Ï Theater of Lebap velayat to perform in Bishkek

Theater of Lebap velayat to perform in Bishkek

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The creative team of the Seyitnazar Seydi State Music and Drama Theater of Lebap velayat will participate in the VI International Theater Festival "Aitmatov and Theater", timed to the 95th anniversary of the writer. The festival will be held in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, from December 7 to 12.

The Lebap Theater will present the play "The White Steamboat" on the international stage. The theaters of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Uzbekistan will also perform plays based on Aitmatov's works.

It is worth noting that the jury of the "Aitmatov and Theater" festival includes Gulyalek Akmyradova, People's Artist of Turkmenistan, actress of the Main Academic Theater of the country.

Cultural events in Ashgabat for the weekend:

The theaters of the country's capital will delight the audience with premieres on the pre-holiday days. In addition, a number of cultural events will be held in Ashgabat.

On December 9, the French Institute in Turkmenistan invites visitors to the New Year's Fair of Craftsmen. Guests of the event will be able to purchase gifts, souvenirs and original handmade crafts. The fair will take place from 11:00 to 17:00.

On December 10 at 18:00, the concert of the group "Happy People" will take place at the Turkmenistan Cinema and Concert Center. The program of the evening will include cover versions of songs by famous foreign and Russian bands.

The Main Academic Drama Theater named after S.Turkmenbashi the Great:

08.12.2023: «Hoşlaşasym gelenok» 19:00;

09.12.2023: «Hindi rowaýaty» 19:00;

10.12.2023: Premiere «Gar Harasady» 19:00.

Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater:

09.12.2023: «Super gaýynene» 19:00;

10.12.2023: «Balzaminowyň öýlenişi» 19:00.

Pushkin State Russian Drama Theater:

09.12.2023: «Маша и медведь» 12:00;

09.12.2023: Premiere «Волки и овцы» 19:00; 

10.12.2023: «Золушка» 11:00; 13:00.

10.12.2023: «Шикарный мужчина» 19:00.

Alp Arslan National Drama Theater: 

08.12.2023: «Ak gämi» 19:00;

09.12.2023: «Gyzyl alma»19:00;

10.12.2023: «Hüwdi»19:00.

Turkmen State Puppet Theater:

08.12.2023: «Balykçy we balyjak» 15:00.

09.12.2023: «Arşyn mal alan» 15:00;

10.12.2023: «Külbejik» 15:00.