Ï Exhibition of works by artists of Balkan velayat

Exhibition of works by artists of Balkan velayat

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Exhibition of works by artists of Balkan velayat
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The impressions of Lebap artists' works have not yet faded in the memory, and now the Exhibition Center of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan has organized an exhibition of works by artists of Balkan velayat. According to the idea of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan, this event provides an opportunity for artists from all velayats of our country to present their works and, consequently, for each artist individually.

Balkan velayat is very picturesque due to its geographical features, so the imagination painted predominance of landscape genre. However, at the exhibition, where over 300 works by 31 artists were exhibited, the viewers' attention was first drawn to the portraits. Hatyja Amansahedova presented an originally executed "Self-Portrait." The young artist is depicted in a beautiful and majestic pose, holding a brush in her hand. Characteristically, the bottom part of the dark dress is not completed by Hatyja. On one hand, it signifies that the creative nature as if floating above the ground, and on the other hand, it suggests that the artist has many conceived plots in her thoughts, which are longing to be depicted on canvas.

This artist's brushes also created the painting "Interlocutors." The top-down perspective captures the sneakers of one interlocutor and the hand gestures of another. The painting unintentionally causes a smile.

Nury Halmamedov's portrait looks great against the bright background of the sky. The author Amangeldi Hydyrov depicted the contemplative face of the composer. The painting exudes freshness, purity, and perhaps the birth of a new musical phrase.

Artist Yolmammet Annaev approached the creation of the portrait of Magtymguly Pyragy in a completely different way, presenting the poet and philosopher on a practically black background. The snow-white turban and light-colored face of Magtymguly created a bright contrast that enhanced the painting. In addition, the artist depicted Magtymguly as a pleasant young man, unlike the canonical portrait by Aikhan Hajiev, yet still very recognizable.

Myahriban Begenjeva nicely explored the theme of childhood in two presented paintings: "Three Friends" and "Birthday." While the first work conveys the sense of brotherly friendship and solidarity among boys, the second one captures the joy of children celebrating a birthday with a tea party.

And, of course, landscape occupied a significant place among the exhibits. Amangeldi Hydyrov in his painting "Magtymguly Pyragy" depicted a mountain contour that closely resembled Magtymguly’s profile. This mountain became memorable for all the tourists who visited Magtymguly etrap as one of the local attractions.

Dovran Hydyrov portrayed the ancestral village of Magtymguly, Gerkez, from a bird's-eye view. The artist presented the painting "Gozly ata" at the exhibition, depicting a sacred place where pilgrims come to pray.

"Sea Surf" a painting by Nazmammet Satlykgulyev stood out with its realism among the sea-themed works.

Gulyalek Edemova presented a very interesting exposition of tapestries. Two of them particularly stood out: a still life painting "Vase with Flowers" and a landscape "Splendid View." Gurbandurdy Tekayev exhibited a collection of paintings on the theme of "Turkmen Life," executed on sheepskins.

The collection of Balkan artists also included graphic, sculptural, jewelry and ceramic works, allowing viewers to gain a complete understanding of the development of fine arts in the western region of our country.