Ï The President of Turkmenistan familiarized himself with the course of construction activities in the capital and Arkadag city

The President of Turkmenistan familiarized himself with the course of construction activities in the capital and Arkadag city

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The President of Turkmenistan familiarized himself with the course of construction activities in the capital and Arkadag city

Today in the morning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took a helicopter flight around and familiarized himself with the course of work developed in the capital and in its suburbs. B.Annamammedov, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, who supervises the industrial and construction complex, accompanied the head of the state.

At present, in various parts of the country as well as in Ashgabat and on its outskirts large-scale transformations are carried out successfully and it visually speaks of a complex character of the town planning program initiated by Hero Arkadag and implemented under the wise leadership of the President of the country.

During the flight, the head of the state watched the work carried out at construction sites of Ashgabat and Arkadag city and evaluated the course of reforms in socio-economic development of the country as well. At that, a special significance is attached to the issues connected with ensuring the well-provided life of people as well as construction of residential houses with modern conveniences.

In addition to construction of different projects in the capital, construction of road and transport infrastructure projects and their accomplishment have a special importance. Modern roads, park zones, which promote the ecological welfare, augment the beauty of our capital.

In the western part of Ashgabat, in particular, in the territories of Gurtly and Koshi residential areas, residential houses with apartments of improved layout have been built. The great attention was paid to construction of social projects in these complexes. From the height, one can clearly see the scope of construction activities developed in this part of the city.

Today, all efforts are made to ensure a high quality of construction work carried out in different parts of the country and in the capital. These issues as well as those connected with the timely commissioning of projects into operation are under constant control.

The helicopter of the head of the state took a flight to the western part of Ashgabat. Having familiarized himself with the pace of construction of various projects and complexes of modern standard residential houses carried out in the territories of Buzmeyin etrap from the height of the flight, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on significance of ensuring a high quality of work carried out there.

In construction of these projects that meet ecological standards, the latest achievements of science and advanced practice are actively applied. It stipulates successful fulfilment of requirements made by the head of the state to implementation of construction projects.

Further, the helicopter of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a turn over Arkadag city built at the initiative and thanks to the efforts of Hero Arkadag. At present, a start was given to the second turn of construction activities in the new city. It visually displays a state level significance of goals connected with development of rural and urban areas on a multiplane basis and creation of new work places.

Under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, large-scale and long-term programs aimed at strengthening creative pillars of statehood, increase in its economic might, improvement of wellbeing of people and achievement of new heights of development of the country are successfully realized in our country.

As known, with a view of further development of municipality economy of Arkadag city and creation of optimal conditions in the sphere of its organization and management as well as taking into account presentation of the khyakimlik of the city, in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On the procedure for solution of issues of administrative –territorial division of Turkmenistan”, the Resolution on expansion of the territory of the new city was adopted.

The head of the state noted that one should take proper measures for successful fulfilment of the goals proceeding from the document and instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to carry out necessary work together with relevant authorities.

During the flight around, on his way towards the capital, the President of the country observed the Nisa Fort, which was once the centre of the Parthian kingdom and speaks of the great past of Turkmen people. Relevant restoration work, which plays a great significance in preservation of material culture of powerful kingdoms founded by Turkmen people in the course of history for future generations, is carried out there regularly.

As a result of successful implementation of large-scale innovative projects, a complex and well-thought approach to solution of tasks set up in the sphere of healthcare, a large complex of specialized buildings was created in the capital. Care of human health, proclaimed the highest value, is one of the priority areas of the state policy.

The helicopter of the President of the country made a turn over the Stomatology centre, construction of which is carried out at present at high paces. In construction of the new project, which will supplement the list of projects of the national healthcare system, principles of national architecture and modern advanced practice are applied.

Head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov also familiarized himself with the park zone and profile projects on its territory located in the central part of the city and instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to keep the issues of maintenance of cleanness there under constant control. In addition to creation of favourable conditions for life of citizens in our country, a great significance is attached to organization of leisure at high level. The park provides all conditions for interesting pastime of residents and guests of the city, especially that of the growing generation.

Today, in the capital international medical establishments equipped with modern technologies function. Construction of similar projects is one of the priorities of the state policy of which, construction of the international paediatrics centre in the south of Ashgabat speaks.

One should point out that expansion of social infrastructure of the capital, including at the expense of the number of medical projects, was outlined as priority goal and construction of the international health and rehabilitation centre in the downtown also attests to the fact. Intensity of rate of fulfilment of the marked plan of work enables to confirm that the new project will timely supplement the list of architectural premiers.

Then, the helicopter of the President of Turkmenistan headed towards the site of construction of the international scientific clinical centre of physiology.

Today, at the instruction of the head of the state, complex measures aimed at successive modernization of the material and technical basis of projects in the capital are taken.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov watched the construction site developed in the northern part of the city, in particular, the international scientific clinical centre of oncology in Choganly residential area. The scope and dynamics of such work demonstrate successful realization of the state policy aimed at care of citizens and people.

In the given context, one should mark that a great significance is made to construction of new ones and reconstruction of functioning profile institutions of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry as well as accomplishment of their adjoining territories in the country.

Solution of tasks in the field of application of advanced innovative technologies, development of smooth functioning and comfortable environment for life and fruitful work of people as well as comprehensive education of the growing generation act as the main factor for implementation of the full-scale town planning program of the capital.

Creation of all conditions for well-provided life of population – the main objective put in the basis of program reforms, which are successfully realized in white marble coated Ashgabat. It, in its turn shows an indefatigable care of maintenance of all-round and harmonious development of the younger generation.

During his familiarization with the course of work in the city, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined importance of an education level and qualification training of the youth, which is the future of our Fatherland.

In this context, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported that according to the earlier given instructions, it is planned to build a new palace of children and youth “Güneşli”.

Having noted importance of a responsible approach to realization of the marked plan, the President of the country determined the site of a new complex and instructed him to announce the corresponding international tender.

The centre, which will be erected in one of the picturesque corners of Ashgabat, in the ecologically favourable environment, will bring bright colours in the life of the growing generation.

As the head of the state noted, Turkmenistan is recognized as the land of happy childhood and therefore, it is necessary to solve issues of high quality and all round education of the youth, its attraction to research work, cultivation of creative thinking and diligence in it comprehensively.

In the new centre, various thematic clubs will function to train professional skills that demand creation of corresponding modern conditions, which should be also considered at designing and construction of the project, the head of the state said, having underlined that the educational level, qualification, diligence of the younger generation – builders of bright future of our fatherland directly depend on it.

Therefore, in construction of the project, first of all, it is necessary to involve progressive practical skills and scientific achievements. It is necessary to give prime attention to its appropriate equipment, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined, having given the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet concrete instructions.

Speaking of urgency of the planned tasks in the context of cultivation of labour and creative skills in the youth, the head of the state pointed out necessity of creation of corresponding clubs and sections in profile establishments that has a great significance in education of the comprehensively developed individual.

Today, white marble-coated Ashgabat grows at an accelerated rate, projects of social infrastructure, including comfortable apartment houses are erected in the city. The pace of building of similar constructions in “Parahat” residential area also grows. At the same time, target measures on maintenance of ecological well-being in the capital are taken that it in turn creates the optimum environment for life of townspeople.

In this context, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported the head of the state on the state of affairs in “Parahat” residential area and realization of programs on improvement of standards of living of population and building of various projects in this part of Ashgabat.

Having familiarized with dynamics of performance of program reforms in the country’s central city, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined necessity of continuation of building of social projects that is another evidence of successful implementation of the targeted policy, the main principle of which is “state for people!”.

Similar projects and houses with modern conveniences, the number of which grows in the residential areas of the capital, become a remarkable gift for citizens of Ashgabat and it testifies to the priority of social sphere in the town-planning strategy.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov assured that all measures will be taken for timely and quality completion of civil work and planned measures as well as that activity of profile services will be consistently coordinated.

Having finished his flight, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished him successes in solution of important goals put ahead.