Ï Turkmen students are winners of the regional competition «Central Asian Spelling Bee»

Turkmen students are winners of the regional competition «Central Asian Spelling Bee»

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Turkmen students are winners of the regional competition «Central Asian Spelling Bee»

Students from Turkmenistan successfully performed at the regional stage of the spelling competition as part of the «Central Asian Spelling Bee program».

The competition took place in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe. Turkmen people took first and second places. Our country was represented at the competition by four students who showed themselves worthy at the national stage - two students of the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and one representative each from the International University of Humanities and Development and the Turkmen State Institute of Finance.

Last year, Turkmen students also showed brilliant results at the regional spelling competition «Central Asian Spelling Bee» in Tashkent.

Spelling bee is a competition in which participants must spell a word by reproducing its written, dictionary form. The tasks in the competition are given to participants sequentially in increasing complexity.