Ï Turkmenistan hosts the Youth Forum of Central Asia and China

Turkmenistan hosts the Youth Forum of Central Asia and China

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Turkmenistan hosts the Youth Forum of Central Asia and China

The Youth Forum of Central Asian Countries and China «New Epoch of the Great Silk Road» began its work today in the administrative center of Mary velayat - the city of Mary.

As is known, the proposal to hold it was voiced by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the first Summit of Heads of State of the Central Asia-China format, held in the Chinese city of Xi’an in May of this year.

This initiative has become an indicative example of the large, multifaceted work carried out in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state to strengthen friendly relations between Turkmen youth and their peers from around the world, to educate an educated, erudite young generation with a broad worldview, highly respecting the traditions and customs of their people, their priceless national heritage.

The organization of a large-scale event, held in order to deepen and expand traditional ties between the peoples of the states of the Central Asian region and the PRC, was entrusted to the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, the relevant ministries and line departments, as well as the Hakimlik of Mary velayat.

The three-day forum, which has become one of the important events of the year «Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar», is attended by young professionals working in all sectors of the economy, students, volunteers, activists, representatives of the fields of education, science, culture, art, parliamentary system from the People's Republic of China Republic and Central Asian countries - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

With great enthusiasm, numerous delegates of the forum heard the welcoming Address of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed to them.

As noted in the speeches that followed, the peoples of our countries are linked by centuries-old relations of friendship and brotherhood, and extensive positive experience of interaction in all spheres.

The «Central Asia–China» dialogue format has already established itself as one of the most effective mechanisms for the further development of a trusting, mutually respectful partnership, built taking into account the national interests of each party.

Today, young Turkmen people work hard in various sectors of the national economy, actively participate in the implementation of national and state programs, are engaged in scientific, educational and social work, promoting the comprehensive development of an independent neutral Fatherland.

The Strategy for International Cooperation of Youth of Turkmenistan for 2023–2030, adopted in June of this year, is of great importance for further strengthening ties with the youth of other countries in the name of building a better future. The holding of this forum has become one of the important steps towards its implementation.

Among the main issues brought up for discussion is the intensification of six-way cooperation in such relevant areas as education, science, innovation, culture and art.

As noted, the peoples of Central Asia and China, who gave the world outstanding scientists, inventors, and thinkers, are the heirs and custodians of the richest cultural and scientific traditions. In this regard, the need was emphasized to encourage existing mutual interest and actively promote broad cultural and scientific exchange in a systematic basis.

The delegates to the multilateral meeting were unanimous in their opinion on the importance of consistent and steady strengthening of the ties of friendship and cooperation between the Forum participating countries and their peoples, and careful preservation of the long-standing traditions of good neighbourliness and mutual respect.

As noted, such events directly contribute to the further growth of social activity of young people, the expansion of international contacts, the patriotic education of citizens, close interaction and solidarity of the younger generation.

Expressing confidence that the current Youth Forum will be an important step towards strengthening constructive international dialogue, the meeting participants expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag for their multifaceted activities aimed at ensuring peace, sustainable development, expansion of international, including youth cooperation.

At the end of the plenary session, here, in the Mary velayat library, separate thematic sections, meetings in a narrow format, and negotiations of heads of delegations on topical issues of cooperation were held.

The forum continues its work. Among the significant events coming up in the coming days is the ceremony of presenting a special Youth Award to young activists who have distinguished themselves in their work and creativity, established by the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly on the occasion of the Organization’s Foundation Day, as well as the holding of a youth festival at the State Drama Theater named after Kemine, Mary velayat Representatives of culture and art of the countries of Central Asia and China.

An excursion to the State Historical and Cultural Reserve «Ancient Merv» is also planned for forum participants - one of the oldest and most fully preserved oasis cities on the Great Silk Road, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.