigated and treated with mineral fertilizers.

To increase the number of livestock and prepare for wintering, the region’s livestock breeders are setting up wintering areas and creating fodder reserves.

The report also covered the state of affairs at various facilities being built as part of the National Program for the transformation of social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period up to 2028, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, and specifying that the agro-technical rules must be strictly complied with in conducting seasonal field campaigns, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the khyakim to speed up the cotton harvest and care for the wheat sprouts.

The head of state also ordered to keep under strict control the progress and quality of building social and industrial facilities under construction as part of the National Rural Program and the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country, and the timely commissioning of completed projects.

The floor was next given to Balkan Velayat Khyakim H. Ashyrmyradov, who, first of all, informed the President of Turkmenistan that during the days when the Harvest Holiday was widely celebrated in our country, farmers of the western region gathered over 16 thousand tons of cotton, having successfully fulfilled their contractual obligations for the preparation of raw materials. On behalf of all residents and farmers of the velayat, the khyakim expressed heartfelt gratitude to Arkadag Hero Serdar and the Hero Arkadag for the conditions created for fruitful work and achievement of high successes, the targeted work in progress to promote development of agriculture, as well as wishes for sound health, long years of life and new outstanding successes in large-scale activities for the benefit of the Homeland and the people.

Then the governor of the velayat reported on the progress of seasonal field work in the region. Information was provided that the gathering of cotton remaining in the fields is currently ongoing. The harvested crop is processed at cotton ginning enterprises. Payments to agricultural producers for the delivered seed cotton are made in a timely manner.

Properly treatment of wheat fields is under way, in particular, irrigation and application of mineral fertilizers.

Measures are taken in the livestock farms of the velayat to increase the number of livestock. Work is also in progress to create conditions for a warm and satisfying wintering, prepare keeping areas and lay in fodder reserves.

Moreover, the report covered the state of affairs at social and industrial facilities under construction, to be put into operation the current year.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated the hardworking farmers of the Balkan Velayat on their success, emphasizing that the state will continue to create all conditions for the effective performance of workers in the agro-industrial complex.

Further, focusing on seasonal agricultural work, the head of state emphasized the importance of timely completion thereof, instructing the khyakim to ensure the harvesting of grown cotton from the fields to the last boll. The President of Turkmenistan also pointed out the need to care for wheat crops in accordance with agro-technical standards.

In addition, the head of state ordered to keep control over the construction of facilities under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year, and ensure high quality of work.

The working meeting via a digital system was continued with the report made by Dashoguz Velayat Khyakim S. Soltanmyradov on the progress of agricultural campaigns.

It was reported that appropriate measures are taken in the region to gather cotton without losses, deliver seed cotton to cotton ginning enterprises and provide its high-quality processing, and make timely payments to agricultural producers.

Wheat sown fields are treated in accordance with agro-technical standards, farmers are supplied with the necessary mineral fertilizers. At the same time, efforts are made to gather the grown rice crop within a short period of time and without loss.

Livestock farms in the region are preparing for wintering. In order to ensure a warm and satisfying wintering for livestock, sufficient quantities of fodder are prepared and appropriate repair work is in progress.

The khyakim also reported on the state of affairs at new facilities for various purposes, scheduled for commissioning this year as part of implementing the National Rural Program.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of the agricultural work currently under way. The khyakim was instructed to speed up the cotton harvest, so that the grown crop was gathered to the last boll, and ensure the treatment of wheat fields in strict compliance with the agro-technical requirements. Rice harvesting must also be carried out in an organized manner.

The head of state also instructed the khyakim to monitor the progress and quality of work at social and industrial facilities being built in the velayat under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning the ongoing year.

Then Lebap Velayat Khyakim Amangeldiev reported on the state of affairs in the region.

As was reported, the necessary measures are taken to gather cotton crop without loss, and provide the smooth operation of the combine harvesters and equipment used in the harvest. Payments are made to farmers in a timely manner for the harvest, which is transported for processing to cotton ginning enterprises.

The sown areas are treated in accordance with agro-technical standards for even germination of crops.

Along with this, steps are taken to gather the grown rice crop as soon as possible and deliver it to the Homeland bin.

In order to ensure a warm and satisfying wintering for livestock, work is carried out in the livestock farms of the region to prepare a sufficient amount of fodder and bring areas intended for wintering into proper condition.

The report included information on the construction of facilities for various purposes under the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of high-quality field work, instructing the khyakim to speed up the cotton harvesting campaign and gather the crop to the last boll. It is also necessary to strictly comply with the agro-technical requirements when treating wheat fields and to gather rice in an organized manner, the head of state specified.

Along with this, the khyakim was instructed to keep under control the construction quality of social and industrial facilities to be commissioned the current year.

Mary Velayat Khyakim B. Orazov was next to report on the progress of seasonal field campaigns in the region.

It was reported that measures are taken to harvest the cotton crop without loss, its proper storage and delivery to cotton ginning enterprises, as well as to ensure timely payments to farmers for the delivered seed cotton.

Guided by the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan to successfully carry out reforms in the agro-industrial complex and strengthen food abundance in the country, winter wheat sown fields are treated in accordance with agro-technical standards.

At the same time, sugar beet harvesting continues in the velayat. The gathered crop is delivered to collection points from where it is transported for processing.

In the livestock farms of the region, appropriate work is being carried out to increase the number of livestock and the volume of products received. Food and wintering areas have been prepared for the upcoming season.

The report also covered the state of affairs at various facilities under construction as part of the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the transformation of social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period up to 2028, scheduled for commissioning by the end of the ongoing year.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of the seasonal field work in progress, instructing the khyakim to ensure constant control over cotton harvesting without losses, treatment of wheat fields in accordance with agro-technical standards, and gathering sugar beets in full and within the shortest possible time.

The governor of the velayat was also instructed keep an eye on the construction quality of social and industrial facilities to be commissioned this year, being built under the National Rural Program.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev, who supervises the agro-industrial complex, reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the regions of the country.

First of all, the deputy prime minister expressed, on behalf of the workers in the agro-industrial complex and horse breeders, sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for the opportunities provided for wide-scale celebrations on the occasion of the Harvest Holiday, as well as for building a modern stable for 600 Akhalteke horses, located in the Kopetdag foothills, near the city of Arkadag, and wished Arkadag Hero Serdar and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sound health, long years of life and further success in all important undertakings for the prosperity of the Homeland and the people’s wellbeing.

Reporting on the state of affairs in the country’s agro-industrial complex, the deputy prime minister pointed out that all measures are taken in the velayats to gather cotton crop without losses, ensure timely payments to farmers for the delivered seed cotton, as well as high-quality processing of the crop at specialized enterprises.

Work is carried out in accordance with agro-technical standards in the fields sown to wheat.

At the same time, rice harvesting continues in the Dashoguz and Lebap Velayats, and sugar beets are gathered in the Mary Velayat.

In addition, the deputy prime minister reported on the measures being taken in the regions of the country to ensure a warm and satisfying wintering for livestock. For these purposes, fodder stocks are laid in and livestock keeping areas are brought into proper condition.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again specified that the basic requirement is the high-quality and organized completion of all seasonal field campaigns, instructing the deputy prime minister to constantly keep in view issues related to the increase in the pace of cotton harvesting, treatment of wheat fields in strict compliance with agro-technical standards, preparing livestock farms for wintering.

Addressing the working meeting participants, the head of state emphasized the importance of achieving the goals set for further development of agriculture, which is one of the basic sectors of the national economy, and maintaining food abundance, and gave specific instructions in this regard.

Concluding the working meeting via a digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants sound health and great success in their work for the prosperity of the sovereign Homeland and the people’s wellbeing.