Ï Management of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" held a meeting with representatives of "Dragon Oil" company

Management of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" held a meeting with representatives of "Dragon Oil" company

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Management of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" held a meeting with representatives of "Dragon Oil" company

The management of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" held a meeting with Ali Rashid Al Jarwan, CEO of "Dragon Oil" company from the United Arab Emirates, who visited Turkmenistan on a business trip. During the meeting, the parties discussed the possibilities of successful development of long-term cooperation, taking into account the extensive experience of joint work and ambitious plans for the further development of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan. It was noted that diversification is one of the main directions of the state policy, implemented under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. 

Turkmenistan possesses vast hydrocarbon resources and aims to develop mutually beneficial cooperation with world's leading companies involved in the exploration, development and extraction of these resources. Among them is "Dragon Oil," which has established itself as a responsible and reliable partner actively incorporating the latest scientific and technical developments in line with modern environmental requirements and advanced technologies.

Increasing the production and processing of oil and natural gas, expanding the export of Turkmen energy resources and finished oil and gas chemical products are the main objectives of this crucial sector of the national economy. These goals form the basis of Turkmenistan's energy policy.

The meeting also emphasized the importance of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's participation in the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which took place in Dubai in early December last year, as well as the significance of Turkmenistan's commitment to the "Ahlumim" methane pledge. The participation of the Turkmen leader in this high-level session and Turkmenistan's commitment to reducing methane emissions demonstrate the country's active involvement in global initiatives aimed at protecting the environment, preventing climate change, reducing and eliminating the negative consequences of methane emissions.

In addition, the meeting highlighted the importance of the working visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, to the United Arab Emirates. Due to the efforts of the leaders of the two countries, Turkmenistan and the UAE constantly develop exemplary interstate relations based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and benefit.

As previously mentioned, during the visit, a meeting was held between the National Leader of the Turkmen people and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Dragon Oil" company. During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on several mutually beneficial areas. The meeting concluded with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the State Concern "Turkmennebit" and "Dragon Oil" (Turkmenistan) Ltd. This document serves as evidence of further strengthening of mutually beneficial relations between our country and the partner company. During the meeting with representatives of "Dragon Oil," the interlocutors emphasized that Turkmenistan is actively involved in the development of the global energy market.

Taking into account the accumulated rich experience of joint work and ambitious plans for the further development of Turkmenistan's fuel and energy complex, the parties discussed the possibilities of further expanding long-term cooperation. It was noted that there are positive opportunities for further interaction, considering the growing demand for energy resources in the global markets. In this regard, Turkmenistan is ready to consider projects for cooperation with "Dragon Oil."

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed confidence that the existing mutual interests will contribute to further effective cooperation in the oil and gas sector.