Ï Celebrations in honour of the holiday of workers of oil and gas industry and geology

Celebrations in honour of the holiday of workers of oil and gas industry and geology

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Celebrations in honour of the holiday of workers of oil and gas industry and geology

Today, a solemn meeting devoted to Day of workers of oil and gas industry and geology took place in the central office building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan.

This professional holiday instituted by the Decree of the President of the country on January 15, 2010, is annually widely marked in Turkmenistan. The head of the state underlines a symbolic character of the given event: “Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline has a historical and political link with Day of workers of oil and gas industry and geology.

On December 14, 2009 under National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline was opened and put in operation and delivery of Turkmen “blue fuel” to the East started. That day entered by golden letters in annals of the country, was declared as Day of workers of oil and gas industry and geology”.

The energy policy of Turkmenistan consistently realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is aimed at all-around development of oil and gas industry, which are one of the leading branches of national economy and its dynamical integration into the international energy supply system. The large-scale investment projects, which are carried out in the country in the given sphere, have not only an important economic significance, but also play an essential role in strengthening regional and global energy security.

Possessing the richest deposits of hydrocarbons, our fatherland aspires to adjustment of business contacts with leading oil and gas companies and authoritative financial structures as well as considerable expansion of the geography of energy supply.

Turkmenistan attaches special attention to issues of creation of a new architecture of energy security answering to conditions and requirements of time.

Workers and experts of the oil and gas complex of the country took part in the present event.

With big enthusiasm the gathered heard the message of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in which, it is underlined that according to the adopted government programs a great deal of work is carried out to create large industrial complexes in the country, to build gas-transport systems, develop perspective oil fields and gas. In particular, one can attribute the opening some new oil deposits in the southwest of the country, Turkmenistan-China and East-West gas pipelines, as well as the building of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline to achievements of this sphere.

Thanks to an indefatigable work of workers of oil and gas sector high boundaries were reached, our country became one of the world leading states in reserves of fuel minerals. Realising a number of profile international projects, Turkmenistan is aimed at meeting the demand of both its people and the people of neighbouring countries for hydrocarbon resources at present and future, as is marked in the message.

Speakers of the meeting stated a great political and economic significance of the “Galkynyş” gas deposit, which takes one of the first places in the world for reserves of energy carriers. Its stage-by-stage development expands possibilities of delivery of Turkmen natural gas to international markets.

It was stated that the demand for Turkmen energy resources today increases. Therefore, world famous companies and financial institutions aspire to expand cooperation in this area. Realisation of the strategy of Turkmenistan for development of export of “blue fuel” on a complex basis depends on promotion of possibilities of extraction of hydrocarbon resources. The great attention at the state level is given to processing of natural gas and production of goods, which are in great demand on the world market. In this connection, modern gas chemistry complexes are built and placed into operation.

As was pointed out, for the purpose of realisation of the Program of development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for 2030 and maintenance of energy security and stable economic development of the country, the further increase in capacities of the fuel and energy complex is provided. In the given context, at oil and gas deposits target measures are implemented for introduction of the latest scientific and technical solutions, innovative technologies and digital system according to modern requirements in the fuel and energy sector.

Importance of observance of ecological and nature protection standards was also underlined in development of oil and gas fields, extraction, processing and delivery of hydrocarbon resources to consumers. In this regard, a number of national programs, according to which actions for reduction of Impact on climate change, decrease and eradication of negative consequences of emissions of methane into the atmosphere are carried out, were adopted in the country.

As known, in the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-28) that took place in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Turkmenistan officially declared its accession to the Global Methane Pledge.

On the occasion of Day of workers of oil and gas industry and geology, distinguished workers of oil and gas industry, geologists and other workers of the fuel and energy complex were presented with costly gifts on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

A solemn awarding ceremony of certificates and costly presents to winners of the competition organised by "Türkmengaz" State Concern by the Council of Trade Unions of workers of the complex of oil and gas industry and the editorial office of the newspaper “Nebit-gaz” among workers of the branch for the best article, essay, photo report and a poem, which highlight successes and achievements of the oil and gas complex also took place. The competition held under the motto “Oil-gas - my riches, my treasury, let you be glorified, my pride”.

Participants of the celebration expressed their gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the high trust rendered to Turkmen oil and gas industry workers, geologists, creation of all conditions for their fruitful work and successful realisation of the goals put before them and as a whole for indefatigable care of development of the national oil and gas branch in the letter of gratitude adopted on that occasion.

Then, a solemn concert of workers of culture and art of the country took place.

Festive events in honour of Day of workers of oil and gas industry and geology were held today in all velayats.