Ï Dashoguz and Balkan velayat will be connected by a single energy ring

Dashoguz and Balkan velayat will be connected by a single energy ring

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Dashoguz and Balkan velayat will be connected by a single energy ring

In Dashoguz velayat, the construction of an overhead power line with a voltage of 500 kV, connecting Balkan and Dashoguz velayat, continues at a high pace.

It is being built as part of a comprehensive effort to create a single energy ring in the country. Both public and private structures are involved in the events. Thus, by order of the production association «Daşoguzenergo», specialists from the individual enterprise «Altyn Tug» have already installed 131 supports and 50 kilometers of wires on the section of the route allocated to the team.

And specialists from the «Daşoguzenergogurluşyk» enterprise of the «Türkmenergogurluşyk» concern of the country’s Ministry of Energy, in their area of responsibility stretching over one hundred kilometers, installed 262 metal supports on which 102 kilometers of wires were mounted. Other contracting organizations are also actively working these days.

Similar work within the framework of the construction of a new overhead power line is being carried out on the territory of the Shavat and Akdepe etrap, as well as the Gorogly and Ruhubelent etrap. The total length of the new building is 276 kilometers.

It will ensure reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers, will allow optimizing the operation of power grids and directing excess generated electricity into the country’s unified ring power grid.