Ï S.A.Niyazov TAU announced the results of the International Ecology Olympiad

S.A.Niyazov TAU announced the results of the International Ecology Olympiad

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S.A.Niyazov TAU announced the results of the International Ecology Olympiad

The Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov announced the results of the 2nd Open International Internet Olympiad in Ecology, conducted by the university among students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and foreign countries.

Overall, a total of 160 participants were awarded prizes based on the final results of the Olympiad.

The winners of the competition were 19 students, 14 of whom represented Turkmen universities with distinction.

The first places were awarded to Orazgeldi Khallyev, Allanazar Cherkezov (S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University), Byakhbit Orazov (Institute of Engineering and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan), Jemshit Beghanov, Sover Serdarov (Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan), Guvanch Yoldashev, Lukmankhekim Garajaev (International Horse Breeding Academy named after Aba Annaev), Sapargeldi Guvanjev (Magtymguly Turkmen State University), Mukhammetali Atabaev, Ismail Nurmuhammedov (M.Garryev Turkmen State Medical University), Aigozel Begenchmukhammedova (State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan), Esmira Babajanova (S.Seydi Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute), Kakajan Sapargulyev (Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan) and Mekan Bayramov (Institute of National Security of Turkmenistan).

Among the winners were five students from Russian universities. They are Olga Yakimova (Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I.Y. Yakovlev), Alina Makova (Arzamas branch of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod), Anna Trefilova and Artem Sviridov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University), and Tatiana Sotskaya (Southern Federal University).

56 participants received second place prizes in the Olympiad. 40 of them are Turkmen students and 15 are students from Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

The jury also identified 85 third-place winners. 55 of them were our students and 30 were representatives of universities from the aforementioned foreign countries, as well as Uzbekistan and the UAE.

The winners and prize winners of the Olympiad were awarded diplomas of the corresponding degrees from the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.

In total, about five hundred students took part in the Olympiad, including students from Ukraine, Indonesia, Japan, China, Turkey, USA, Thailand, the Philippines and Bangladesh.

The organizing committee of the Olympiad noted the successful results achieved by the participants, both from Turkmenistan and from foreign teams. The talent, abilities and creative potential of the youth were highly appreciated.

The organizers also expressed confidence that the Olympiad contributed to increasing the interest of students in further study of ecology and scientific research in this field, developing environmental literacy among young people, and expanding cooperation between universities of Turkmenistan and abroad in the field of science and education.