Ï White-tailed eagles expand their habitat

White-tailed eagles expand their habitat

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White-tailed eagles have expanded their temporary habitat on the territory of Dashoguz velayat.

As specialists from the Gaplangyr State Nature Reserve note, if previously these large birds of prey spent the winter mainly on Lake Sarygamysh, now they can be found on «Zengi-baba», «Uzyn-shor» and even along the flyway of migrating birds, the channels of the new Turkmen lake under construction «Altyn Asyr».

Since their main food is some waterfowl and fish, it can be assumed that the appearance of white-tailed eagles in new places is facilitated by their rich fauna, safe habitat, acceptable weather conditions and terrain.

Such a proliferation of beautiful birds arriving here in winter from Europe gives rise to the idea that their number in the reserve may have increased.

As a result of the annual census of wintering birds, experts have revealed that, as a rule, dozens of bird species winter in the reservoirs of northern Turkmenistan.

These include ducks, gulls, coots, whooper swans and others.

Let us recall that on September 20, 2023, during the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, held in Riyadh, the unique desert ecosystems of Turkmenistan «Bereketli Garagum», «Gaplangyr», «Repetek» and «Yeraji» were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

This sets the task for the staff of the Gaplangyr State Nature Reserve to continue to successfully continue work on preserving the biodiversity of the protected area, to carry out consistent monitoring of the state of local flora and fauna, and environmental protection activities in accordance with the country’s environmental policy.