Ï The production of milk and dairy products is increasing at «Yazlak»

The production of milk and dairy products is increasing at «Yazlak»

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The production of milk and dairy products is increasing at  «Yazlak»

At the private enterprise "Yazlakda " in the village of Parav the Gyzylarbatsky etrap of the Balkan Velayat currently produces 15 types of products. The production of milk and dairy products, which are considered the most nutritious and beneficial to human health, is increasing. Low-fat yogurt, low-fat kefir, bio kefir, traditional yogurt, cream, whey, cheese and other dairy products produced by local entrepreneurs are highly appreciated by domestic consumers.

A lot of work is being done here on organized wintering of livestock in order to preserve the existing livestock, as well as to ensure an abundance of livestock products. Thanks to the ideal care of cows in the enterprise, the amount of milk received from them also increases significantly. In addition, milk is purchased from private households in order to increase production and fully meet daily growing needs. As a result, dozens of tons of dairy products are produced monthly at a private enterprise. High-quality food by weight they are delivered to the retail outlets of the district and the velayat.