Ï Experts discussed further steps for Turkmenistan's accession to the World Trade Organization

Experts discussed further steps for Turkmenistan's accession to the World Trade Organization

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Experts discussed further steps for Turkmenistan's accession to the World Trade Organization

The preparation of Turkmenistan for accession to the World Trade Organization was discussed during the visit to Ashgabat of Maxim Medvedkov, international expert, advisor to the WTO Expertise Center.

During meetings with representatives of relevant ministries and agencies of the country, Maxim Medvedkov discussed the importance of harmonizing national and international legislation, bringing them in line with WTO agreements, and reviewed best practices in utilizing WTO membership to gain leading positions, particularly in the fields of green economy and telecommunications.

The expert participated in a roundtable discussion held at the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan. He presented a report titled "Turkmenistan's Accession to the WTO: Analysis of Institutional Frameworks" and provided consultations on the preparation of a Memorandum on the foreign trade regime. Medvedkov also shared recommendations on further actions for WTO accession. Additionally, he delivered a lecture on the topic "World Trade Organization and Business Interests" to students and professors of the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management and the Turkmen State Institute of Finance.

Maxim Medvedkov's visit was carried out within the framework of the joint project "Partnering for SDG Acceleration, Phase II," implemented by the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan in collaboration with UNDP.