Ï The city of Arkadag hosted a stage of the competition «Merdana nesil – 2023»

The city of Arkadag hosted a stage of the competition «Merdana nesil – 2023»

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The city of Arkadag hosted a stage of the competition «Merdana nesil – 2023»

On the occasion of the approaching International Day of Neutrality and the celebration of the 28th anniversary of the recognition by the UN General Assembly of the permanent neutral status of Turkmenistan, the city stage of the competition «Merdana nesil - 2023» was held at the Specialized School of Arts named after Sahy Jepbarov, located in the city of Arkadag, among boys students from 3 years of age to 5th grade of general education schools in the country.

The creative competition, organized by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan jointly with the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly and conducted on a regulatory basis, is aimed at the comprehensive development and spiritual and moral education of talented children. This year the main message of the competition is in tune with the motto of the year «Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar».

The main objective of the competition is to popularize national culture and art, expand the knowledge of the younger generation about folk singing traditions and folklore.

Boys from secondary schools in the city of Arkadag took part in the creative competition. They had to show their abilities in three rounds.

At the first stage, participants competed in eloquent expressions of love for the Motherland. The second round was also designed for the rich vocabulary of the contestants. And the participants fully demonstrated their vocal and musical abilities in the final round, performing songs glorifying great events from the history of our country, happy childhood and brotherhood in the Era of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State.

Based on the results of three rounds, the jury selected the participants who showed themselves the most creatively throughout the competition. In a solemn ceremony, the finalists were awarded certificates of honor and memorable gifts from the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly and the administration of the city of Arkadag.

It only remains to add that the «Merdana nesil - 2023» competition, held among students of the capital, velayat and etrap schools of the country, aroused great interest among the younger generation. Every second boy wanted to become a participant and show his creative abilities.