Ï Seminar participants discussed current issues in the development of the oil and gas industry

Seminar participants discussed current issues in the development of the oil and gas industry

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Seminar participants discussed current issues in the development of the oil and gas industry

In the congratulatory address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to workers in the oil, gas and geological industries, it is noted that Turkmenistan pays great attention to the processing of natural gas and the production of products in demand on the world market. This is confirmed by the construction and commissioning of several modern gas chemical complexes in recent years.

Issues of the most effective monetization of the country's richest hydrocarbon resources, the development of new production facilities for their processing based on innovative and environmentally friendly technologies were discussed at the scientific seminar «Oil and gas industry - the basic sector of the national economy», held on the 15th of December at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

Representatives of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev took part in the event along with scientists and graduate students of the Institute. The director of the Institute of Chemistry, Hallymyrat Atayev, opened the meeting with an opening speech.

The participants' presentations presented the results of research conducted at the Institute of Chemistry to develop the scientific basis for the processing of the country's mineral, hydromineral, hydrocarbon and other natural resources. Achievements and future tasks were discussed in the field of providing local raw materials to existing industries, improving technologies for processing hydrocarbon raw materials, using by-products and production waste for the purpose of resource conservation, increasing production efficiency and the quality of products made from oil, gas and gas condensate, extracted from exploited and again open oil and gas fields.